View Full Version : Tackling Super Heavies?

08-27-2013, 01:29 AM
Hi guys,
managed to get a couple of apoc games in over the bank holiday weekend and came up against an IG Baneblade for the first time. I have a vanilla marines force and really struggled to even threaten it. I know I need to add a few more lascannons to my army and hopefully a flyer isnt too far away, I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or tried and tested tactis for getting to grips with super heavies?

08-27-2013, 01:42 AM
Apocalypse is largely about D weapons. If you are facing super heavies, you want them.

08-27-2013, 03:21 AM
either that, or the tried and true suicide... Drop Pod Sternguard/Ironclad with meltas or THSSminators, both preferably in large numbers (don't expect many to survive tho...)

08-27-2013, 09:49 AM
Yep 1 drop pod full of melta guys should be able to smoke a super heavy IG tank. Hell last year's apoc game, mine didnt even last 1 turn. IG basilisk battery destroyed me without even firing one of my guns. 500pts worth of nothin

08-27-2013, 11:20 AM
6th ed veh rules leads me to believe hth against it is the best thing - with meltas before the charge.

08-27-2013, 02:46 PM
Thanks guys!

08-27-2013, 03:31 PM

This little ruse worked pretty well for my Eldar back at Easter, in the previous incarnation of Apocalypse.

Hornet Formation gave me a Webway Portal acting as my table edge.
Out pop 29 Fire Dragons, split across four Units with a Farseer just for good luck...

Oh, dear...
Your 2,500 point, 10 Structure Point (30 HP) Chaos Titan has just blown up on Turn One without firing a shot...

08-27-2013, 04:17 PM
There's pretty much no superheavy I can think of that can survive its points worth of anti-tank infantry. The trick is just getting them there. That's a pretty awesome way to solve that problem, Pssyche.

08-27-2013, 11:57 PM
A lot of this kind of thing comes down to who gets the first shot.

But with that Infantry, it's a challenge getting them built and loaded for bear.

08-28-2013, 01:48 AM
Cheers, think im gonna tailor my Sternguard to that specific role!

08-28-2013, 03:44 AM
Cheers, think im gonna tailor my Sternguard to that specific role!

yeah good plan - that's what I mostly use my Deathwatch for (built the squad when they got their White Dwarf rules introducing special ammunition, before the Marine Codex... and since they are just plain better as Sternguard, and my mates know exactly what they are (some are our very own Deathwatch characters from the RPG) they don't mind if it's not exactly WYSIWYG...). A bunch of combi-meltas are very useful outside of Apoc as well - especially with the ability to Combat Squad the bunch to avoid overkill...

08-28-2013, 02:56 PM
Awesome, I wanna have mine as Deathwatch aswell! Going to start with a 5 man squad. Sgt with pwer weapon and combi-plasma, 2 x combi-melta and 2 x melta, really looking forward to painting them up!

08-28-2013, 06:58 PM
close combat or items like vortex grenades on a suicide unit :) or another superheavy. though wazdakka is pretty good so far he has claimed one warhound titan :)

08-30-2013, 03:41 AM
I've faced superheavies only a few times (Baneblade and Stompa mostly) and I agree that dedicated anti-tank unit (or two) delivered in their vicinity is the best option.
First Stompa (slightly damaged) was destroyed by my single Fire Dragon Exarch (I had some luck on dices - 6,6,6 and it blew up in apocalyptic explosion... :D).
Second (undamaged) was destroyed by 10 eldar strong Fire Dragons unit, deployed from WS.
Baneblade was destroyed by combined effort of Fire Dragons and Dark Eldar Jetbikes.

Except first stompa all of them were destroyed in a single round by coordinated, precise strike.

Pssyche's idea of delivering FD via Webway Portal is great. I use deepstriking unit of Fire Dragons (ability granted by allied eldar Corsair Prince) - it's easier but less precise.
Sternguards in Drop Pod would do their role but having some lascannons or melta landspeeders as a backup wouldn't hurt. Good luck :)

08-30-2013, 03:43 AM
Thanks for all the tips!

09-09-2013, 08:35 PM
My Reaver Titan was killed by Eldar Fire Dragons - they, alongside everything within 34" died (apart from it's bloody fire prism that dropped them off) when the reactor went nuclear.

09-09-2013, 09:37 PM

This little ruse worked pretty well for my Eldar back at Easter, in the previous incarnation of Apocalypse.

Hornet Formation gave me a Webway Portal acting as my table edge.
Out pop 29 Fire Dragons, split across four Units with a Farseer just for good luck...

Oh, dear...
Your 2,500 point, 10 Structure Point (30 HP) Chaos Titan has just blown up on Turn One without firing a shot...

How did the portal get there in the first place? My only experience with them is when Dark Eldar have one popping out of a Haemonculus' hand after dropping it from the side of a transport.

Da Gargoyle
09-13-2013, 03:07 AM
My Son has built up a sizable IG force over the years and when he games it is with two super heavies. A bane blade and a big dude with a huge las cannon designed for other super heavies, it is nicknamed a titan killer because it can do it with one shot. He could field more heavies but he uses a cordon around them of tanks, walkers and chimera. The chimera carry veterans which can tool up on lots of assault weapons which makes the whole plan of assaulting the heavies entertaining.

6th Ed has made assaulting very difficult these days, you can't do it disembarking from vehicles unless they're open topped or assault designed. You can't do it the turn you deep strike or flank. Not sure about the web way portal, haven't seen that before. And do you still have to do leadership checks if you have another target closer to you than the one you want? Shame they dumbed down the wraith guns.

By the way;

My Reaver Titan was killed by Eldar Fire Dragons - they, alongside everything within 34" died (apart from it's bloody fire prism that dropped them off) when the reactor went nuclear.

Fire prisms don't have a troop carrying capacity, I think your mate was having a lend. :confused:

09-13-2013, 04:07 AM
The Hornet Formation in Imperial Armour 11: The Doom of Mymeara gives a Webway Portal.
Once it is in play, it counts as your table edge.
If the Hornets are arriving from Reserves, you can Deep Strike the Portal anywhere on the table.

09-13-2013, 04:18 AM
The Hornet Formation in Imperial Armour 11: The Doom of Mymeara gives a Webway Portal.
Once it is in play, it counts as your table edge.
If the Hornets are arriving from Reserves, you can Deep Strike the Portal anywhere on the table.

First I've ever heard of a deep striking webway portal -- that's scary. How does it interact with the Deep Strike Mishap rules?

09-13-2013, 08:33 AM
By the way;

Fire prisms don't have a troop carrying capacity, I think your mate was having a lend. :confused:

I meant to say Dragon Wagon (Falcon), whoops, damned Xenos and their trickery.