View Full Version : Seeker Missiles

08-30-2013, 02:28 PM
The subject was kinda hard to write on since I am not going to go heavily in the missile itself, but had a lot of thoughts and ideals which hit me while I was reading my book.

Orginally I ran armies in 5th and under with a lot of seeker missiles. Besides being more expensive they did pretty well. I been trying to write a good tournamnt list that can handle heavy armor and still do well.

Due to the point cost reduction for 100 points I can add 12 missiles to my army rather easily. The main concern orginally was I can just run 11 more fire warriors instead. Heck a fire warrior is worth almost the same as a missile, nice both are much cheaper.

The missile solution dawn on me when I am trying to fit more anti-air and tank units. I have 200 points to spare and ca't really find that solid unit I really want to use those points on. My solution was two devil fish with 2 missiles each. It than dawn on me if I drop a devil fish I can add 12 missiles really easily.

The issue at 1850 you start filling out slots and start running redundant units. The missiles help with that problem.

Next was the thought what should I add missiles on?

Obviously the devilfish, but do I add them to my sides and my long strike hammer head?

The more I thought about it I started to realize something. I never thought about abilities in conjunction with missiles, I did a little with tank hunting seeker missiles that re roll on pen and re rol to wound on MCs. However I ddn't really think about the differant possibilities out there. Also it brings up a lot of differant questions as well.

Before I go into questions I want to go into my ideals.

My first ideal is Intercept and Seeker missles. The only unit that can do this is broadsides first off. The problem with Intercept is that your weapon system is down basically after shoting the weapon. With seeker missiles it really don't matter since it's a one shot weapon any way. Which make it perfect for intercepting Broadsides. Tank outflanks 3 ignoring cover missile fires as soon as it hits the board. However it would be nice if said missiles can fire at flyers.

The only way I can figure out to get said missiles to fire is to take stealth suits. The suit lead is the only model to be able to intecept or skyfire with a marker light. Since he will need 6s to hit not really great when a flyer comes in or if you wait you can paint, but that is what a skyray is for.

If you don't use the light with the sides the missile will fire at regular bs and doesn't strip cover, so unless you can get some intercepting marking lights out there this ideal is ok.

That being said on th following turn if you use your high yield to fire at the flyer you have a nice jucy missile you can launch the following turn, again marker lights are nice.

If your skyray can intercept it would be awesome. However the missiles are still good for dealing with outflanking bikes, etc.

The bonus is you can fire the seeker and smart missiles, while keeping your high yield or railguns up next turn.

The following ideal I alreay brought up is for a commander to join broasides for MC and Tank hunting seeker missiles. I think this is really good on high yield sides, since it adds range via missiles if a target is beyond 36". Also I want to point out it's good with rail guns as well. I use target lock with my broadsides, so this will give me two strength 8 hits per 3 targets or 6 strength 8 shots, know the winged hive tyrant may not like that.

Which brings up a side note. Since only the bearer can fire the missile. It makes sence to put seekers on other models now, before you can have your marker shoots fire the missiles which meant one skyray or two was god enough. Now with multiple units with missiles you can spread the missile love.

My next ideal is missile love devil fish. This adds anti tank to a good transport unit. You can do, so with pirannas as well. Honestly pirannas can make great seeker platforms at 56 points at least. Meaning at 112 points I can have 2 vehicles than can launch 4 missiles and drop of 4 drones, for a bit more points you can take a melta and switch from long range striking to short range melta. With a 12" movement gap you can drop 3 strength 8 shots into one target, which can change a role from anti tank to anti tank and specialty troop like bikes, I have dem cover saving bikes.

Another point I would like to point out. For each missle and light you add to you army the more anti-air you are adding as well. Which means your pathfinder or marker drones that mange to hit a flying target will give you basically skyfire to your seeker bearers, besides your flyers and skyray.

Which means having skyfire marker lights is a good thing. Also if you run out of seekers on you skyray, you can use the skyfire marker light to paint flyers for your other seeker bearers.

Next thought is you can overwatch with them with Broadsides. Pathfinders overwatch with lights and you use the light to fire seeker missiles.

One thought is making the seeker missle re roll to hit. Not sure if that is possible or not.

I think at thispoint I will add in some missiles to my army. It gives me more options to play with. Also it adds more value to adding more marker lights as well.