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View Full Version : 3 new box sets announced for Dystopian Wars October pre-release

08-29-2013, 09:54 AM
The 3 sets look like they are either support forces for any fleet, or are designed to ally with any fleet.

The first is an East Indian Merchant Fleet. Used to keep the companies trading lanes open, and can attach to any fleet it seems. battleship, 3 cruisers, airship, 8 frigates, 10 fighter tokens and rule booklet.


The second is Merchant Naval Convoy which may be useful in campaign for resupply. They also have 68 drop in parts to make a variety of merchant ship types, troop transport ship, 3 armed oil rigs. The set comes with 2 support carriers and the rule booklet.


The last set is an amphibious landing set. They put a lot of the landing barges together, 1 large, 3 medium and 4 infantry, along with 10 tugs, 8 A5 beach landing objectives, and 2 of the new support carrier.


I am pretty stoked by the merchant convoy as I want to get some support carriers.

Infinite Freedom
09-05-2013, 12:57 AM
What kind of rules do they have?

09-05-2013, 04:52 AM
NOt sure. The rumours are that the East India Company might be part of the British Empire, other rumours are that it is Neutral and can be used as a temporary ally for other nations because it is escorting merchant convoys destined to the foreign countries docks.

The merchant convoy is definitely neutral and being used by every nation. I like the fact that it gives nations the ability top take TFT because of the support carriers. Even if it is only a recon TFT, or a squadron of 3 TFTs.

There are even Q-Ships which are armed merchant ships that carry cargo, but also have hidden weapons and are fitted out for certain roles like Anti-Air (lots of AA), anti-Submarine (lots of depth charges), or something in between. Some Q-ships traditionally had a single use fighter plane that spotted enemy subs, or fought off enemy long range torpedo bombers. The pilots normally dived next to a ship and then were rescued.

I am not sure about the last box set yet, except that it provides extra landing barges, tugs and scenario rules for landing objectives.

Infinite Freedom
09-09-2013, 06:45 PM
Sounds like gap fillers. Russians would take at least a few of those AA ships. If they're allies that is.