View Full Version : How often do people get to play WH40K?

Lost Vyper
08-31-2013, 12:14 AM
Hi ya´ll,

I was wondering, how often do you get to play WH40K? I´m having over two weeks without a game and i´m going bonkers! :mad: I understand, that people work and have families, but gotsdammit prioritize :D!!!

For me, there needs to be at least a game per week. It can be a Escalation League game that lasts an hour, but i needs to throw them bones!
In our FLGC, i´m the one organizing the schedules and trying to make stuff happen, and sometimes it gets VERY boring. I´m scheming on plan b now...thinking of slowly increasing my Dark Eldar army and go venture on the gaming stores further away (when i have a day off)...that reminds me, must do lotto this week :)

Once again, venting off

- Lost Vyper

08-31-2013, 12:16 AM
Few times a week, the advantage of having 6 brothers (and a mother) who play.

08-31-2013, 12:25 AM
1-2 times a week.

Those editorials and top 10 lists don't write themselves!

08-31-2013, 12:40 AM
I try and play once a month. Not much compared to you guys. But with three children (7, 3 and 10 months) a love of fish keeping, boozing with the lads (none of whom play 40k dispite my best efforts) and Motocross not to mention my gaming group being spread around half the UK. There is just not enough time!

I am constantly tinkering with army lists though and reading black library books. So its a rare day that 40k is not part of my life.

08-31-2013, 03:02 AM
I get to play once or twice a week.

Lost Vyper
08-31-2013, 03:08 AM
Few times a week, the advantage of having 6 brothers (and a mother) who play.

So envy :)...well, my 6 year old is still game (when he has time from his Legos), and i hope, that he´ll keep his interest in the future...

08-31-2013, 03:31 AM
It depends on how often I care to go to the "local" store (still 20 miles or so by train). If I wanted to, I should be able to go there 2 times a week when I actually know there are people around and interested in a game (those days being thursday when it has gaming night till 11 at night and saturday). Depending on time I might even get 2 games in on a single day. And then there's a forum run by said store where I can ask if anyone is up for a battle at any other day.

I could probably stop by the "local" GW (about 10 miles by train/bus) as well and find someone there, but there's less certainty someone is actually around up for a game compared to the other local store. And dealing with german translated rules is exhausting if you're doing that for hours.

So technically I could get 1 or 2 games a week easily when visiting a store.

And then there's games at home. My (wargaming) friend lives around the corner so it's mostly a matter of texting/calling and asking if he's up for a game.

But; considering all these options I have to game... I don't game as much as I could. I don't play weekly... maybe a single game monthly. But technically; the option is there to game a lot. And probably I should since my armies are stacking up (I paint and collect more clearly, heh)

08-31-2013, 03:35 AM
Usually 1-2 games a week, over 1-2 days.....but I haven't had one in about 3 weeks due to work.....starting to get the shakes, cold flushes and a feeling of paranoia.

08-31-2013, 04:09 AM
Usually a game on mondays at one gaming club, and another on wednesdays at my other club. Often get another game in with a few mates (often apocalypse sized), maybe twice a month.

Recently, leading up to a tournament yesterday, I was getting at least two games on the wednesday club night (small points are fun!) as well as extra games here and there.

Lost Vyper
08-31-2013, 04:39 AM
starting to get the shakes, cold flushes and a feeling of paranoia.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-31-2013, 04:44 AM
2-3 times a week? I play a lot.

08-31-2013, 05:27 AM
play once a week for a league, and pretty much everyone in the league is available to play at some point or another so I can get a game in on any other day, and then a different FLGS has a tournament on the first Saturday of every month if enough people show up, which I go to every month and get really bummed out at waking up at 8 to make it there on time and not have anyone else show up or want to play.

08-31-2013, 07:41 AM
I'm lucky to get one game in a month.
My work comes first and it's not a 9 to 5 job.

This weekend I should have been co-running an Apocalypse Weekend, but last week I got asked to work Saturday & Sunday covering somebody's holidays.
So here I am in work missing out on Apocalypse, and if you've ever seen my previous posts here and elsewhere, you'll know how much that's hurting me.

08-31-2013, 08:50 AM
Right now I'd say I play whereabouts of 6-10 games a year. Back in 98/99, I played about 5 games a week, which tapered off to 1-2 a week, which became 1 every other week or so, etc. I have two small children (1 18 months, the other 11 days), a long commute, and a job that doesn't understand the concept of off-hours. I'm hoping to be able to play more in the future, but every time I think I should be able to, something else comes up and I don't seem to get the time.

08-31-2013, 01:07 PM
in a good year 4 games. usually its about 1/2

08-31-2013, 01:31 PM
Maybe 2 games a year. I dont have the room in my house to play as i have 2 teenagers and a little girl and a dog.
My best mates have either moved to notts (200 miles) and the other is unable to motivate himself to play.
I have no local club and the two nearest gw stores are very small and 12 miles away each.
Nearest club is 26 miles away.
So if there are any mid sussex uk gamers out there... HELP! Lol

08-31-2013, 06:06 PM
Maybe 2 games a year. I dont have the room in my house to play as i have 2 teenagers and a little girl and a dog.
My best mates have either moved to notts (200 miles) and the other is unable to motivate himself to play.
I have no local club and the two nearest gw stores are very small and 12 miles away each.
Nearest club is 26 miles away.
So if there are any mid sussex uk gamers out there... HELP! Lol

In most places in the US, 26 miles would be considered local...

08-31-2013, 06:15 PM
I get to play wargames once a week, most weeks. My wife helps me make time, because she knows I get grumpy if I don't have my Vitamin d6. That said, my interest wavers back and forth between several games. Right now I'm mostly playing and painting my Khador, and haven't played any 40k since the last episode of my once-a-month xenos-only kill-team campaign.

That said, I've just signed up for a once-a-month commitment on my WarmaHordes night, so it's entirely possible that I'll be playing 40k once a month or so - and WarmaHordes the rest of the time - for the foreseeable future.

08-31-2013, 09:27 PM
i play about once a month but those are usually 3 game tourneys at the LGS. sometimes one off games but i do play a lot of other stuff, boardgames once or twice a week and every Sunday (brace for impact!) D&D.
i do spend a lot of time in the hobby though, painting, reading, converting etc.

08-31-2013, 11:23 PM
I try to play at two events each year so 5 games each event gives 10 plus once every two months or so. That makes 16 games a year.

Lost Vyper
09-01-2013, 03:42 AM
Wov, i guess i can´t really complain after all...usually (if i have a day off) i get to play 1-3 games per (gaming)day. And normally gaming day is once a week. It gets more difficult now, when me boy started the preschool, and he has to be there every weekday. Normally, i just took him along and had a nice whole-day-o-gaming, but the gaming time is now 10 am - 4 pm maximum...

Once in a while thou, we have beer hammer saturday, and start in the morning and keep on playing until the rules become (even more? :) ) fuzzy... in the old days, our record playing beer Space Hulk was 17 hours straight and about 20 beers / player...let´s just say, that people were taking naps during genestealer movement and woke up for overwatch :)

09-01-2013, 05:37 AM
In most places in the US, 26 miles would be considered local...

Sorry, the wife interupted my post.
I was going to mention that i work 6 days a week for 48 weeks a year from 8am till 6pm. My only day off is sunday which i am very happy to spend most of with my daughter. Combine that with the south of england having horrific traffic congestion and super expensive public transport, and 26 miles each way tends to take over an hour each way. So gaming other than locally is REALLY hard.
If i get home at 6, then shower, change and have dinner, it will be 7 before i leave, 8 when i get to the club (traffic being nice), 11 after the game and midnight when i get home. Thats if i dont have anything else to do, and can shell out for the petrol or train (we are at £1.40 for petrol here).

All that aside, im planning on at least 3 tournies next year including the ToS, so more games will happen.