View Full Version : Scenery Resources - Propaganda Posters

08-29-2013, 08:35 AM
I've been using propaganda posters on my scenery for years now, as well as on the larger bases of many of my models. It occurs to me that other people might like to use some of the posters I have found (I have created none of these). Basically, here's a link to all the posters I have found online (after many hours of trawling for them) that I think are useful for 40K models. Quite a lot are fairly humourous, which I think is always nice - fits with my vision of what 40K should be.

To use them, just save them, load them into a word document, resized to 40K scale (I manage to get about 50 to a sheet of A4 paper), and print them out. You then apply PVA glue to the whole back of the sheet and press down. Once dry, if you smear them with an appropriate pigment dust, they look really rather effective.

Anyway, here's the link, and a few examples:



Here's an example of one in use:


08-29-2013, 08:38 AM
I think lord Kitchner would approve of number 2 :)