View Full Version : World eaters 1850-2000

08-21-2013, 02:13 PM
Been working on this list for a while now so it changes bit by bit until i can get it to be as honed as possible. trying to find a nice balance between comp and fun.

HQ Kharn the betrayer (warlord)
Heavy 1 Land Raider extra Armour and dozer blade dirge caster
Heavy 2-3 Predator Ac/Lc sponson
Troop 1-2 Csmx10 champ power weapon 2x plasma gun 5 combat weapons mark of khorne (either vets or icon of vengeance im still debating on fearless vs ld10.....) Rhino dozer dirge
troop 3 berserker squad x8 4x chain axes (these go in the land raider and with kharn)
Fast 1 heldarke

This is what i have so far so i do have some points left over its just a question of trying to figure out what else i need to put into this list. i had toyed around with bikers but was not impressed with their performance though that may have been more my fault then their own.

The problem i have with chaos is their expensive with out having the same benefits as being well marines. they have a lot of cool toys but they get so expensive so quickly. its almost worth while to simply say forget troops and just cram in as many cultists as possible and be like here please chew through all of these bodies while i gut you with the rest of my force :)

i think i will try and swap in another troop choice but i know that my rhinos can also be swapped out for drop pods in a chaos list :) and no not those stupid dread claws. but actual marine drop pods same rules... we house ruled it to bring them into the codex it was stupid for them not to be included in the book already... its not like GW actually make chaos tanks.... add spiky bits and that's good enough for them.

one possibility would be to swap out one of the predators to bring in a unit of auto cannon havoc's but its hard as i don't generally like to mix up mech forces with stationary support.