View Full Version : FW characters and the new Space Marine codex

08-25-2013, 06:43 PM
Ok, the rumors for the new dex are doing the rounds, and we've basically all seen it. Almost every new rule is covered at this point. So! How do the FW special Characters fit into this? The old Chapter Tactics rule seems to be gone. It is replaced with the new Chapter Traits system...

FW chapter-specific characters replace Chapter Tactics with an ability. Example: CM Asterion Moloch replaces it with PE space Marines.

Obviously you can't replace whats not there, but does anyone know how the rules now interact?

Yes, I realize the codex isn't out yet, but the rules basically are.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
08-25-2013, 06:47 PM
Wellllll, if there's nothing in the new 'dex called "Combat Tactics", RAW they'd do nothing. But houseruling that you can use one of those Chapter Tactics as a Chapter Trait works just fine.

I'd imagine they'll be updated before long, though.

08-25-2013, 07:15 PM
Wait for FW to release a FAQ.

Also can't it be said FW was made for 5th edition SM dex therefor it out of date and can't be used. I mean you can't use the 5the SM dex? Might have to wait for a new version then or until FAQ is out.

08-25-2013, 09:34 PM
similar things have happened with the transition from Daemonhunters to Grey Knights codex. Those things were FAQ'd and then reprinted in newer books to reflect the addition and subtraction of rules. Such things are easy to house rule to work with current/new books, however FW will update the model's rules to reflect the newer book soon.

08-25-2013, 09:40 PM
I'm pretty nervous. My pet Space Marine chapter has been the Exorcists. Mechanically, they only exist through a single Forgeworld special character, and I'd really hate to see him nerfed/squatted.

Though, here's hoping Forgeworld someday releases a model for him... :(

08-25-2013, 09:57 PM
Personally im liking vaylund cal with it will not die and feel no pain he will never die now lol. He is already a tank.

08-25-2013, 10:07 PM
Well, I went and emailed Forgeworld to ask them about their future plans for the Exorcists. I'll let you know what they let me know.

White Tiger88
08-26-2013, 01:10 AM
Well, I went and emailed Forgeworld to ask them about their future plans for the Exorcists. I'll let you know what they let me know.

Most likely answer from Forgeworld will be the following

"I am sorry we don't have any ghosts that need dealing with right now"

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-26-2013, 03:05 AM
I'm Fire Angels, so I kinda want to know what's happening too.

08-26-2013, 05:48 AM
Ditto. Lugft huron awaits his "the big guns never tire". Id love fw to give the astral claws scout driven basilisks. Please!

08-26-2013, 08:30 AM
My Mantis Warriors are interested too. I usually run them as white scars but without bikes. Having Hit and Run and scout with Kahn is pretty close to the fluff of them being ambush fighters.

08-26-2013, 08:54 AM
Most likely answer from Forgeworld will be the following

"I am sorry we don't have any ghosts that need dealing with right now"

I seriously doubt that they will be snarky. Probably they'll be respectful. They may decline to give me any teases. They may decide to leak some of their future plans or send me a pic of some concept. Or they decide to thank me for my interest, and that's it.

Honestly? Not only is that just smart business practice, but British companies have - if I recall correctly - a healthy history of correspondence with customers. American companies are a lot more likely to be "LOL FU we don't answer questions" - and they're still not very likely to be jerks.

08-26-2013, 03:58 PM
lol... i feel bad for the diehards for the successor chapters. even before the new dex my loyalist chapter of choice was the Imperial Fists. followed by Space Wolves. and now im plotting Imp Fists with Space Pup allies. and it shall be tasty

08-27-2013, 12:43 AM
By the few posts on here im glad to see more badab war armies! Im loving the idea of this marine book it brings alot of character to armies. My sons of medusa are gonna be tough.

08-27-2013, 07:23 AM
By the few posts on here im glad to see more badab war armies! Im loving the idea of this marine book it brings alot of character to armies. My sons of medusa are gonna be tough.

The Badab War chapters had a lot of character, from the noble but eccentric Exorcists to the misguided but honorable Lamenters, the ruthless Carchadons, the proud - and ultimately doomed - Astral Claws... it was an interesting story. A lot of people knock the power armor focus, but you have to hand it to Forgeworld - they used that focus to give us a really detailed look at just how different chapters of Astartes could be.

Which is a good change of pace from GW's focus on the same few chapters, descended from the same few primarchs, and operating in the same few ways.

08-27-2013, 07:44 AM
I seriously doubt that they will be snarky. Probably they'll be respectful. They may decline to give me any teases. They may decide to leak some of their future plans or send me a pic of some concept. Or they decide to thank me for my interest, and that's it.

Honestly? Not only is that just smart business practice, but British companies have - if I recall correctly - a healthy history of correspondence with customers. American companies are a lot more likely to be "LOL FU we don't answer questions" - and they're still not very likely to be jerks.

The answer will likely be a polite "We'll do something when we have time".

Eldar players are still waiting 2 months on we've got an update for one unit but not updates to 2 characters....there must be 10+ marines across all the books to be done

08-27-2013, 08:58 AM
The answer will likely be a polite "We'll do something when we have time".

That's what I'm expecting. Like I said, Forgeworld is a classy bunch. But I'm doing my part for Exorcists fans everywhere by letting them know that I'm interested.

08-27-2013, 07:36 PM
The answer will likely be a polite "We'll do something when we have time".

Eldar players are still waiting 2 months on we've got an update for one unit but not updates to 2 characters....there must be 10+ marines across all the books to be done

Yes, but to be fair a single FAQ would fix all of them, simply saying that they may replace the Special Rule Chapter TRAIT instead of Chapter TACTICS, and boom every character works.