View Full Version : Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls

White Tiger88
08-21-2013, 03:35 PM
Dear god this looks awesome, Might just redeem the d3 franchise!!!


08-21-2013, 09:34 PM

08-21-2013, 10:34 PM
I quite liked D3 really, this looks nifty though.

08-22-2013, 02:42 AM
Blizzard do make great CGI trailers

They just then tend to make boring, grindy games to go with them

08-22-2013, 02:44 AM
D3 wasn't that boring and grindy, you got to hit/blast stuff over and over again.

Oh wait.

But as a plus size barbarianette!

I still like D3...

08-22-2013, 02:45 AM
so do I eldargal,

bliz games for me are all about the background and art, in fact its much the same attraction I have for 40k in that I can forgive a lot in the name of a good story.

08-22-2013, 02:55 AM
Blizz is a wierd animal, everything up to wow i think was great, wow i dont care for but had good #s and everything since then has been dissapointing. Starcraft 2 didnt capture the same oomph 1 and brood war did, wow (lore wise) completely seems to disregard the storyline of war-war3/ft and diablo 3 was full of changes that didnt really pan out. I mjss the trees of 2 and asa huge diablo1 fan
i think they are just in a rut and hope they can get out of it soon


Adria was a baddie all along? Cain killed, Leah killed too? Really??? Kinda seemed to crap all over 1 and 2 to me... plus 2 had so many more monsters, 3 had waaay less just tougher reskinned from earlier acts

08-22-2013, 03:03 AM
See personally I've never understood the fuss about the Diablo series and 3 not being as good because to me, someone who preferred Baldurs Gate and the like they were always shallow, visceral fun. D3 was the same, I didn't notice any particular deterioration in gameplay though the story perhaps was a bit meh. Starcraft II thought I think was a brilliant successor to the first one and Brood War, particularly Heart of the Swarm which cemented my absolute adoration of Kerrigan. I just wish she didn't have high heels, her breasts out and statues like this (https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/gallery/LG5MG3Z0UJ2N1374107965429.jpg) being made of her.

WoW was and is still pretty good, not sure why you think it ignored WC3 in terms of lore, it really didn't. I felt WC3 was more controverial in terms of lore than WoW really. In terms of what it changes from the previous games.

08-22-2013, 03:17 AM
See personally I've never understood the fuss about the Diablo series and 3 not being as good because to me, someone who preferred Baldurs Gate and the like they were always shallow, visceral fun. D3 was the same, I didn't notice any particular deterioration in gameplay though the story perhaps was a bit meh. Starcraft II thought I think was a brilliant successor to the first one and Brood War, particularly Heart of the Swarm which cemented my absolute adoration of Kerrigan. I just wish she didn't have high heels, her breasts out and statues like this (https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/gallery/LG5MG3Z0UJ2N1374107965429.jpg) being made of her.

WoW was and is still pretty good, not sure why you think it ignored WC3 in terms of lore, it really didn't. I felt WC3 was more controverial in terms of lore than WoW really. In terms of what it changes from the previous games.

I liked baldurs gate (first) and diablo was just a different animal. I got into it, i cared for cain, griswold, etc. And i thought 2 did a really decent job resolving tristram even if it wasnt the way I wanted it resolved.
Namely because of the high quality. The bosses were placed throughout the level with little exception. Diablo 3 was some run through corridor , oh, enclosed boss fight. Corridors, boss fight, it was very linear. I know all of them have been but from 1-2 it got bigger. 2-3 seemed a step down in size, quality, and story.

And I say wow messed things up. Alliance fighting horde ended when the scourge appeared. Lich king appears sure, but pandaria just appearing? All the gains from alliance/horde being wiped away. (I come from the point following the war1-2-3 story lines)
As far as starcraft, im a terran player and it just didnt seem....right, the lore was fine, story was passable to good, and still it just didnt seem "right" almost like something was missing you know? And you like kerrigan, cool! What of the Goliath, Firebat (my fav) and valkyrie?

White Tiger88
08-22-2013, 03:39 PM
D3 wasn't that boring and grindy, you got to hit/blast stuff over and over again.

Oh wait.

But as a plus size barbarianette!

I still like D3...

I like my Wizard....I make things explode :D Also Listen VERY closely to what the soulstone says in the trailer guys.......There's a little Easter egg of info on who we might get to save in a mission :D

08-25-2013, 05:45 AM
I've been playing quite a bit of Diablo 3 the past few days, finally had a bit of luck. Looted my first Legendary item, of no use to me so I sold it. Bank balance went from 400,000 gold to 80,400,000 gold.:cool:

White Tiger88
08-26-2013, 01:53 AM
I've been playing quite a bit of Diablo 3 the past few days, finally had a bit of luck. Looted my first Legendary item, of no use to me so I sold it. Bank balance went from 400,000 gold to 80,400,000 gold.:cool:

Prob should of kept that depending what it is.........Then again i find tons of Legendary's sadly they all suck.

08-26-2013, 01:56 AM
I thought about it but it seemed tailored towards Witch Doctors and I've no interest in playing a WD so I sold it.

White Tiger88
08-26-2013, 03:05 AM
I thought about it but it seemed tailored towards Witch Doctors and I've no interest in playing a WD so I sold it.

They can summon giant frogs to eat things, thus you must play one! (I call mine Mr.Bubbles!)

08-27-2013, 06:54 AM
While the giant frog is tempting I really am not comfortable with the racial characterisation of the Witch Doctor.

That's a nice female characterisation there as far as I can tell. Breast bumps but no skin showing and generally sensible.

08-27-2013, 02:27 PM
Looks neat, D3 is probably my favorite Blizzard game though I haven't played much of the first 2. Haven't played in a bit, too many games to keep up with!

White Tiger88
08-27-2013, 10:35 PM
While the giant frog is tempting I really am not comfortable with the racial characterisation of the Witch Doctor.

That's a nice female characterisation there as far as I can tell. Breast bumps but no skin showing and generally sensible.

Don't worry there max outed armor is a Bikini and tirea :)

Also my witchdocter is named Iluvchickenlawlz, i know thats bad but my buddy made it well eating kfc..........

Oh if anyone wants to group up PM me your Bnet ID i do 150,000 damage atm :)

08-27-2013, 10:55 PM
While the giant frog is tempting I really am not comfortable with the racial characterisation of the Witch Doctor.

That's a nice female characterisation there as far as I can tell. Breast bumps but no skin showing and generally sensible.

Yeah....so I'm gonna be re-rolling my barbarian.....that is so boss.

White Tiger88
08-28-2013, 12:20 AM
Um you don't reroll...you just make a second char and use your barb to farm gear :P

08-28-2013, 01:24 AM
Um you don't reroll...you just make a second char and use your barb to farm gear :P

Genius! remind me to buy you a beer.

08-28-2013, 01:25 AM
Yup, I have a bunch of Demon Hunter and Wizard stuff in my stash for alts already. Not sure what stuff would benefit a crusader most, will research that later.

White Tiger88
08-28-2013, 01:32 AM
Yup, I have a bunch of Demon Hunter and Wizard stuff in my stash for alts already. Not sure what stuff would benefit a crusader most, will research that later.

Shields + 1 hand weapons (flails are being added as there class only toy) along with str gear from what they have said so far, along with a new stat that is coming out......

Ill trade you for wizard gear btw, trying to get stronger my friends all do 250-300k damage and kick my ***.

09-19-2013, 04:35 AM
Diablo III Auction Houses to be shut down (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24152225).

09-19-2013, 05:39 AM
yeah saw that, hopefully a good thing for the game.