View Full Version : Psychic powers...am I missing something?

08-21-2013, 10:10 AM
In multiple BoLS articles, I've read that psykers get to choose a number of powers equal to their mastery level from each lore to which they have access.

Where is this in the BRB? All I can find is info stating that they get a number of powers equal to their mastery level.

I play Eldar, so this is an important point. If I'm missing it, thanks in advance for the help.

08-21-2013, 10:15 AM
Some armies are limited to use all their psychic powers to one lore, whereas others are able to split & choose freely between certain lore (1 in Pyromancy, 1 in Discipline, etc..). You'll have to check the FAQ for the respective models to determine if you're limited or if you have a choice.

08-21-2013, 10:28 AM
In multiple BoLS articles, I've read that psykers get to choose a number of powers equal to their mastery level from each lore to which they have access.
You're not missing anything. They get a number of powers equal to their mastery level, but the powers can be spread out across all of the disciplines they have access to. A psyker with access to more than one discipline doesn't need to pick one discipline and select all her powers from that one.

08-21-2013, 10:46 AM
Rulebook. Page 66. Right Hand Column. Third Paragraph.
That establishes how many powers the Psyker knows.

Next, Rulebook. Page 418. Left Hand Column. Paragraph headed "Generating Psychic Powers".
Shows how to randomly generate your powers.

Finally, go to your Codex.
This will tell you which Psychic Tables you can select powers from.
For Eldar, go to Codex P.95.
Under Farseer, for example, it states...

Psyker: A Farseer generates his powers from the Divination, Runes of Fate and Telepathy Disciplines.

You can generate Powers from any and/or all of the Disciplines. You do not have to stick to one Discipline alone.
Rulebook. P. 418. Right Hand Column. Second Paragraph.
"Note that second and subsequent psychic powers do not have to be generated from the same
psychic discipline as the Psyker's first power."

Hope that's helped you out!
Good luck!!!

08-21-2013, 12:16 PM
Ok, I knew all that stuff. So the question becomes this: Why does this idea of (Mastery Level) powers from each discipline keep showing up in the articles? I just read an article that very strongly implied that Eldrad can have 12 (ML 4 x 3 disciplines) powers generated for him in a game. That doesn't seem possible.

Specifically, I'm referring to the article on Eldar named characters ( though I've seen this concept before). "Generating four spells from each of the powerful lores available to him, including Divination, is incredible..."

What gives? Surely the guys writing the articles know the rules. That's why I asked if I'm missing something.

08-21-2013, 12:46 PM
I have no idea why anybody would say that.

08-21-2013, 01:29 PM
Whoever said that is either a liar or an idiot.

How many psychic powers each psyker generates is covered in the codices, or the FAQ's for non-6th ed codices, not in the BRB. You'll have to pull out your codex and look it up. The vast majority go by 1 psychic power per mastery level, though I think there are one or two exceptions.

08-21-2013, 01:39 PM
We've just both given you your answer, chapter and verse.
Not having seen the thread you're referring to, I would hazard that you may have misunderstood what they have said.
Eldrad can indeed generate four Powers from each Discipline.
But only to a maximum of four powers in total across all the Disciplines.
So, four Divination means no Runes of Battle or Telepathy for example.
Then 3/1/0 or 3/0/1.
Then 2/2/0, 2/1/1, or 2/0/2 et cetera.

08-22-2013, 09:07 PM
Eldrad can't generate 4 powers from each, as that would be 12 powers. Perhaps Learn2Eel was imprecise when he wrote the above quote. I only know what he wrote, which was that Eldrad can have 12 powers to choose from.

I know how psychic powers work. I only needed "chapter and verse" if I was missing something (hence the title of my post). As noted in my original post, this is not the first time I've read that psykers get ML x Disciplines in psychic powers.

"Four from each", in this context, means four from Runes, four from Divination, and four from Telepathy (12 total), at least in standard English. If that was actually legal, it would drastically change my game (and it would be incredible, as Learn2Eel described). That's why I asked the question.

Frankly, @Pssyche, I don't understand your apparent attitude. I already made it perfectly clear that I understand the rules.

To everyone else, thanks for your input.