View Full Version : 1500 Point Dark Angles Tri-Raider ... 152+ bolter shots.

08-22-2013, 11:01 PM
I have posted a few variants of tri-raider lists …. I have been running a green wing using one land raider crusader with banner of devastation and I am going to pick up two more land raiders next month and this is a list I could field that I currently own all of the models - the only changes I would more than likely make to this list would be to drop 1 of the biker squads and 1 of 2 options: add the DWV to all the land raiders or add in a techmarine w/ PFG walking behind the land raiders (out of los).

Librarian (Bolt Pistol & Force Sword - Divination) – 65
{Attached to the Command Squad}
Command Squad (5 Veterans with Bolters, Standard of Devastation) – 165
{Deployed inside a Land Raider Crusader}

Tactical Squad (Sergeant with Bolter, 9 Space Marines with Bolters) – 140
{Deployed inside a Land Raider Crusader}
Tactical Squad (Sergeant with Bolter, 9 Space Marines with Bolters) – 140
{Deployed inside a Land Raider Crusader}

Ravenwing Biker Squad (Sergeant, 2 Space Marine Bikers, 2 Melta Guns) – 100
Ravenwing Biker Squad (Sergeant, 2 Space Marine Bikers, 2 Melta Guns) – 100

Land Raider Crusader (Multi-Melta) – 260
Land Raider Crusader (Multi-Melta) – 260
Land Raider Crusader (Multi-Melta) – 260

= 1490

The land raiders put out 72 twin-linked bolter shots a turn and the tactical squads that can disembark from the land raider put out 40 bolter shots each. This gives a grand total of 152 bolter shots (half twin-linked) – not to mention 12 twin-linked assault cannon shots and 3 multi-meltas (and the bikes).

The librarian and the command squad will always stay inside their land raider since this list is based around the banner and the librarian is the warlord.

The bikes are there to either screen for the land raiders or hunt armor – near the banner they still put out 12 twin-linked bolter rounds, but their main focus is to boost in and strike armor.

The main strategy with this list would be to bunker up the land raiders around the banner and put up 6 inches each turn while firing (or all out first turn to get in range) until the majority of units were in range of all the land raiders weapons – the tactical squads can bolter anti-infantry fire output by disembarking and also work as a melee shield for the land raiders.
At higher point brakets I would upgrade the land raiders to deathwing and add in a techmarine to walk behind the block for repairs, at 1500 points with tri-raider it is hard to fit everything in.

08-22-2013, 11:30 PM
Played against it before. Pretty solid, though it does have some hard counters. Dark Eldar, Drop Pod Marines, probably a few others. Its main weakness is that you're relying on the LRs to do the heavy lifting. If they pop your Raiders, or if you run into something that suicide meltas and/or Hurricane Bolters can't really kill, you're just left with 25 bolter Marines. Remember that Salvo means that if your footslogging Marines move, you're left with 2 shots at 12".

At a higher point level, I would stick your own THSS Terminator unit in one Land Raider, and figure out somewhere to stick the other Tactical squad. And maybe grab a unit of Scouts for another cheap, infiltrating scoring unit.

08-27-2013, 05:46 AM
Remember that Salvo means that if your footslogging Marines move, you're left with 2 shots at 12".

Must be a type-o. Its salvo 2/4 right? So if you stand still you shoot 4x at 24", if you move you shoot 2x at 24". Bolter already shoot twice at 12" :D

08-27-2013, 11:51 AM
No typo. Salvo weapons shoot at half range if they move. Salvo bolters are worse than normal bolters on the move.