View Full Version : Eldar Warhost WIP - 93,000 Points (17 years of goodness)

08-25-2013, 10:38 PM
*Updated 10/04/2017 (Australian date format)

Well this is probably overdue, however I finally got my rear into gear and began a blog on the collection I've been hoarding over the years and recently settled on a theme for. It has been a labour of love, especially seeking out all the rare items, organising customised goodies etc etc. All part of the fun I guess :)

Anyone interested in seeing how this unfolds, they can do so here - http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au

The current timeframe is as follows;

2013 - Basic troops completed (mostly done)
2014 - HQ and armour completed (mostly done)
2015 - All Warmachines completed (Beginning November 2013 - Jan 2018)
2016 - Hiatus... lots of display case planning, cataloging of inventory, budgeting... general life stuff (you know the drill)
2017 - Display case build commencing March (June completion date), all HQ models to be completed (July), current models in the field finished, last of the Titans (3) to ship (end of year)
2018 - Wraith units, Harlequins, Rogue Trader miniatures, Armorcast transports
2019 - Remaining Jetbikes & Wave Serpents plus a few other outliers
2020 - Tome of the Dras'Volharr to be completed (marking 23 years)

Given my profession requires long hours and weekend work, I don't find alot of time (despite having cysts regularly crop up in my wrist) to do the painting myself sadly. Just before anyone asks "Why aren't you painting these yourself" :)

A full listing of all current models will be written up over the weekend. It will be faster than trying to update my Visio chart of the Warhost given the new additions.

White Tiger88
08-26-2013, 01:13 AM
Holy cra.......I salute you good sir and you make me want 60k of Demons to eat your tasty soul with!

08-26-2013, 01:18 AM
Nice, almost as much eldar as I have.:p Shall watch this with great interest.

White Tiger88
08-26-2013, 01:45 AM
Nice, almost as much eldar as I have.:p Shall watch this with great interest.

....you need to cut back or donate me an army of FW demons o.o

08-26-2013, 04:36 AM
Nice, almost as much eldar as I have.:p Shall watch this with great interest.

It keeps growing :( my wallet says stop, but the ****s keep multiplying. Supposedly it happens when you leave them in boxes alone for too long. Seems to be the problem with gender equality within Eldar armies.

08-26-2013, 04:46 AM
Just wait until your titans start breeding...

08-26-2013, 04:48 AM
Ok, double post. I felt it was needed given the below - Full list (without spares included);

HQ Units - Circa 9250 Points

1x Forgeworld Avatar - Spear type
1x Avatar

1x Phoenix Lord - Asurmen
1x Phoenix Lord - Jain Zar
1x Phoenix Lord - Baharroth
1x Phoenix Lord - Fuegan
1x Phoenix Lord - Maugan Ra
1x Phoenix Lord - Karandras
1x Phoenix Lord - Irillyth

4x Autarchs (Including Ltd Edition 2006 Box Set Autarch)
1x Chapterhouse Female Striking Scorpion (Used as Scorpion Autarch)
1x Prince Yriel - Autarch of Iyanden
1x Illic Nightspear - Pathfinder Autarch (Sure, let's go with that)

3x Jetbike Autarchs (Games Workshop Sculpts)
3x Jetbike Autarchs (Non-Games Workshop Sculpts)

1x Forgeworld Wraithseer

4x Spiritseers
1x Iyanna Arienal - Spiritseer of Iyanden (Unreleased Juan Diaz Test Sculpt)
1x Bonesinger (Ltd Edition)

2x Eldrad Ulthran (One to be converted)
12x Farseers
3x Farseers (Unreleased Juan Diaz Test Sculpts)
1x Chapterhouse Studios Farseer (Used as Corsair Void Dreamer)
2x Chapterhouse Jetbike Farseers
2x Non-Games Workshop Jetbike Farseers

47x Warlocks (Seeking one particular sculpt to complete the set)
12x Chapterhouse Jetbike Warlocks
10x Non-Games Workshop Jetbike Warlocks

Elite Units - Circa 8100 Points

*Note; There are a few of each Aspect not included, kept as spares just in case

31x Harlequins - Includes Harlequin Avatar

34x Fire Dragons (4x 6 in Falcons, 1x 10 in Wave Serpent)
40x Howling Banshees (4x 10 in Wave Serpents)
40x Striking Scoropns

60x Wraithguard (6x 10)
40x Wraithblades (4x 10)
20x Wraithguard (4x 5 in Wave Serpents)

Troop Units - Circa 10700 Points

100x Dire Avengers (10x 10 in Wave Serpents)

120x Guardian Defenders (6x 20 with Dual Platforms)
120x Storm Guardians (12x 10 in Wave Serpents - Upgrade bits pending)

76x Windrider Jetbike Guardians
60x Prototype Windrider Jetbike Guardians (Jes Goodwin 2006 Prototype Sculpt)

40x Rangers
40x Pathfinders

Fast Attack Units - Circa 6150 Points

3x Crimson Hunters
3x Hemlock Wraithfighters
3x Forgeworld Nightwing Interceptors

9x Forgeworld Wasp Assault Walkers (Squadrons of 3)
9x Forgeworld Hornets (Squadrons of 3)
18x Vyper Jetbikes (Squadrons of 3)

40x Warp Spiders
34x Swooping Hawks
12x Forgeworld Shadow Spectres

27x Shining Spears (3x 9 per Squad)
27x Non-Games Workshop Shining Spears (3x 9 per Squad)

Heavy Support Units - Circa 7450 Points

3x Forgeworld Phoenix Bombers

30x Dark Reapers
9x Support Weapons of Vaul

4x Falcon Grav Tanks
3x Fire Prism Grav Tanks
3x Forgeworld Night Spinner Grav Tanks
3x Forgeworld Fire Storm Grav Tanks
3x Forgeworld Warp Hunter Grav Tanks

12x War Walkers (3x 4 Squads)
8x Wraithlords (4 Old, 4 New Sculpts)
4x Wraithknights

Corsair Detachment - Circa 2000 Points

1x Corsair Void Dreamer (Previously mentioned Chapterhouse model)
60x Corsairs (6x 10 per Squad)
20x Corsair Jetbikes (2x 10 per Squad - Non-Games Workshop Sculpts)

Warmachines - Circa 16700 Points

3x Forgeworld Lynx Super Heavy Grav Tanks (2x Pulsar, 1x Sonic Lance)
2x Armorcast Tempest Super Heavy Grav Tanks (Counts as Scorpions)
1x Forgeworld MK1 Scorpion Super Heavy Grav Tank (In serious need of repair)
2x Forgeworld MKII Scorpion Super Heavy Grav Tanks
1x Forgeworld MKII Cobra Super Heavy Grav Tank

2x Armorcast Towering Knight Destroyers (Counts as Wraithknight)

1x Armorcast Revenant Titan
4x Forgeworld Revenant Titans (2x Pulsar, 2x Sonic Lance)
1x Armorcast Phantom Titan (With all weapon/head configurations - Used as Warlock Class)
2x Forgeworld Phantom Titans

1x Forgeworld Vampire Hunter
1x Forgeworld Vampire Raider

Total - 60350 Points

Model Count - Circa 1300 Figures

08-26-2013, 04:50 AM
Just wait until your titans start breeding...

The eight I have are working on it - I just have to keep in mind the budget to get them painted haha. I laugh but i'm crying a little inside. It's like an abusive relationship.

08-26-2013, 05:15 AM
That's an amazing collection. The painting's really shaping up too. Looking forward to seeing more! So much, much more.

08-26-2013, 06:58 AM
The eight I have are working on it - I just have to keep in mind the budget to get them painted haha. I laugh but i'm crying a little inside. It's like an abusive relationship.
I had to repaint most of mine up to a modern standard a couple of years back, so not fun. Though I only had a bout two third of the total to do. You've got more Armorcast than me, I've got more FW though.;) Really impressive though, I don't think there are many eldar collections as big as ours out there. I've built mine up since '96, bar a half dozen Rogue Trader era sculpts I'm too lazy to track down I have every GW eldar sculpt. You can't be far off by the looks of it.:) You even have the unreleased Iyanna Arienal. They must have had a decent sized casting run for something that wasn't released.

08-26-2013, 07:21 AM
I had to repaint most of mine up to a modern standard a couple of years back, so not fun. Though I only had a bout two third of the total to do. You've got more Armorcast than me, I've got more FW though.;) Really impressive though, I don't think there are many eldar collections as big as ours out there. I've built mine up since '96, bar a half dozen Rogue Trader era sculpts I'm too lazy to track down I have every GW eldar sculpt. You can't be far off by the looks of it.:) You even have the unreleased Iyanna Arienal. They must have had a decent sized casting run for something that wasn't released.

Actually, there were 4 unreleased sculpts - The Iyanna model was the test piece for Juan Diaz' recruitment - 12 of each unreleased sculpt were made, mine are all originals. There is one or two very rare items i'm chasing down (only 4 copies were made), sadly, I know one of the people who own one of them... however I don't think I can tempt him to part with it.

There have been recasts around of the 4 unreleased, however the top right in the photo on the blog wasn't to my knowledge recast by anyone and is also the rarest of the four.

I've not included any of my RT era models, simply because they aren't part of any units FOC wise. That and I have no idea how to account for them points wise lol. Perhaps i'll get them sorted out as well and include them in a separate photo sometime down the track. Not sure if I want to keep them as bare metal collectors items or paint them up though, as putting money into having them painted, doesn't always equate to increasing their value in the rare miniatures market.

I've been lucky enough to know some of the guys who broker the rare miniatures out of Citadel, including those who worked on the last Eldar codex (4th Edition), who've given me great information on where to find them.

There is one collection I do know of that is over 80k in the US, however not entirely sure its all painted or not. Good (expensive) times!

08-26-2013, 07:44 AM
Only 12? Gosh, I know mine is official as I got it through a GW store manager (along with a bare breasted Witch Elf, had to go on a date with his son:rolleyes:). The top right is the only one I don't have and, in fact, haven't seen before so well done on getting that. The other two I have I've long suspected are recasts and given how rare you say they are I'm now sure they are.

I just use the RT stuff as guardians mostly.

I think mine is between 70-75k now. 95% painted or so.

08-26-2013, 09:48 AM
On the subject of unreleased Eldar Psykers I recently came across this chap on E-bay:


Who I've never come across before and I think looks pretty cool and looks to be a far nicer sculpt than the other unreleased ones - anyone have any background on him?

08-26-2013, 04:02 PM
Oh my... my collection suddenly doesn't feel so bad to paint.

08-26-2013, 06:58 PM
Oh my... my collection suddenly doesn't feel so bad to paint.

I think **** got real for me when the Australian Dollar ramped up in value against the pound (about 69 cents). Had a bit of a splurge on Titans at that point lol. I could go a couple more Wraithknights, so each Revenant has two escorts, but i'm finding it hard to justify much more.

Newly released miniatures or sculpts I don't have of course get my priority, even more so if they're rare :D

I might add that i've done very well through generous people in the US - By that I mean those who have unloaded lots of Eldar for bargain prices ($5 Wraithguard when they were $25AUD here). Without their help, I certainly would NOT have an army this large. The AUD for miniatures as you're all well aware is borderline extortion. Paying to have them painted has added to the costs, but i'm still well ahead.

08-27-2013, 11:08 AM
I do wish they would have done something in the rules for the Bonesinger... but I understand it was a limited model and not everyone has one...

Still need to paint mine

08-27-2013, 05:13 PM
Indeed it was, although the Brazilians tend to copy it alot, I see the miniature go up regularly on eBay for a song. The same was with alot of the unreleased items, the casts are pretty good I might add, so it can be hard to tell the difference. I will be a very happy camper when I manage to get my hands on the last couple of unreleased items, although I tend to pay a premium for them if they're non-copies so to speak, however it keeps their value overall.

08-28-2013, 12:00 AM
This is pretty freakin' awesome that you've collected it all and is getting it playable. Awesome!

Quite frankly, if I had the money, I'd pay to have my stuff painted, too.

Also, I love to see armies like this, because they make my collection look ever so reasonable. :D

08-28-2013, 01:02 AM
Haha, there are parts of it that were already playable (painted - very average), however i've had those stripped and repainted to fit the new theme :)

Of course there were those plastic models that just couldn't be stripped - and will probably see themselves sold off to people starting out who just want a couple of knock about units. Good thing it is well on its way to being completed. I may put up some kind of progress bar as a percentage of points completed (or models, can't decide which).

08-28-2013, 10:09 PM
Ok, kinda worked out a "Points completed" progress bar after a little mucking about with some HTML. Decided to throw in a schedule of what is currently completed/sent/underway/etc.

Also, added in Striking Scorpion group shots and updated the Rangers blog entry with some front/back close ups.

08-31-2013, 06:39 PM
Very nice.

Makes my 30,000 pts of Eldar seem pedantic by comparison. I do have more superheavies though ;)

09-02-2013, 12:49 AM
Updated with completed Warp Spiders and Fire Dragons :) I'm told the Dire Avengers are being assembled (or are close to being finished), so I anticipate a sample shot very soon, followed closely by the Swooping Hawks.

The Prototype Jetbikes are almost enroute to be painted (60 of), so that should keep 'em busy until the next wave gets there.

Shipped off the next batch of 20 HQ models today, so some very pretty results should be coming back in the next month or so. Hope to have them all sorted by the end of the year (or very close after that).

I think in 12 months time i'll have to go house hunting, and probably not for myself!

09-03-2013, 11:54 PM
Updated with scenic base selection, and a little progress on the Craftworld background development... plus the addition of a White Seer ;)


09-04-2013, 01:54 AM
I quite like these as resin bases for Eldar.


If it wasn't for the fact i do the same bases for all my armies i'd go abck and redo all my Eldar onto them

09-04-2013, 04:55 PM
I quite like these as resin bases for Eldar.


If it wasn't for the fact i do the same bases for all my armies i'd go abck and redo all my Eldar onto them

Those were my first choice originally, then I realised the majority of my army was ground based, and to have Craftworld wraithbone all over the place might have broken the theme up a little too much. Perfect for a wraith army though :)

Secret Weapon Miniatures also do a nice set of bases, however they fit more for games like Infinity. I guess the Scibor minis really screamed "Eldar Ruins" to me, which was what the Craftworld history is based around :)

It's a tricky business getting everything spot on!

Next - to work out better options for Jetbike stands (magnetised of course being the most preferred option).

Jamie Hutber
09-05-2013, 10:33 AM
Mind blown dude!!!

I didn't think it was feasible to even paint what appears to be 100 rangers, but to want to paint them would have been the moment i would have drawn the line. Goodness it takes me like a month to paint 1 warlock. How can you paint so much lol

I'm like you, in a way. Not to your extreme but I've hunted down all the unreleased models. I've no doubt they aren't originals but what can I do about that aye!

So, could you just sum up where this all started :) I mean, who thinks I'll make an entire craftworld lol

Also, that ebay model is unreleased, some chap sculpted some of them and sold them for like £7, but now they fetch a pretty penny on ebay.

09-05-2013, 02:35 PM
Awesome collection. My overall emotion is somewhere between jealousy and 'squeeeeee'. :D

This is the sort of thing I hope to build up to with my own, getting rare casts if I can (though trying to be careful with the price, having seen someone on ebay that had bought a velard jetbike sculpt then re-listed it as a 'rare unreleased GW jetbike sculpt' for £90 it's obviously easy to pay over the odds for things). At the moment though, I am nowhere near, but check back in 10 years. :D

09-05-2013, 04:53 PM
Mind blown dude!!!

I didn't think it was feasible to even paint what appears to be 100 rangers, but to want to paint them would have been the moment i would have drawn the line. Goodness it takes me like a month to paint 1 warlock. How can you paint so much lol

I'm like you, in a way. Not to your extreme but I've hunted down all the unreleased models. I've no doubt they aren't originals but what can I do about that aye!

So, could you just sum up where this all started :) I mean, who thinks I'll make an entire craftworld lol

Also, that ebay model is unreleased, some chap sculpted some of them and sold them for like £7, but now they fetch a pretty penny on ebay.

Hi Jamie,

I didn't paint them mate, I have four commissioned artists working on the army - Further down the blog I have a few entries as to who is doing what ;) as well as how the whole thing began back in 1996-97.

I have two different Jetbike sculpts, one done by a lad in Russia and another which was a replica of the Jes Goodwin Prototype, however the rider is very very slightly different (the head specifically).


Don't fret mate, it has taken me a good 16-17 years to get this far. Granted the price discrepancies certainly did not help one bit (shakes fist), i've done extremely well for someone with limited access and funds over that time. Alot of personalisation has gone into it, from dice pouches, dice, a WIP history book, customised cabinet (the design is WIP) and other shenanigans. Whilst there are other armies out there larger than mine (but not by much), i'm hoping to have one of the truly unique/rare Warhosts on this blue orb we call Earth :)

I think I honestly got sick of all the giant Space Marine armies in display catalogues, on websites, etc etc - Figured i'd do my bit to even the odds >:D

I have copped alot of flak over the years, with people calling me a hoarder, jabs about how I don't play anymore etc - I just sat quietly and ignored it, as they had absolutely no idea what I was planning... nor did they know how determined I was to see it through! In a sense, I don't want it to end, as I don't know how I will feel when it is completely finished (if ever). Eventually, i'll have to value it (paint work included) to insure it all. I'll be glad though when i've got a house sorted so I can get to work on a display cabinet - poor little buggers are all in boxes stored safely until then.

Jamie Hutber
09-06-2013, 02:53 AM
Argh the old house thing. I've recently moved to Austria and will move back to the UK sooner or later, but its a rather large annoyance to think, if i paint this here then I'll have to cart it all the way back on a plane and hope it doesn't get lost of broken. Multiple that by say oooo I don't know, 59,000 points and I don't envy you, but you're going to need a dam big house. Plus you've got a few titans in there, even more food for thought. weheyyy!!!

Interesting, this whole project must be costing you a pretty penny. But glad you're doing it, fighting the eldar corner a little bit :) like you say, nobody ever does it. Are you planning on building a craftworld for them to live in? or just the showcase cabinet?

09-06-2013, 10:42 AM

Don't fret mate, it has taken me a good 16-17 years to get this far.

I'm regretting leaving the hobby for the last 10 years, thinking about how much I could have got done in that time. On the other hand, I'm appreciating the way in which I can now come at it, with a bit more confidence to undertake making something less 'out of a box' in places (and better funded to do so).

I think I honestly got sick of all the giant Space Marine armies in display catalogues, on websites, etc etc - Figured i'd do my bit to even the odds >:D

Agreed - the 'dream' is not only a collection worthy of being called a 'craftworld host', but also themed scenery/display storage to match.

I have copped alot of flak over the years, with people calling me a hoarder, jabs about how I don't play anymore etc - I just sat quietly and ignored it, as they had absolutely no idea what I was planning... nor did they know how determined I was to see it through! In a sense, I don't want it to end, as I don't know how I will feel when it is completely finished (if ever). Eventually, i'll have to value it (paint work included) to insure it all. I'll be glad though when i've got a house sorted so I can get to work on a display cabinet - poor little buggers are all in boxes stored safely until then.

I'm not quite sure my girlfriend has understood the extent of my 'eldar warhost vision'. Luckily she also collects models, and has some eldar of her own (including some pretty awesomely unique conversions). My light hearted mocking of her 'model addiction problem' will come back to bite me though if I try and bolster my own too fast, and have them sitting unbuilt in boxes.

I'm kind of stuck at a stage where I've got various little projects underway, as well as trying to build up a 'core' of troops to be able to play a few games with now and then. The rangers, with their scenic wire-tree bases are coming along, though still 3 more to do to have a full unit of 10 done and I'm already musing over some custom kit-bashed Phoenix Lords so I could do them out of multi-part plastic kits. First up, Asurmen and Feugan. Working away doesn't help though...

09-08-2013, 01:32 AM
Commendable work Tom :) keep at it, love to see your efforts through the process. The more Elves the merrier!

On that note, the blog has been updated;

1. New Craftworld name (finally)
2. New Craftworld Rune (also, finally)
3. Picked up the latest batch of models (new piccies)
4. Dropped off a bunch of miniatures (Warmachine included)

Progressing slowly, but surely :)

09-09-2013, 08:46 PM
Decided to add sub pages of the other two armies (15k Nids, 15k Marines). They will appear in the book of fluff over time. Kinda got spurred on as office colleagues are interested in having fortnightly beer/pizza nights with wargaming (seems some of them used to play the game). Good times.

... now to find affordable pre-made modular gaming tiles.

09-11-2013, 04:51 PM
Non-GW Jetbikes now underway ;)


Also trying to work out what would make a good destroyed warmachine for a Titan scenic base that will begin in November - so I have a month to come up with something, then enough time to order it, break it to bits, convert it etc ready for painting.


09-19-2013, 07:14 PM
Quick update. Customised table concept is being sussed out (sketches on the blog) and other updates (minis that have gone out, come back and WIP).


Turns out I can draw more than stickmen.

09-24-2013, 10:24 PM
Jetbike Warlock finished, sneak peak attached... to be updated with full pictures of the full group and Shining Spears...


10-08-2013, 07:05 PM
I hear you Tom, it is good to have the support of "She who must be obeyed" haha.

New update, 3/4 commissioned artists have got back to me with WIP shots (Farseer, Jetbike Warlocks, Shining Spears and Dire Avengers) - http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/wip-updates-ahoy.html

Many pretty pictures of course ;)

Should see these finished off in the next couple of weeks, along with the arrival of a new Eldar shipment and rare goodies from the UK!

10-27-2013, 04:43 PM
New updates -

1. Scenic base models chosen - Chaos themed crashed Thunderhawk Gunship and head stomped Brass Scorpion - http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/and-winners-are-titan-scenic-base.html
2. New poll for which god/faction to apply to the Thunderhawk
3. Eldar Planetscape 8x6 modular Table locked in - starts December 1st - http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/custom-eldar-table-update.html
4. Russian Jetbikes (Warlocks & Shining Spears) completed, Dire Avengers started - http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/wip-updates-ahoy.html
5. New group shot and individual photos of the pro painted Farseers (Frost and Lava Farseer) - http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/update-leonardo-da-vincents-farseers.html
6. First of two batches from the USA turned up, including Ltd Edition Eldar books.

Enjoy :)

11-06-2013, 05:26 PM
Just a quick update, recently acquired one of two Prototype Eldar Bonesingers - this is not the Limited release one, it is an entirely different sculpt - http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/rare-prototype-bonesinger-let-me-sing.html

11-07-2013, 05:41 PM
Spirit Seer rock band of bad-arsery ;) - http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/galactic-rockband-of-awesome-spirit.html

11-22-2013, 12:25 AM
Dire Avengers (first batch of 70) have been completed. Group shot and individual close ups of the Exarchs and regular DA's here - http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/dire-avenger-group-shot.html


11-22-2013, 02:45 AM
I had a dream to paint a chapter of BA by the end of the year, I have 102 models to go...
Good luck and keep on keeping on!

12-17-2013, 04:26 PM
New updates :)

Commissioned Wargaming table has kicked off and the foam is well into being cut (for the table... structures are yet to come). And most recently, the older GW Shining Spear sample has been completed (had a few alterations so the line work isn't masked, but you'll get the idea).





01-06-2014, 01:57 AM
Few more updates;

1. The Eldar Planetscape is coming together nicely, areas marked for ancient rune tiles with dust over the top and blue areas marked for Eldar structure placement.


2. Vincent (Duskfrost) has come back to me with the most recent WIP Farseer (an OOP Rogue Trader model) - aka the Starseer (star themed cloak). This is number five of twenty :)


01-06-2014, 01:58 AM
Edit: Posting over two posts because this forum is slightly retarded when counting how many images there are (counts the image open and close tags as TWO images, not one).

3. Clinton has got stuck into the Wave Serpents, belting out 10 of them (WIP), which will give the Aspects a ride once completed.


4. My mate in Russia has sent over some very nicely done Harlequin Jetbike Rider heads (he has done the canopies as well, just waiting for the bodies).


And of course the links respectively to my blog entries with further details...

Vincent's latest (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2014/01/the-vincent-returns-starseer-wip.html)

Updates (from all commissioned artists) (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2013/12/current-schedule-and-wip-sneak-peak.html)

Harlequin Jetbiker Heads (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2013/12/new-harlequin-jetbike-pieces.html)

02-20-2014, 08:58 PM
It's been a while since I updated this thread, so now seems like a good time...

1. A bunch of Farseers from Vincent have been done - two OOP Rogue Trader Farseers and two of the Juan Diaz unreleased sculpts, including the Iyanna Arienal model.

2. Elliot has been going nuts building the Eldar themed planet scape, having finished the mountains, dug the dry riverbed and produced Eldritch tiling for the runic mosaic.

3. Titans and Super Heavy Flyers have found a very skilled artist in the USA who has agreed to take on the project - feeling a bit special about this one as the lad gives preference to models he actually wants to paint as opposed to taking on every Tom, Dick and Harry.

4. Jes Goodwin Jetbikes are almost finished... all 60 of them.

Very soon there should be photos of the Shining Spears (GW type) and finished Jes Jetbikes.

Currently awaiting a sample back from a lad in the US to see if the Wraithknights/Lords get sent off as a batch.

I've discovered I have stupid amounts of stuff that has multipled in boxes. What was once a 60k Warhost is now up to 72k. Projected estimates for the stuff i've not added into the spreadsheet seem to put it at just over 80k.

02-21-2014, 02:33 AM
absolutly amazing collection and the biggest army i have seen so far!!!

02-27-2014, 06:50 PM
Two pretty significant updates have happened this past week, firstly Elliot has gone bananas with concept ideas for the terrain being built based on Games Workshops sketches from some years ago - when they had seriously thought about creating Eldar terrain. The sketches are sans embellishments, however this will be incorporated into the design as it evolves. Forgoing the traditional walkways in favor of putting in place integrated webway gates for travel between buildings seemed like the better way to go, reducing the complexity of having to create dynamic walkways when the six terrain panels are adjusted.


Secondly, there are now four additional artists working on the project, three of which are focused on the miniatures, with one chosen as the illustrator for Craftworld Dras'Volharr when i've finished writing the book.


Stay tuned for updates coming back from PaintedFigs.com as they're almost finished with the Jes Goodwin Prototype Jetbikes and GW Shining Spears. Prototype samples of the Eldar Phoenix Bomber from Matt and Wraithknight from Shaun are also WIP at present.

03-08-2014, 10:07 PM
Just had the template sample images come back from Matt down south for the Phoenix Bomber. Suffice to say the patterning (based on the images etc supplied) came out perfect. Poor bugger now has an additional 19 Flyers to worry about in the near future. The full post can be found here - WCWDB: Eldar Phoenix Bomber (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/eldar-phoenix-bomber-wip.html)

I addition to this, a batch of Rogue Trader Eldar have found their way from the UK to my doorstep - well on the way to completing the RT side of this project - WCWDB: Rogue Trader Eldar (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/rogue-trader-eldar-incoming.html)



I've also had word from Steve in the USA who now has my Super Heavy Flyers - should be very interesting in the next couple of months to see what comes up.

04-13-2014, 08:09 PM
Thought id do a bit of an update with the Vampire trio, full updates can be found here (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/vampire-hunter-wip-winged-death.html) and here (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/vampire-raiders-fire-ice.html) with the new Dras'Volharr rune here (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/craftworld-drasvolharr-rune-coloured-in.html);

And now for the pretties...






04-14-2014, 10:41 AM
This is spectacular in every way! One question what will this cost you? I don't mean to be rude I would just really like to know

04-14-2014, 03:16 PM
I've honestly not kept track all the years. I do have to thank all my distributor mates and fantastic people i've dealt with on 2nd hand forums though, else this would have never been possible. Given the 40k community are well aware of the prices paid in Australia, buying from generous folk in the UK/Canada/USA was the only way this was achievable. Frankly, with the discounts on goods and bulk painting etc, it would still come in well under the normal RRP over the years - plus I got in before all the geoblocking was an issue. The full Warhost stands at around 90k now (seems stuff multiplies in boxes at my place), although I only list what has been allocated to painters on the blog (78,250 so far). This will likely change in the next 12 months as I allocate the Rogue Trader era stuff (there are a good 280+ models in that batch alone).

PS: If anyone knows how to change the thread title, that would be a handy bit of info as it needs a 6 replaced with a 9 now haha.

04-22-2014, 05:37 PM
Figured i'd do a bit of a FAQ for most of the common stuff, i'll do a part two later next month. Mostly centric around how the army came to be, how I got hold of certain minis, insanity checks etc


05-09-2014, 01:56 AM
So I thought it might be time for an update again.

In chronological order of blog updates...

The Eldar Vampire Hunter, having been darkened and given a sinister appearance.

Followed by a couple of Female Farseers (modified from the 2006 Seer Council box).

The trio of Vampires on their way to being properly fitted to their bases.

Titans... lots of Titans... all enroute to the USA as I type this.

The ultra-rare Bright Stallion Knight Prototype - recently acquired.

An update for the Eldar Planetscape, of the former maiden world, Dras'Volharr.

Annnnnd finally the conga line of Wave Serpents almost ready for assembly.

Now for a couple of happy snaps...




05-25-2014, 10:38 PM
Time for an update! By the end of the week there should be some biggies in the mix (Flyers, Table, small flyers, etc), however for now Vincent has provided this glorious addition to the Warhost - The Avatar of Khaine.



10-28-2014, 06:22 PM
Ok, so I thought i'd do a bit of an update since its been ages (well, for web forum updates at least).

Basically the blog turned one, hit 100 posts recently and has slowed a little bit on updates. This is mostly due to bigger batches being sent off (talking 240 Guardians etc), thus the turn around time is taking a wee bit longer than normal.

The highlights?

1. Almost half the HQ units have been painted up by Vincent, including the Russian Jetbike Autarchs and Farseers (with a second one to be sent down). Special mention goes to the awesome effort fort he Wraithseer he put about 40 hours into alone!



2. Most of the Air wing is almost finished, with only four Void Dragon Phoenix Bombers left out of the 20 total. Yes there is a Wraithknight and Lord in there, that batch is reserved for next year :)


3. Six of nine Titans are assembled, four painted (Revenants) and another three not far off being dispatched (all Armorcast, including the Warlock class).




4. Vampire Flyers have been done, sadly Auspost broke the Vampire Hunter, snapping the wing from the fuselage - its repairable, but I was VERY pissed off when I saw what had happened. Fortunately only very very minor paint damage had occured.




5. The second batch of troops is about to go over to Navin, with the remaining Aspect warriors, Guardians, Corsairs and a bucket of Wraithguard.

6. Planetscape goodness is underway again, with the structures being built and terrain painted up - expect updates soon on this.

10-29-2014, 10:11 AM

Pauly Addams
10-29-2014, 10:19 AM
Truly inspiring :D

You must be so chuffed with the quality your immense collection is being painted at. Every piece is unique and eye catching, and I'd say easily at golden daemon level.

11-19-2014, 07:16 PM
Quick update - New Warp Spiders (now they're production ready)... more piccies on the blog.




Plus a little update on where the Eldar Corsair 7th Edition update is at.


- - - Updated - - -

Pauly: Yes indeedly, still have to catch up sometime as well mate :)

wayne williams
11-20-2014, 05:19 AM
really loving those warp spiders so good .

11-21-2014, 12:34 PM
Awesome Collection! Beautiful to look at, would not want to get in an Apocalypse game with it.

11-21-2014, 06:39 PM
Thanks lads :) Oh and if anyone knows how to change the thread title from 60k to 92k that would be sensational - i've not been able to work out how to do it so far sadly.

12-03-2014, 05:37 PM
Twin Eldar Phantom Titans (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2014/12/harbingers-of-void-eldar-phantom-titans.html) shaping up to bring the pain, plus an update on the Planetscape's Webway Gates. Good times all around.



12-03-2014, 06:58 PM

12-04-2014, 11:52 AM
Indeed! I love the almost bone look of the Titans.

12-04-2014, 05:29 PM
Thanks lads, just happy i've had some great artists want to work on this project, speaking of - just Mr.Balzer (the lad who illustrated Valedor) just let me know he wants to work on the Dras'Volharr Craftworld book :) Helge is responsible for this glorious piece of artwork;


12-08-2014, 03:58 AM
Well, you can give him a pat on the head and tell him he's done a good job. Dayummmmm

12-10-2014, 05:48 AM
Just a quick update on the WIP Phantom Titans, the shoulder guards and masks have been done (or at least most of the way there). Bigger photos are on the blog (plus a few extras showing WIP shots).

Phantom Titan WIP - Shoulderpad Runes & Death Masks (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2014/12/phantom-titan-wip-shoulderpad-runes.html)

Won't be long now :)




12-10-2014, 08:15 AM
That's disturbingly beautiful.

01-03-2015, 08:13 PM
Thought i'd do another update given a fair chunk of stuff has happened recently.

First up, the twin Phantom Titans (Reapers as they've been dubbed) (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2015/01/harbingers-of-void-twin-phantom-reapers.html) with Planetscape update (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2014/12/tables-titans-planetscape-phantoms.html).




*Yep, that's a Hell Turkey eating a singularity


Followed by Vincent's latest work with the 3rd Party Female Striking Scorpion Exarch and Fuegan (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2014/12/phoenix-lord-fuegan-female-striking.html).


And the latest, Harlequin Masque update (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2015/01/preparing-masque-3rd-party-harlequin.html) (kicks off this year in Q2-Q3);



01-05-2015, 09:20 AM
Twelve months on, the Dras'Volharr Eldar Theme table of a now desolated former Maiden World has been completed. Only the commissioned terrain is left to be finished - aka the Titan Webway Gates.






More photos and details here http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2015/01/drasvolharr-theme-table-project.html

02-04-2015, 11:16 PM
Phantom Titans completed! And you thought the Harlequins were some dark looking Chaos hunting mean machines ;)



02-05-2015, 12:40 PM
That.... is.... BEAUTIFUL!
I am soooo loving that paintjob (airbrushing too?)!!!
People always give Eldar/DE (and Tau) some of the best 'spacey' paintjobs it always amazes me. But in all seriousness, this one so far tops it for me.

02-05-2015, 02:33 PM
Really killer work!

The thumbnails don't come out so well, but is the helldrake facing the titan, or getting shot in the butt?

Spectacular effort!

02-05-2015, 03:44 PM
incredible paint job lol. i read your blog and im dieing to know where one can get those farseers/warlocks on jetbikes

04-09-2015, 07:36 PM
Ok folks, quick update, i've been a bit lazy lately, so there are three major bits that have been done lately.

1. Corsairs, lots of Corsairs. 120 to be precise. (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2015/03/corsairs-of-drasvolharr-concept.html)


2. Wraithguard, again en mass. 70 of the full 130 (60 of the new type remaining). (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2015/03/veil-walker-consul-wraithguard-batch-1.html)


3. Aircraft for days. Four of each type (Void Dragon Bombers remaining), totaling 20 aircraft. (http://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2015/04/conclave-of-sun-dragon-update-2.html)


Up next: 120 Defender Guardians and large Support Platforms! :D

04-21-2015, 06:50 PM
Update: So GW does it again... the Warhost is about to grow by another measure of Jetbikes, Jetseers, Jetlocks and an Autarch. In other news, the Warhost has now topped 101k+ points wise. I have no idea if this makes it the current world's largest/extensive collection or not, but i'd imagine it to be close. Dark Eldar and Exodites are in planning stages for the time being, to commence at the beginning of 2018 (once the Craftworld, Harlequin, Corsair components are completed).

Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks :)

08-16-2016, 06:54 PM
*Ahem* So it has been a while... I blame buying a house... for the Warhost. So while my Warhost spending habits were usually like the below, I had to let the poor commissioned artists catch up finishing what was already in their hands and allocate funds to life things for a year.


Yep, its been a journey getting life priorities sorted out including specing up a wall built display case, which once I find a builder, shall be the final resting place of the Warhost in its entirety. Luckily, I have another bit of news related to that. The display space works out to 3.5m wide, 2.3m high and 0.5m deep... with room for a 1.4m tall 3.6m long battlescape splashback which has been commissioned by Helge C. Balzer. Helge is the lad responsible for GW's artwork on Warzone Valedor;



So what has been happening in the background aside from purchasing a place to store this bat**** nuts endeavor? Well few goodies, lots of the bulk Corsairs, Guardians and general gunships (Hornets) have been completed, and the Airforce component is almost complete (with a batch of Corsair Phoenix Bombers to go...). Once the case has been completed, the next batch will most likely be the Wraithknights and Lords. I've committed to getting the smaller stuff done then look at the remaining Super Heavy Vehicles. While the timeline is a little stretched from what it was 12 months ago, I'm hoping to have everything sorted out by 2020 or earlier (2018 if I get lucky). Here are a few small happy snaps of what has currently been completed since the last update;






04-05-2017, 04:14 PM
Time for a quick update!

Well, things are back on track again after all the life stuff has settled down again. Goes in waves I'm told.

The display case is now 2/3rds of the way completed with lighting having gone up last night (https://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2017/04/lights-camera.html). Only the glass doors left to go on :)



04-09-2017, 09:10 PM
And another update of the Warp Spider Phoenix Lord (https://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2017/04/warp-spider-phoenix-lord-wip-update-2.html) (yet to be named).




04-19-2017, 06:39 PM
Another WIP update, now that the armatures (talons inclusive - being slightly reworked), mandibles, shoulder guards etc have been added. Only some minor changes/additions left before the main weapon is modified with a few slicey additions. Almost there! Then to casting... and off to be painted.





04-28-2017, 01:41 AM
And the latest, with only minor adjustments left... then off to Steve, the lad who took care of the Titans and Flyers (to full cinematic effect). And yes.. there are some big things planned!




05-01-2017, 07:56 PM
Annnnd done.

Decided to do a full write up explaining the how and why of this model during the design/feature process. Organising casting (white metal) presently, with a few being shipped to Steve for his cinematic works (expect awesome things... if you liked the Phantom Titans and Vampire Hunter).

Here are a few images, with the blog link for the full write up (https://wcwdb.blogspot.com.au/2017/05/warp-spider-phoenix-lord-complete.html).




09-27-2017, 10:45 PM
A quick update, the Warp Spider Phoenix Lord has been finished off, although the happy snaps were a bit quick/cropped/etc and are a little obfuscated. Either way, if gives you an idea of how its all come together - opening a webway portal through the guts of a Termie lord and bursting forth like a 1986 Aliens fanboy.

Still no name or rules for this critter yet, I'm sure something befitting will pop up at some point in the future!




