View Full Version : Ultramarines and Tyranids - The Fall of Prandium (battle scene a la late 90s)

Arkhan Land
08-21-2013, 02:37 PM
The Tyranid onslaught consumes one of Ultramar's garden worlds in a hail of claws and bio-acid!

Tactical and Dreadnaught Squads are supported by Veterans from the Ultramar Auxillia Defense, standing ground in front of a line of Tanks sending ordinance into the swarms. A Knight Titan on assignment out of Konor Stands ready to defend the crumbling city walls, stepping out to engage the monstrous atrocities of the Tyranid's Armored Psuedopods and a brood of Carnifex approaching rapidly. Shuddering in their carapace armour two squadrons of Arbites prepare to cover the marines and gaurdsmen as they pull back to positions further in the city...


Mostly composed of older models from the 80s-90s, I just finished up the majority of my Imperium forces and just finished redoing my larger tyranid models so decided to compose a new pic to show em off here on BOLS. Im not the greatest painter/modeler but I try to apply my Ikebana skills to little war.

KrewL RaiN
08-21-2013, 03:37 PM
Old School bugs squeeeee! Nice collection!

08-21-2013, 03:49 PM
That totally screams 1990s!

Excellent seeing those 2nd edition Ultras with the yellow trim and red equipment.

08-21-2013, 05:46 PM
Makes me want to start 40k all over again! Way to hit all the right nostalgia buttons! I'm going to have to break out my 2nd/3rd Ed Codices and Rulebooks and bask in the glory before I can sleep tonight!

08-23-2013, 10:12 AM
This is awesome thanks for sharing.

08-23-2013, 11:50 AM
Are those Adeptus Arbites models in black at the back of the display?

Arkhan Land
08-23-2013, 01:48 PM
Thanks all, this was definetly inspired by the first few editions and spending a lot of time going through old fluff and eavy metal pics.

Are those Adeptus Arbites models in black at the back of the display?

Yep those are them, two small squads and some leadership peices I made and the black rhino next to it is a Castigator I did a la steve hambrook in citadel journal 23