View Full Version : Trade Or Sale... Old Stormraven for New

08-20-2013, 08:18 PM
For sale or trade: one fully painted stormraven with Chapterhouse Studios extension kit.

Basically, as you may have seen, I’m converting my Blood Angels into Knights of Blood. The task of stripping this model seems… daunting, to say the least. I figured I’d give at least a try to selling or trading it away.

All I want in return is either a New on Sprue (if it’s just assembled, or has already been stripped, we can talk…) stormraven so I can start again with my new color scheme. Alternately, I’ll take enough money (probably in PayPal) to buy a new one, so that’s $83 on the GW site, about $66 if you buy it from Amazon and have it shipped to my house.

It seems like a fair trade for me. This item is used, but it also includes the Chapterhouse extension kit ($20 value), and is additionally painted to a good tabletop standard. You can see for yourself in the pics.


