View Full Version : Greetings, fellow hobbyists!

William Clarke
08-22-2013, 06:32 PM
Hi all, Libelnon here. Or so I'm often known as here on the interwebs.

Anyway, I decided it was about time I joined you all in your ranting about GW's policies and stopped lurking and getting frustrated by the fact I couldn't view images. That aside, I've got some bits of my own I'm itching to show off, so if you're reading this and have any interest in seeing me put together a little project log on this second-year hobbyist, mediocre painter and lore enthusiast, do give us a nudge.

So, that said, hope to see y'all around.

08-23-2013, 01:26 AM
come to the oubliette we have new tangents ;)


08-23-2013, 01:42 AM
Hello and welcome aboard!

What do you play?

William Clarke
08-23-2013, 08:25 AM
Hello and welcome aboard!

What do you play?

At the moment, just 40k. Played some Firestorm Armada in the past though, and besides wargaming I'm also an avid roleplayer.

08-23-2013, 08:26 AM
What 40k armies do you do?

I'm primarly a BA player though there are boxes of everything floating around.

08-23-2013, 08:33 AM
I'm curious, too! Which armies?

William Clarke
08-23-2013, 11:51 AM
At the moment, I'm not playing at all, I've been on a three month hiatus while I decide what to do with my armies. Used to play Tau, even got a Limited Edition codex for 6th edition but I've wound up selling all 1500 points - I was running a Dal'yth army and relied heavily on my auxiliaries, and I didn't like the way the kroot were going. Moved on to Tyranids, who I've played a few games with and then shelved. Really enjoy painting them, but don't like the way they play. Also played a bit with my girlfriend's Dark Elder, but I don't get on well with them this edition.

So, I've got myself this Renegade Guard army, and challenged myself to paint models before I use them, later to ally with Alpha Legion marines. Like I said, I want to start a blog on my exploits with this army, and my girlfriend wants to add some images of her Necron army. Apparently a good way to keep yourself motivated.

08-28-2013, 07:23 AM
Welcome aboard from the new guy...