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View Full Version : 1,520 Point Armored Battle Group

08-30-2013, 10:36 AM
Here is an Imperial Armor book, army list that I'll be using tomorrow in a friendly match to see how an all-tank army can match up against the last breathe of 5th edition Space Marines. List drawn from the "Imperial Armor One - Second Edition: Imperial Guard." Thoughts?


Company Command Tank [190]
- w/ Leman Russ Exterminator, hull-lascannon, Anti-Grenade Mesh


Commissar Tank [190]
- w/ regular Leman Russ, hull-lascannon, Beast Hunter Shells

Destroyer Tank Hunter Squadron [190]
- w/ 1 x Destroyer, hunter killer missile, camo-netting


Battle Tank Squadron [300]
- /w 2 x Leman Russ BTs, hull-mounted heavy bolters

Battle Tank Squadron [300]
- /w 2 x Leman Russ BTs, hull-mounted Heavy Bolters

Siege Tank Squadron [340]
- /w 2 x Leman Russ Punisher, heavy bolter sponsons, Camo-netting

Total: 1,510 Points

08-30-2013, 11:42 AM
Commisar Tank? What does that even do when your army cant make morale checks?

08-30-2013, 12:46 PM
You have no way to score objectives :eek: You might want to toss in an Armoured Fist Squad or an Armoured Fist Veteran Squad. Although the Leman Russes (Russi? Russs?) are troops they are still vehicles, and vehicles can never score. (Unless of course they have a special rule stating the can, such as "Mechanized Infantry" or something to that effect.)

I also agree with DemonFerret, as it stands right now you do no need to take morale checks on anything and thus the Commissar Tank isn't needed. I do agree with taking the Beast Hunter Shells however you will need to take the Vanquisher turret upgrade to be able to first the Beast Hunter Shells.

08-30-2013, 09:11 PM
Commisar Tank? What does that even do when your army cant make morale checks?

BS 4 and Beast Hunter Shells. It can be supe'd up pretty nicely, but I didn't have enough points for all the bells and whistles I'd like.

You have no way to score objectives You might want to toss in an Armoured Fist Squad or an Armoured Fist Veteran Squad. Although the Leman Russes (Russi? Russs?) are troops they are still vehicles, and vehicles can never score. (Unless of course they have a special rule stating the can, such as "Mechanized Infantry" or something to that effect.)

I also agree with DemonFerret, as it stands right now you do no need to take morale checks on anything and thus the Commissar Tank isn't needed. I do agree with taking the Beast Hunter Shells however you will need to take the Vanquisher turret upgrade to be able to first the Beast Hunter Shells.

I'm not planning to score objectives. I'm planning to table him. And same reason as above for the Commissar tank. Beast Hunter shells, by the by, can be taken by a normal Leman Russ as well as a Vanquisher. Since we often play WYSIWYG, I had to use a regular Leman Russ, since I don't posses any Vanquisher turrets at the moment (left behind in another state).

08-31-2013, 04:52 AM
I would take another anti-tank tank personally. I have been using the armoured company since IA1 first came out, looks like a solid army list. I always take a vanquisher as my command tank personally, other than that looks fine.

08-31-2013, 05:53 AM
I would take another anti-tank tank personally. I have been using the armoured company since IA1 first came out, looks like a solid army list. I always take a vanquisher as my command tank personally, other than that looks fine.

I thought about that, but then figured I'd settle for the middle ground with an Exterminator for the command tank. Otherwise, yeah, I would have gone with a Vanquisher too. Once Ebay does its thing for me I'll have a proper amount of Vanquisher turrets to do what I want to do.

Armored Battle Group list is pretty interesting. Besides all tanks, I'm thinking of maybe expanding into the heavy weapon company groups (from the heavy support section) to add some extra heavy fire to the army.

09-01-2013, 08:58 AM
I really enjoy the armoured company list, very different to anything else out there. people tend to panic when they see it, which is fun, but the army can actually be incredibly fragile. you only have half a dozen or so models on the table, that can be taken out in one hit. fast moving armies like lots of assault marines with melta bombs, teleporting grey knight interceptor squads with psycannons etc. can really spoil your day.

09-01-2013, 09:23 AM
I usually field a command tank + a commissar tank, both Vanquishers, with Beast Hunter Shells, Co-Axial Heavy Stubbers, and Artificer Hulls (don't forget you can choose to use the A-T shell, or the Beast Hunter), 1 executioner, 1 Vanquisher, 2 Russes, 2 Exterminators, and a Thunderbolt in 1,500 (although I usually play 2k games, the other 500 points tends to be another 2 Russes, and another Executioner.) (for my DKK anyway, my Pardus army is 10 Conquerors and an executioner, roughly)

09-02-2013, 04:24 AM
I usually field a command tank + a commissar tank, both Vanquishers, with Beast Hunter Shells, Co-Axial Heavy Stubbers, and Artificer Hulls (don't forget you can choose to use the A-T shell, or the Beast Hunter), 1 executioner, 1 Vanquisher, 2 Russes, 2 Exterminators, and a Thunderbolt in 1,500 (although I usually play 2k games, the other 500 points tends to be another 2 Russes, and another Executioner.) (for my DKK anyway, my Pardus army is 10 Conquerors and an executioner, roughly)

That's not too bad a list. Wish I had a thunderbolt though...

09-02-2013, 04:26 AM
I really enjoy the armoured company list, very different to anything else out there. people tend to panic when they see it, which is fun, but the army can actually be incredibly fragile. you only have half a dozen or so models on the table, that can be taken out in one hit. fast moving armies like lots of assault marines with melta bombs, teleporting grey knight interceptor squads with psycannons etc. can really spoil your day.

Agreed. I've a BA-player friend that does similar things and I've learned from experience to use the maximum range of my weapons and target priority. I'm actually considering adding in an Allied Detachment of regular IG, so I can fit in my Rough Riders for some nice 3+ armor killing power. Whenever I use them, they hang around in the background, in cover, and only make a showing when Assault Marines or other Mareens appear out of the clouds to try and ruin my day. Been pretty successful with them too.

09-02-2013, 04:32 AM
I used to use armoured fist squads to intercept assaulters, but these days I find punishers to be a suitable deterrent. volume of fire brings down artificer armoured power fist captains etc. when I am feeling really mean I field a force with two punishers, two punisher vultures, and an avenger. everything is dead by the end of turn 3.

09-02-2013, 04:51 AM
I used to use armoured fist squads to intercept assaulters, but these days I find punishers to be a suitable deterrent. volume of fire brings down artificer armoured power fist captains etc. when I am feeling really mean I field a force with two punishers, two punisher vultures, and an avenger. everything is dead by the end of turn 3.

Sounds like my kind of punishment. As you can see in the OP, I included two of them into my list. >:}