View Full Version : Aspects of War.

Mr Mystery
08-29-2013, 08:18 AM
And the creative juices flow! Well. Kind of....

For Eldar aficionados, it's well known that the warrior Aspects in the Codex represent only the most common Aspect Shrines.

Others a mentioned, in particular the bizarre sounding Slicing Orbs of Zandros......

As such, much with Marine Chapters, there's room to play here!

Has anyone invented their own Aspect? Ever been tempted? Would you like to?

If so, contribute to this thread, and where appropriate, post up pics, stats, background, role and so on!

08-29-2013, 08:48 AM
I've always wanted to make a decent jump pack assault aspect - back in 2nd edition there were rules for slicing orbs that used WSJG's to get across the table.. the fact that there are no jump-troop assault units is silly honestly (although that role is sated by shining spears somewhat).

Something that uses either the swooping hawk wings or WSJG's to a bog-standard unit of assault troops with a 4+ save, Str 3 weapons with maybe a special rule or two thrown in would be fantastic.

08-29-2013, 09:34 AM
The trick is finding a role that isn't covered by an existing aspect AND finding a way to make it interesting and unique.

Roles that are available: snipers, heavy weapon guys, some kind of tank pilot, just off the top of my head.

As for the suggestion of jump pack assault troops, the trick would be making them different to Hawks, Warp Spiders, Scorpions and Banshees.

Actually, I'm liking the idea of making an aspect that uses one or other of the heavy weapon platforms. Not sure how to make them unique, though.

Da Gargoyle
09-03-2013, 04:13 AM
I think you are forgetting forge world here. I know it is not unique or your own invention but they have some interesting items. I have a Wraith Seer, which is partially built and some Shadow Specters waiting in the wings as it were. The Specters are equipped with jet packs that allow them to move like Tau battle suits and they are armed with prism weapons that operate in a similar fashion to Fire Prisms. Or like Fire Prisms used to.

I have created my own Craft World with the unique colour scheme. The linking colours throughout the army has been DA green, Bubonic Brown and Tin Bitz. Although I found this brilliant metallic blue for the Banshees, and a metalic emerald green for the Scorpions, the yellow trim being a flat yellow. I have also blended DE Wyches with Guardians to produce some Storm Guardians with wicked weapons and dynamic poses.