View Full Version : Help VS Eldar!

08-29-2013, 11:31 AM
I play marines and just not able to win vs eldar, maybe barly score a draw.

This i my Dark Angel list:
captain - mace of redemtion, bolt pistol, artificer armour (and he needs it :eek:)

Dreadnought - twin-linked lascannon

Tactical sq (10) - lascannon, plasmagun
Razorback - twin-linked lascannon

Tactical sq (10) - multi-melta, meltagun, vet. sarg, power fist

Tactical sq (5) - lascannon

Land speeder - typhoon missiles, heavy bolter

Predator - autocannon, heavy bolters

Tactical with razorback combat squads and the captain with 5 marines and plasmagun goes in razorback, slowly moving forward. 2 lascannon squads stay back and shoot. tacticals in rhino rush forward. Dreadnought moonwalks in the back hugging cover and shooting stuff.

This is the Eldar list (kind of...)


jetbikes (3)

jetbikes (3)

dire avengers (5)
Waveserpent - shuriken cannon, twin-linked scatter laser

Warwalkers (2) - 4x brightlance

Wraithlord - 2x brightlance, gosthglaive

dark reapers (3) - exarch with fast shot and whole squad with str 8 missiles
Waveserpent - shuriken cannon, twin-linked scatter laser

Farseer goes with dark reapers, hugging the back (and cover when possible), farseer powers are random but usualy re-roll to hit. Jetbikes are always in reserve and are used for last moment objective thieves. Actually whole army just stays back and shoots my army to pieces!

I dont believe my list is that bad and ofcourse the dicegod is against me. But is there a good tactic vs this army and/or eldar in general? Of course my opponent only seems to be playing when there is alot of scenery...The new dex is comming but i dont think much is going to change for the marines.

08-29-2013, 12:28 PM
i'm an eldar player and i'd say that eldar excell in medium to long range combat, so if you close to short range or close combat right away it would help you out a lot. try drop podding the dred and maybe deep striking the land speeder. if you go first it could give a good alpha strike hit. land near the serpents rear armour where its shield doesnt work and blast away or give it a heavy flamer and burn the dark reapers or wipe out the warwalkers with the dred and the speeder. and lascannon the wraithlord away.try that and let me know how it goes. and maybe giving the rhino squad a drop pod too would help as well

08-29-2013, 01:16 PM
Dark Angels aren't getting a new 'dex, regular Marines are...
aside from that, I'm an Eldar player myself as well, and to be honest I don't see much to fear in your list there... maybe try and use some Deathwing...
Eldar are amazing when they have the time and liberty to choose their targets, but put them under pressure and they tend to crumble... so either get some more scary shooting (Vindicators/Whirlwinds) or get in his face quickly - think a full Rhino(or Razorback with combat squad) or two going flat out first turn while at the same time there's a squad of Deathwing Deep Striking straight and true into one of his flanks and a Drop Pod slams down on the other side, both killing an infantry squad each immediately. That's the kind of pressure you should aim for - and see him sweat and panic! (Ideal scenario admittedly, but both arrivals are guaranteed and depending on terrain a little scatter should not be too bad either (although when it goes wrong that really hurts you)... that even comes together quite nicely at your point level...

Stone Edwards
09-04-2013, 01:35 PM
I was going to say that the Eldar list doesn't look all that strong, but looking harder it seems like it's tailor made to beat yours. All those bright lances against your mostly mech army, he probably gets first blood just about every game by popping a transport. I'd say drop the transports and add in a deathwing squad, if you drop them behind one of the wave serpents you could probably pop it pretty reliably (since the shield doesn't work from the rear) turn one and if you take the other advice and add in a whirlwind you could probably take out the troops that come out right after. You could probably drop the captain (they aren't that amazing for DA) and take belial instead to make the terminators troops and so they don't scatter for deep striking. Actually with split fire you could possibly take out the DRs in addition to a WS (not sure if they start in the WS). Also maybe try drop podding a tac squad and give it a flamer and combat squad it, seriously this just ruins Eldar's day.

Da Gargoyle
09-13-2013, 03:49 AM
I would say you are being too cautious with your vehicles. They should blast foward flat out, along a road if there is one, every inch counts. Once you get as far as you can go, pop smoke, its a mimic move of fast skimmers flat out and hope the cover save works. Just rushing the Rhino forward allows the Eldar gun line to take it in turns to melt it, and the next unit flenses the marines that spill out. Make it 3 targets with cover saves, Rhino and Razorback with smoke and the Typhoon with jink changes the whole picture for the elf, (And I call him elf with affection because I am one)

Maybe ditch the multi melta for either a heavy flamer or plasma cannon. I would go flamers because Eldar rely on cover a lot. I used to go nuts trying to brew up a trukk load of Ork sckorchas before they got to close. The guy had ten flamers & a mek with a force field in the trukk and it guaranteed an elfin bbq if I did not kill the trukk fast enough.

I could well be wrong about this, but I am not sure you can put two separate units, ie two combat squads from different tactical squads in one vehicle at the same time. Usually the only time you can mix units in a transport is with a unit and independant character or multiple IC's. I could be reading you wrong but it looks like you were saying you were putting two combat squads in the Rhino.

Task your predator on the walkers, your las cannons on the wraith lord and your typhoon on the dark reapers, who in the first turn will actually be harder to kill if they have cover. Also, see who can hit the far seer if he is not actually a part of the reaper squad.