View Full Version : The annoying NECRONS!

08-25-2013, 06:06 PM
Hey guys

I am into Turn 2 into my friends Warhammer 40k Campaign

I attacked the Xenos Chaos Space Marines for Turn 1 and managed to win 5-3 but that Helldrake is annoying as hell

I have the option to attack either Orks or Necrons and im leaning towards Necrons

Do you guys have any tactics towards Necrons using Space Marines?

I have only played against Necrons once and i got my butt owned

Hope to hear from you guys soon


08-25-2013, 06:19 PM
Necrons aren't all that hard, provided you exercise good fire discipline. If you can take out a single unit every firing phase, it won't matter to you if all your units take a few hits every turn. Additionally, if you play Space Marines, you can destroy them in close combat, provided you can get there.

The real question is, what is your list like? Do you have the long-range firing capacity to take out entire units of Necrons from wherever on the board they end up?

08-25-2013, 10:53 PM
My List can variate to whatever i need really

Last time I versed Necrons it was 12 inch roll on deployment and i spread my forces across the table edge

My devastor squad with bolters were killed turn one so that hurt me because of the AP4 killing ability

His monolith was a ******* with its AP3 ordance weapon

His spiders were trying to out flank me as well

So in all i had no clue in what i was doing. Maybe roll with Hestan (because im a salamander army) and go with meltas for vehicles and close combat for other units?

i think the points will be 1000 for turn 2 of the campaign

08-25-2013, 11:11 PM
Ok... here's the deal.

You want to put a lot of long range and short range anti-tank. Melta will kill monoliths if you can drop it behind enemy lines. Sternguard with combi-meltas, or dreadnoughts, in drop pods. I also recommend assault squads with meltaguns (also good enough at assaulting to win fistfights with Necron warriors). Las will do the trick, too, so you might want to invest in predators or devastator squads.

However, you also need to do your best to fill the air with dakka. When you're fighting Space Marines, you can afford to rely on low AP guns to kill their squads, because their squads can be whittled down. This isn't true of Necrons. You must be able to force a lot of armor saves in order to wipe out those squads in one shooting phase. I recommend full tac squads. If you can get hurricane bolters and assault cannons on the table, that's good too.

I can't really tell you much about fighting Orks, because there aren't a lot of Orks in my meta. I also can't tell you which army to go up against. But, that's my advice for fighting those pesky 'Crons.

White Tiger88
08-26-2013, 01:54 AM
Take the orks and bringer flamers and all the template weapons you own for an easy win.

08-26-2013, 04:39 AM
As the others said, immaculate fire discipline and double-hard assault units. Because Necrons re-animate, you have to kill whole units to get anywhere. Because they're quite tough, you have to concentrate on them to do so. Lots of shooting, lots of wounds, and assault units with good Initiative to win combat and catch them in a Sweeping Advance.

Disrupting their synergies is also useful, as ever. If they have a Ghost Ark sitting by a big unit of Warriors, resurrecting them, then kill that. It's annoying and it'll make it easier to shift the infantry.

Space Marines are a pretty good army to take on Necrons with, because you're one of the few armies out there that's about as tough as they are. You also have plenty of tools to get the above jobs done, even in vanilla Codex: Space Marines.

08-26-2013, 07:31 AM
I hear ya on this one they can be very very annoying, I play against them a lot with my elder

bring your best anti tank weapon en masse and in turn 1 do everything you can to get a pen. hit and take down their shields, their vehicles are marshmallow soft after you get the shield down. Also can't agree more with the other posters on mass fire as the reanimation is extremely frustrating if you don't get the whole unit

and although they are not talked about as much, watch out for deepstriking deathmarks with their awfully named "hunters from hyperspace" (seriously??) b/c they can mark your important backfield units and do a deep strike suicide run wounding on 2+. This has lead to the untimely death of my dark reapers or farseer more than once.