View Full Version : Why Is The Realm of Battle Gameboard Awesome?

11-19-2009, 02:38 PM
This is why the Realm of Battle Gamesboard is awesome...

11-19-2009, 03:17 PM
I have to say that looks very cool...

That said I don't like the realm of Battle gameboard, the reason is that because each tile is a specific measurement (24") you can see very quickly what your ranges are. For example if I stand a multi melta squad on the cross of the tiles then I can see at a glance thier range... This isn't good when you have experienced players.


11-19-2009, 05:31 PM
Nope, not seeing it. Just one more on my loooong list of reasons to boycott GW. Yes, you heard me right, Boycott Games Workshop!!! So sayeth Deadshane1, so sayeth Warpcrafter.

11-19-2009, 05:38 PM
Nope, not seeing it. Just one more on my loooong list of reasons to boycott GW. Yes, you heard me right, Boycott Games Workshop!!! So sayeth Deadshane1, so sayeth Warpcrafter.

Might I inquire as to why the battle board is a reason to boycott GW?

11-19-2009, 05:40 PM
I have to say that looks very cool...

That said I don't like the realm of Battle gameboard, the reason is that because each tile is a specific measurement (24") you can see very quickly what your ranges are. For example if I stand a multi melta squad on the cross of the tiles then I can see at a glance thier range... This isn't good when you have experienced players.


Experienced players can do that without the battle board. The battle board doesn't make this any easier. Experienced gamers get distances when setting up terrain or deployment.

11-19-2009, 06:25 PM
Nope, not seeing it. Just one more on my loooong list of reasons to boycott GW. Yes, you heard me right, Boycott Games Workshop!!! So sayeth Deadshane1, so sayeth Warpcrafter.

If you're boycotting GW, why are you on a forum all about GW's main source of income:confused:

11-19-2009, 07:18 PM
Because you don't go to a car dealership to start a bus boycott.

11-19-2009, 07:29 PM
I played once on the RoB Gameboard, and I have to say I didn't really enjoy it. Granted, the one I played on wasn't entirely flocked (it was only well-painted) but I had several issues with it, as did most of the other tourney-goers.

A) Loud! Roll your dice in a box lid or off-table if possible
B) Sloped! A metal mini on a reasonably sloped part of the table (for instance, the part leading up to the intrinsic plateau) will not stay there of its own volition. Perhaps flock would have solved all of that, but why buy a product that you have to do so many things to in order to play comfortably when I can roll out a piece of felt or pre-flocked mat and get right to it?

Now, I love the building kits, and the work that those guys do on the tables themselves are examples of fine craftsmanship, but the table ITSELF is what I have issue with.

Mike X
11-19-2009, 10:23 PM
This is why the Realm of Battle Gamesboard is awesome...

I must say, that is a pretty sweet board! Well done!

11-19-2009, 11:11 PM
Experienced players can do that without the battle board. The battle board doesn't make this any easier. Experienced gamers get distances when setting up terrain or deployment.

Edit by Jwolf:

Nothing to see here, move along.

11-20-2009, 02:30 AM
I own one and i'm very pleased with that. And yes they're markings, but they only serve for measuring in some moments not always (and if someone spends his time measuring the battleboard at home is like measuring hia hand or forearm).

And for the many of us who are completely useless at building cool boards, it's a very nice solution, just like the buildings.

Btw, how is that no one noticed the Fortres of Redemtion there???? It's supposed to be available next week!!!!!

11-20-2009, 08:28 AM
Nope, not seeing it. Just one more on my loooong list of reasons to boycott GW. Yes, you heard me right, Boycott Games Workshop!!! So sayeth Deadshane1, so sayeth Warpcrafter.


anyyyyyywaaaay. Its a neat kit, I've played on it a few times and haven't had any complaints about it except that maybe it would get a little boring to play with the same 4 hills in corners or one huge hill in the middle.

11-20-2009, 08:36 AM
Dispite is short comings I think I could like it a bit more if they released more tiles.

Yes. I did. Ktice the fortress, that thing is massive! I just preordered mine last night and i am super stoked to get it.

11-20-2009, 08:48 AM
Btw, how is that no one noticed the Fortres of Redemtion there???? It's supposed to be available next week!!!!!

I find it quite hilarious that no one has mentioned it. Everyone is too cought up with their whining and moaning about a modular board having visible lines to pre-measure from.

Nope, not seeing it. Just one more on my loooong list of reasons to boycott GW. Yes, you heard me right, Boycott Games Workshop!!! So sayeth Deadshane1, so sayeth Warpcrafter.

Congratulations! Why are you here? Troll!

Seriously people... I remember a time when 40K used to be about fun and everyone was excited to see what GW would release next even if it wasn't to their liking.

11-20-2009, 12:12 PM
@ Oni... I mentioned it, 12 minutes before your post... So Congrats to me for being radical. Also, yes we like to whine and moan about the board/models/ codecies, etc. That is what we do on forums (sadly). If everyone simply posted "Wow, I like it!!!/ that is teh awsoemen!" then the boards wouldn't be that fun...

Essentially stop flaming us for flaming GW, lol Cheers mate!


11-20-2009, 01:25 PM
Edit by Jwolf:

If you want to call names, do it in somewhere else.

The Dinosaur
11-20-2009, 06:01 PM
Experienced players can do that without the battle board. The battle board doesn't make this any easier. Experienced gamers get distances when setting up terrain or deployment.

If your suggesting that measuring the distance between terrain pieces pre game is called being experienced, i hope im never called an experienced player.
I like to think of myself as someone who can guess a range fairly accurately, many hours of basilisk training has made ranges come fairly easily.

Anyway, back on topic - the battle board looks great, but its a steep price tag! I've successfully built two game boards from scratch and while they dont look quite as good, they cost about 80% less. So it just comes down to personal pref

loud dice rolls get annoying so.....fixed (http://www.miniaturescenery.com/ProductPage.asp?CODE=DT) kgo!

my biggest fear with somthing this big would be messing up the paintjob..

11-20-2009, 07:21 PM
At our local GW, we have only RoB Game boards. Sure, the slopes are a bit of a bee-otch to work with, but we deal, and it's turned into a thing that we rib the red-shirts over. The dice rolls get loud? Eh, we're an active community, and it's a loud store.

Modular boards are just an amazing thought; I was playing a game with a buddy, and the terrain was set up for 40K(with a big hill in the middle) and we wanted to swap over to fantasy. We moved and rotated the tiles, and voila! Fantasy board with two hills running along the sides.