View Full Version : Build your Legion Fortress

08-20-2013, 10:24 PM
So I'm kind of obssesing about adding onto my Death Guard fortress and it occurred to me that it would be cool for us all to design a set of the "official Legion" outpost-fortress designs.

So here is your assignment:

Use 10 of the following sets and invent the fortress configuration you think best fits each Legion's character:

Aquila Strongpoint
Imperial Defense Line
Imperial Defense Emplacements
Firestorm Redoubt
Vengeance Battery
Skyshield Platform
Aegis Defense Line
Fortress of Retribution

List the legion, the fortress components, and why you made those choices. An imposing name for the Legion outpost is of course a must.

Who knows, maybe I could kick out a set of Apoc formations for these, each with a special rule for its Legion.

08-20-2013, 10:36 PM
I'll go first:

Death Guard Holdfast

Imperial Defense Line x6
Aquila Strongpoint
Vengeance Battery
Imperial Defense Emplacements x2

Death Guard infantry - all dug into the defense lines daring you to come and take the big gun before it's too late. Just enough guns and infantry heavy weapon emplacements to make it hurt.

Not One Step Back - While within the defensive structures, Death Guard Infantry are Stubborn.

Lord Anubis
08-20-2013, 11:18 PM
I built an Alpha Legion fortress.

It has special rules. I'm not sharing them. You don't need to know anything about the layout.

There are no pictures.

Thank you.

08-20-2013, 11:40 PM
Okay, I've got one. The World Eaters support line.

Vengeance Battery (with Battle Cannons) x 9
Imperial Defense Line x1

Because World Eaters only like to rush forward into battle yelling "Burn! Maim! Kill!". The Imperial Defense line should be placed pointing directly into the heart of the enemy so that the Berzerkers have a modicum of cover while running blindly into their foes. The Vengeance Batteries just sit back using automated fire with their Battle Cannons to crack open any tanks or transports so that the ground troops can get at the squishy bits inside. I didn't include any other type of building with guns on it because they would need to be manned to fire and no self respecting Berzerker would sit back at home base.

08-21-2013, 01:57 PM
Indomitable Stronghold

Aquila Strongpoint (the heart of the fortress) (build with back to a rockcrete wall)
Vengeance Battery (battle cannon & punisher) x 2 (one for each corner)
Bastion x 2 (one icarus, one com) (flanking the strongpoint)
Firestorm redoubt (in front of the strongpoint)
Imperial Defense Line x 3 (in front of the fortress, trenches)
Aegis Defense Line (quad) (cover the vengance towers from the front)

Capable of pounding any aproching army to dust, incl. flyers. Can support your battleplans with exacter timing for your reserves.

Iron Within - IW in or around (6") parts of the complex are fearless

08-22-2013, 08:55 AM
Dorn's Redoubt

2 Aquila Strongpoints
4 Imperial Defence Lines
1 Firestorm Redoubt
2 Defence Emplacements
1 Bunker

Imperial Fist infantry dug in the Trenches around the Strongpoints, with Devastators in the Strongpoints.

For Dorn and the Emperor IF in or around (6") the Complex have counter attack and Stubborn (Assuming they lose stubborn in the new Codex)

08-22-2013, 09:35 AM
Wolf's Den

Imperial Bastion x3
Imperial Defense Line x 3
Skyshield Landing Pad
Aquila Strongpoint
Fortress of Retribution
Firestorm Redoubt

The Wolf's Den is a point where Space Wolves invite the enemy to attack, only to launch a devastating counter-attack!

Blood in the Wind - Space Wolves can acutely sense any approaching foe near their lair. Space Wolves within 6" of the Wolf's Den ignore Night Fighting rules.

08-22-2013, 09:59 PM
Blood angels

We don't need fortifications, we take yours, on wings of fire we ride!