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08-20-2013, 01:29 AM
Old BoLS Rumors (pre-August 2013):

Release Date: January 2014
Steel Legion Supplemental Codex
Catachans Supplemental Codex
Look for missing models in the new release:
Plastic Stormtroopers
Missing Artillery Kits
New vehicle kit from EPIC

via Faeit 8-19-2013

Release date: March (or January) 2014
Steel Legion Plastic Kits
-Wearing "M35 Stahlhelms"
-Infantry sqaud box
-Command Squad box
-Heavy Weapon box
New Superheavy Tank based on the Baneblade.
Baneblade & all other Superheavies will be in the Codex.
Thunderer / Destroyer Kit.
Vanilla Stormtroopers

via BoLS 9-19-2013

These rumors come to us in multiple sets, and we have ordered them from most trustworthy to least based on a variety of "truthifying methods":

The Probable stuff:
IG Veterans/Stormtroopers (plastic 5-man box)
Artillery combo-kit
Roughriders (new plastic box)

The Possible stuff:
IG Regiment Doctrines: Each Regiment (Cadian, Catachan, etc...)has doctrines, similar to SM Chapter tactics. Examples listed were:
Cadians - may issue 2 orders to a unit
Catachans - Move-thru-cover, and Jungle Fighter (???)

Thunderbolt flyer: Very heavy armor, but cannot jink.

The Salt-mine
Imperial Robots - 2 new robots, requiring an Admech handler/enginseer.

Knight Paladin - Taller than riptide, not as tall as Wraithknight. Vanquisher cannon and Uber-chainsword are standard load out. May upgrade to Punisher Cannon, Uber-Fist with Inferno Flamers

Via BoLS 10/31/2013

Codex Imperial Guard launches in March 2014
Look for many refreshes in the codex rules.
Expanded command system with the return of Doctrines
The missing IG tanks will be released:
-Griffon/Collosus/Medusa artillery kit
Stormtroopers released
Veterans released
-These two infantry kits include many, many optional bits to build command squads and even penal troops.
New centerpiece kit is a Horus Heresy era tank.

via Noel at Wargamer 11-2-2013

-‘Mission Objectives’ are potentially a new special rule for the Imperial Guard, although my channels are a little dry on this front, one can only begin to imagine what they do. I heard on the grapevine, that this special rule would allow even sergeants, to order ‘minor orders’ to their own unit.

-Formerly Forge World dominated vehicles will take a tour in the Imperial Guard codex. This means we could see such units as the Forge World Destroyer Tank Hunter as part of the upcoming codex. Although one finds it extremely unlikely they will receive a new plastic kit.

-Headquarters units have seen a massive shake up. Above the whole organisation, some units have been deleted, others modified. You start by buying a command squad, this is then changed by swapping the officer for a commissar, if one wishes too. The three present advisors have been retained, with the addition of the Primaris Psyker as a command squad advisor.

-Ministorum Priests are back in the same manner as before, this time though it has been rumoured they increase the ranged output of the unit, as well combat potential. Maybe in the form of the ‘preferred enemy’ special rule, who knows?

-The mighty (or not so mighty Enginseer) has stayed relatively the same, except for the transition from HQ to either Elite or Heavy Support. But what excites me the most, are their roles on the field of battle. Apparently they will act much like Royal Courts in the Necron army, bought with certain upgrades, then attached out to other units, to confer certain benefits to that unit.

-In terms of repacking, it is believed that special weapon squads will receive their own box set. This is also rumoured to be extended to veteran squads and heavy weapon teams. Coming in boxes of five models, with a wide variety of special equipment.

-Moving on from the veteran weapon squads re-boxing, it is believed that they will be changing their position on the battlefield. With smaller squad sizes, veterans seem to be taking a fire support role, that focuses on battlefield specialisation.

-Vendetta and Valkyrie gunship’ will more than likely be streamlined into one unit. Also it is believed that the squadron option will be lost, and an increase in points to balance out the power of Vendetta and Valkyrie gunship’ in sixth edition.

via Warseer's StrykerSniper 11-8-2013

I did have a tiny look behind the iron curtain of GWs privacy policies, and I was able to see some mockups of the new veterans/stormtrooper boxed set, and it would be an amazing kit to build warbands or stormtrooper squads. Also I saw a model that appeared to be an Inquisitor, and was wearing a long cloak and armor. I could see GW allowing stormtroopers as a troop choice to induce additional sales of the new kit, which, frankly, floored me. The details were great, with kasrkin style armor, and all sorts of weapons including hellguns, sniper rifles, special weapons, a cool missile launcher, a bunch of sergeant options, bolters, and lots of shotguns that managed to not look like scout shotguns. Also, the bolters did not look like marine shotuns, they were a little more human sized. Some of the poses were also amazingly dynamic. Some were stoic standing poses, while a couple were very John Woo! There were also a lot of extra bits, poches, packs, grenades, knives, some scanner like equipment, and what appeared to be night vision goggles. If i were a puppy, I would've piddled onm the rug, and it was a supreme act of will not to grab the models and run for the door. Apparently, they have also been ready for some time. Please dear God, let these see the light of my hobby store soon and I will have at least 5 boxes! This might even revitalize my Guard army.

Oh, and there were a bunch of heads! respirator heads, heads with berets, bald heads, heads with mohawks and crew cuts. Most were scarred, and one had an eyepatch, while another had a disfigured eye with what looked like claw marks, one head was smoking a stogie, and there were two heads with berets. There was even a knife that looked like a trench knife with raised knuckle dusters. There were scopes, a hand radio, and a bunch of bits for the bases including plants, a snake, and some ammo cans and satchel charges. There was even a hand holding an entrenching tool (shovel to you non-military types). There were a few holstered pistols, and as a delightful surprise, there were also autoguns in addition to lasguns, and there were bits for pistol and close combat weapon troops, although few were chainblades. There was a demo charge, melta bombs, and camo cloaks. I was very, very impressed. The attention to detail was phenomenal.

via BoLS 12-31-2013

New plastic tank based heavily on the Heresy-era Malcador. Large kit outsizes the Land Raider (way smaller than a Baneblade) Multiple variants in the kit.

Updated Basilisk returns. Gun assembly is more rearward with armored skirts replacing the delicate railing. An overall more up-armored appearance.

A NEW dogfighter flyer arrives, that is NOT an existing known model.

New Plastic Stormtrooper/Veteran kit will build a minimum sized unit. Kit includes a TON of optional bits to individualize your squad as well as bits to dress up existing Cadian ranges.

Via 40K Radio (https://www.facebook.com/pages/40K-Radio/147396461962884) 1-23-2014

As you may have seen on other sites Febraury is all about the Dwarfs. So for you fans of the short and bearded get pumped. March will see the release of Imperial Knights. This year is shaping up to be a good one.

via Lion275 (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?388438-40K-Radio-Imperial-Knights-in-March&p=7047080#post7047080) (40 Radio's RIK) 1-23-2014

Imperial Guard recieving a name change (like Sisters did), either to incorporate new units, or for legal reasons.

Completely serious. The book is called Astra Militarium.

IG is April, following March's Imperial Knights. Knights are NOT in the IG (Astra Militarium) Codex.

via Lion275 (40K Radio's RIK) on Warseer 1-25-2014

Ok some more news. There was a slight misunderstanding of the new IG name....Astra Militarum. No extra "I" in there. And from our source there will be a mix of Cadian and Catachan releases for Astra Militarum. So the rumors of Catachans going away would appear to be incorrect.

via 40K Radio's Rik (https://www.facebook.com/pages/40K-Radio/147396461962884) 2-6-2014

Plastic Ogryns
So some exciting news. A listener of ours was at a GW store today that mistakenly received a shipment of some unreleased items. It was the plastic Ogryn kit. The rename is confirmed as they were called Militarum Auxillia. Boom! Nailed it.

Imperial Guard Latest 2-13-2014
-Plastic Ogryns
-Plastic Stormtroopers
-New large tank

40kRadio adds:

-Commissar Squads
-New Larger Transport
-Stormtroopers, Commissar Squads, and Bullgryns are Astra Auxilary. These units may be taken as "plug-ins" to other Imperial armies.
-Catachans and Cadians are covered in the new codex. Catachans are not going to direct only.

Imperial Guard Latest 3-6-2014

Imperial Guard will take up a 3 week release slot.

- Week one is up for preorder with the March 22nd White Dwarf.
- Breakdown is as follows:

Week 1: 3 kits, including the Ogryns plastic combo-kit and 2 others.
Week 2: Codex
Week 3: 2 kits

Imperial Guard Latest 3-7-2014

Week 1: three kits:

- Ogryns/Bullgryns plastic combo-kit (one unit with ranged weapons, the other with giant shields and close combat weapons)
- Stormtroopers/Veterans combo-kit
- Unseen "Big transport" kit.

This new vehicle is said to be able to move entire squads of Ogryns and other stuff (so apparently more transport space than the Chimera). This kit is said to be roughly Land Raider sized. Previous "big tank" chatter over a month ago has also described it as being influenced by the Forgeworld Malcador's design.

via Luke Tickle 3-8-2014

Imperial Guard Latest 3-9-2014


Imperial Guard Latest 3-12-2014

Descanso De Escriba (http://descansodelescriba.blogspot.fi/2014/03/con-de-o-ogrete-y-hde-horus.html) posted


via lordbeefy on Warseer (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?391279-Imperial-Guard-Rumours-March-April-2014&p=7099380&viewfull=1#post7099380):

Heard a small rumour today from GW staffer....ogryns shields act as mobile aegis line type defence....4+ cover save, but they forgo their move in the subsequent phase. The weapons are a cross between grenade launchers and a mortar with specialist shells. Sounds very feasible from what i have seen of the model. He also said that the moustachiod ogryn is indeed neddog and has some interesting rules. On a par with the Kell rule with Creed.

Faeit (http://natfka.blogspot.com/2014/03/militarum-tempestus-taurox-and-scion.html#more) on 3-24-2014:

I can confirm the reports of Astra Tempestus and Militarum leaks inside. Full stat pages and lore for the Taurox, Taurox Prime and Scions. Scions are WS 3 BS 4 Str 3 To 3 with Hot-shot Lasguns and Carapace armor. They can upgrade a number of models to have Plasma Guns, Melta Guns or Overcharged Lasguns. May take a Taurox or Chimera as dedicated transport. There is also a Scion Command Squad, but I forget the difference, they have the option of taking the Taurox Prime as dedicated transport instead.

Taurox is approx. the cost of a lone marine in a Rhino, 11 10 10 for armor and rerolls failed terrain rolls, comes mounted with an Autocannon and can hold 10 models. Taurox Prime is approx. 2 more marines in that rhino but comes with your choice of Taurox Missile Launcher, Battle Cannon or Gatling Cannon. Same armor and transport capacity as the regular model.

via 40K Warzone (http://40kwarzone.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/more-guard-pic-leaks.html) 3-24-2014

New Taurox - Scions Pics Here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?35060-Imperial-Guard-Rumor-Roundup&p=406717&viewfull=1#post406717)

Imperial Guard Latest 3-25-2014

So, it seems MILITARUM TEMPESTUS is only an expansion for the imperial guard and not the real imperial guard.. the codex (released the same week as direct only) will be only in english and it'll have only the extra unit seen in the wd photos and maybe something else.

ALTAR OF WAR Book (HB) 39€


via 40K Warzone (http://40kwarzone.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/even-more-guard-pics.html#more) 3-24-2014

New Even more Taurox - Scions Pics Here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?35060-Imperial-Guard-Rumor-Roundup&p=406828&viewfull=1#post406828)

Taurox & Taurox Prime Summary 3-26-2014

AV: 11/10/10
BS:3 HP:3
Fire ports:2 per side, Access points: side, rear
Reroll Difficult Terrain tests
Transport Capacity: 10
Linked Autocannon
May be used by any IG squad who can access a Chimera

Taurox Prime
AV: 11/10/10
BS:4 HP:3 Fast
Fire ports:2 per side, Access points: side, rear
Reroll Difficult Terrain tests
Transport Capacity: 10
Taurox Battle Cannon (S7 AP4, Blast), Linked Hot-shot Volley gun
Upgrade Taurox Battle Cannon to:
Taurox Gatling Cannon (S4 AP-- Heavy10) +10pts
Taurox Missile Launcher (Cyclone clone) +20pts
May be used by any Scions or Scions Command Squad

Scions & Scion Command Squad Summary 3-26-2014

Scion Platoons
Elite choices for Codex Imperial Guard
1-3 Scion Squads
0-1 Scion Command Squad

Scions Squad (5 -10 models): WS3 BS4 S3 T3 Ld: 7 (Serg:8)
Hotshot Lasguns, Carapace, Hotshot Laspistols, (frag/krak - Serg. only)
Squad upgrades: 0-2 models: Plasma, Melta, Hotshot Volleyguns, Grenade Launcher, Flamer
Deep Strike, Move through Cover
Dedicated Transport: Chimera, Taurox Prime

Scions Command Squad (5 models): WS3 BS4 S3 T3 Ld:7 (Serg:9)
Hotshot Lasguns, Carapace, Hotshot Laspistols, (frag/krak - Serg. only)
Squad upgrades: 0-4 Any IG Special Weapon
Deep Strike, Move through Cover
Medic, Vox, Banner Upgrades
Squad leader (Tempestor): 18" Ld bubble for his Scion Platoon. Can issue IG 1 order 12" radius.
Dedicated Transport: Chimera, Taurox Prime

via Barcode 3-30-2014

Hydra-Wyvern Combo Kit
White Dwarf #10 Cover Image

Wyvern Support Battery
1-3 Wyvern
AV: 12/10/10
Stormshard Mortar: R:48" S:4 AP:6 Heavy 2, Barrage, Blast, Shred, Ignores Cover
65 Pts

A Chimera hull variant vehicle - Turret mounts twin short, wide barrels.

08-20-2013, 01:34 AM
This post commandeered in the name of the Realm:

via George Smiley (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?35060-Imperial-Guard-Rumor-Roundup&p=408462&viewfull=1#post408462) 3-31-2014

IG Week 2 Releases

via Faeit (http://natfka.blogspot.com/2014/04/astra-militarum-vendetta-and-sly-marbo.html#more) 4-4-14

1 ~ Sly Marbo will NOT be in the new AM codex. He's gone. (possibly a future dataslate)

2 ~ The Vendetta has gone up to 170 points, and lost half it's transport capacity, in that it can only transport up to 6 infantry (25mm) models. They can, however, still be taken in squadrons.

New Commissar via TheDiceAbide 4-4-2014

via Descanso del Escriba 4-7-2013

Armored Sentinels: -15pts but lose default Extra Armor

Infantry Platoons, Command Squads look about the same

Conscripts are in, 3 pts apiece!

Hydras are open-topped, 70pts. No Interceptor, No Ignore Cover.

Roughriders are in.

Leman Russes run @150pts but can range from @120 - 170 based on options.

via Barcode 4-8-2014

Bullgryn: WS4 BS3 S5 T5 W3 I2 A3 Ld6 Sv4+
Bone'ead: WS4 BS3 S5 T5 W3 I2 A4 Ld7 Sv4+

Grenade Launcher: (R:12" S:4 AP:6 Assault1 Small blast)
Bulllgryn Shield: (+1 Armor Save if in base-to-base contact with another model with a Bullgryn Shield, +1Cover save to any model obscured by the model)
Special Rules: Hammer of Wrath, Stubborn, Very Bulky
Dedicated Transpsort: Chimera, Taurox
Squad size 3-10
45pts each

Options: +15 per Bullgryn to upgrade to Brute Shield (Rerolls on Hammer of Wrath, and 5+ Inv. Sv.) and Power Maul

via Dakka's Inquisitor Jex (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/5430/583532.page) 4-10-2014

"Commissar rules about the execution is real: 1-2 opponent choose, 3+ you pick.

Fire on my Target now grants ignore cover instead of re-rolling successful cover saves. Bring it down gives monster/tank hunter instead of twin-linked.

Officer order range is 12inch for both senior and junior. Senoirs get 2 orders/turn instead of 1.
Creed gets 2 Warlord trait, that you can roll in 2 different warlord chart if you want.

Straken gets automcatically the one granted relentless; Harcker lost feel no pain (T3 blargh) but is also relentless (and no word that only he's got it, so you get a squad of relentless vet for +55pts)

Heavy flamer is 10pts; and (har har!) if vets don't take it, they can still sport 3 Special Weapons instead of 2.

Power fist/weapon are still 25/15 pts.

Ratlings can now shoot and run in the same shooting phase.

Heavy Weapons team are 45 pts, but since you MUST take 3 heavy weapons, the cheapest being mortars at 5 pts, there's no price change. Scout Sentinels are still 35 pts.

CCS are 60pts.
Tank commander are 30, +40 for Pask
Creed is 80, Straken is 130, gains monster hunter, smash, but 6 inch counter-charge/furious charge bubble

Platoon didn't change in price. Vets are 60.

Yes, Executiooner gains Gets Hot for main weapon..

Deathstrike can't fire first round, blast is apocalyptic blast

1-Hydra got 2 twin-linked Hydra autocannon, (Heavy 2 skyfire) for 70, open-topped.

2-Creed can issue 3 orders/turn, failed orders MUST be re-rolled; he also go 2 hot-shot laspistol, no word on being twin-linked, so gunsligner.base for him; Kell makes a unit take the order's Ld test on his Leadership (which is 8) ONLY when he's with Creed. Kell also got the bodyguard rule (Look out -arghh!) and Sworn protector (got to do a glorious intervention when he can and auto passes the test) 80Creed/75Kell cost

3-Nork got Sworn Protector rule as well, FnP, Hammer of Wrath, look out Arrgh, Stubborn, Very bulky (no is dark in 'ere rules for him or the other 'Gryns as well) Heroic Sacrifice as the old codex (can re-roll to hit/to wound on that as well), can exchange his normal attacks in melee (4) for a single headbutt, giving +3 Str, AP3, concussive. 85 for Nork

4-Basic is 150
Exterminator 130
Vanquis 135
Eradicator 120
Demo 170
Punisher 140
Execu 155.

Lascanon in the hull is 10 pts, so at least it's cheaper...
10 HF sponson
20 HB
20 MM
30 plasma canons

Also, you can do Sarge, any sarges, a gunsligner; he can take any itemS (notice the S) from the ranged Weapons list (Vet is melee AND ranged) the only basic gear that specifically states he is replacing is his CCW. for a power weapon (Vet got no specification)

Arty is only the Wyvern and the Earthshaker/Mandicore (+10 pts) and Deathstrike (no change)

Heavy Flamer is not in the special weapons lists, it is an added line in the unit's gear choice (as only CCS, PCS and vets can take it) but still count as a special weapons; hence why Vets can take 3 specials if they forgo the Heavy Flamer

Hellounds and variants are back
Hell: 125
Dog 135
Wolf: 130
Multi-melta is 10 pts

Vet Sgts, can't issue orders.

Heavy Weapons costs are the same...Missile launcher is still 15 pts, +10 for flakk missiles...conscripts are like the old codex; no special weapons, 3 pts a pop, still part of a platoon. SWS starts at 30.

Sgts can't take lasGUNS; only bolt pistol/gun and plasma pistols.

As for competitive..not much changed..the orders are actually better in my opinion (got to try it first of course) the Warlords Traits are nice, short of one (CCS gains relentless..'wow') the fact that even junior officer can turn a IS with spit fire, precision shot and shoot+run is nice. base 12 inch range for everyone will mean the PCS will actually be used for more than a turn 5 objective cleaner..OH!

The old Grav chute insertion; it now happens when the Val/Ven moves MORE THAN 6 inches instead of flat out..."
Wolfshade's original post:

I like this, I always wanted an IG regiment.

As an aside there seems to be a veritable smörgåsbord of rumours recently.

08-20-2013, 01:35 AM
I cqll bull**** on the Baneblade and superheavies in the codex.

08-20-2013, 01:42 AM
I cqll bull**** on the Baneblade and superheavies in the codex.

i'm with you. No way in hell a super heavy is going in a codex.

08-20-2013, 02:50 AM
I sure as hell hope note. I love my armoured company, but I would never want to field my baneblade with it in a normal game. loads of people were adamant last guard release that the baneblade would be in the codex and I called bull on that and was told over and over again I was wrong, probably be the same again.

08-20-2013, 02:51 AM
I'd hope not, but the cynical part of me is wondering if they'll introduce the Baneblade chassis into the normal 40K Codex instead of the standard oval based giant kit. It'll presumably be completely overpowered unless they scale it back a bit though.

If that's the case, I might buy my old one back from a friend, but I'm not buying a new one.

I like the idea of plastic storm troopers though :) And the Steel Legion would have been nice if I wasn't already pretty committed to Catachans.

08-20-2013, 02:53 AM
Id like the codex to push the massed infantry and tank approach, not thrvelite stormtroopers and veterans in Vendettas we see all the time now

08-20-2013, 03:28 AM
Old BoLS Rumors (pre-August 2013):

Release Date: January 2014
Steel Legion Supplemental Codex
Catachans Supplemental Codex
Look for missing models in the new release:
Plastic Stormtroopers
Missing Artillery Kits
New vehicle kit from EPIC

This I buy. Stormtroopers/Carapace Vets makes sense, would sell, and covers several units in the book.
Hyrda is missing a model.
Basilisk/Colossus/Medusa. Latter two need kits, and they could do the gun as a modular weapon like the Shadowsword- Breech, Wide short barrel, medium length and width barrel, long thin earthshaker barrel.
New vehicle from Epic? That seems like an odd one. There aren't all that many IG vehicles from Epic left that would fit the bill. Siegfried and Ragnarok tanks (redundant with Leman Russ, not even FW has bothered with these yet), Chimerax, Chimerro, Chimerodon, (Turret swaps for the Chimaera, again FW has not bothered with these yet) and the Mole (cool transport, but to transport a normal squad we already have the Valk and Chimaera). I would hope for a Griffon/Salamander as another vehicle slot, personally. They could easily share a design, just drop the autocannon/heavy flamer from the Salamander and mount a mortar in the troop bay. And Salamander would make a nice fast transport for command squads and say special weapon squads.

via Faeit 8-19-2013

Release date: March (or January) 2014
Steel Legion Plastic Kits
-Wearing "M35 Stahlhelms"
-Infantry sqaud box
-Command Squad box
-Heavy Weapon box
New Superheavy Tank based on the Baneblade.
Baneblade & all other Superheavies will be in the Codex.
Thunderer / Destroyer Kit.
Vanilla Stormtroopers

Don't buy this one at all.
Steel Legion getting 3 kits would eat up a massive amount of the kit budget for models that are an aesthetic variant of the current plastic Cadian and Catachan models, when there are a number of IG units without models or needing transitioned from finecast to plastic.
What variants on the Baneblade are left? And they just merged the Shadowsword into the baneblade box.
Superheavies in the codex? Not before 7th edition.
Thunderer/Destroyer? While I do love the Destroyer (Grey Venger is best tank!) there is no reason to add them when existing kits cover the same roles- Demolisher and Vanquisher. And again, there are vehciels that need models before they add new ones.
Vanilla Stormtroopers? Logical guess. No complaints. Doesn't make any of the rest of this list true.

08-20-2013, 10:12 AM
Fast Chimeras for steel legion would be cool.

08-20-2013, 10:34 AM
the steel legion figs may arrive with the supplement, wasnt there word that this may happen with supplements?

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-20-2013, 10:50 AM
I think it sounds too good to be true personally - but I'd LIKE it to be true. I dislike cadians and catachans immensely but I like practically all of the other regiments, so one like Steel Legion in plastic would be great to see. Would also be cool to see Stormtroopers - they are a long time coming...

08-20-2013, 11:17 AM
the Mole (cool transport, but to transport a normal squad we already have the Valk and Chimaera).

i think that a termite (one squad variant of the mole) is a real possibility. forge world do sent make one, its pulledfrom the history of 40k and it could use basically the same rules as a drop pod. as for valk and chimera, space marines have drop pods rhinos and storm ravens and they all are used for different purposes why would guard be different.

08-20-2013, 07:32 PM
I cqll bull**** on the Baneblade and superheavies in the codex.

If the Grey Knights, Eldar and Tau can all have Knight Titan-esque units and the Tyranids get small bio-Titans in their Codex, why can't the Guard get Baneblade-class Tanks?

How else will GW get Guard players to buy the mega kits?

08-20-2013, 07:37 PM
nah, those are huge. If anything, they'll get a Knight Titan if they want a competing walker.

08-20-2013, 07:37 PM
New vehicle from Epic?

Steel Legion getting 3 kits

What variants on the Baneblade are left?


Stormhammer tank is from Epic.

Plastic ASL isn't that far-fetched. It's a plastic army that people have wanted for a while. Unlike Catachans.

Stormhammer superheavy tank is like a Baneblade, but shorter-ranged. Well-suited to regular 40k play.

Thunderer / Destroyer are wishlisting, I think.

Plastic Stormtroopers are well overdue.

08-20-2013, 07:38 PM
nah, those are huge. If anything, they'll get a Knight Titan if they want a competing walker.

Spaz Marinz didn't get a huge walker, and Guard are Tanks, not robots.

08-20-2013, 07:58 PM
If the Grey Knights, Eldar and Tau can all have Knight Titan-esque units and the Tyranids get small bio-Titans in their Codex, why can't the Guard get Baneblade-class Tanks?

How else will GW get Guard players to buy the mega kits?

the problem with the baneblade in codex is that they just published new rules for it with a bunch of apocalypse only ability (super heavy vehicle, apocalypse blast, primary weapon, etc.)while a super heavy scaled down to apocalypse is doable thay have chosen to put the baneblade outside the range 40k can handle. a smaller super-heavy like a malcador could be made to work. however GW dose not seam do be moving in this direction.

08-20-2013, 08:59 PM
If I were wishlisting giant tanks for the IG, I'd want a Leviathan Kit (http://www.solegends.com/citcat94/cat1994095-01.htm).

Admiral Kenaris
08-20-2013, 09:47 PM
Well, if it's okay to put wishlist requests on this thread I would ask for a character model that let's you take Stormtrooper squads as Troops choices for variety. Also, a character that gives the IG a level 2 Psyker option would be nice. And since we are indulging whims here how about Penal Legion list where Schafer and his entire Last Chancers squad counts as an HQ slot. Finally, give the IG bikes instead of those rough riders. I won't play those models just because of how bad they look.

08-20-2013, 10:09 PM
Well, if it's okay to put wishlist requests on this thread I would ask for a character model that let's you take Stormtrooper squads as Troops choices for variety. Also, a character that gives the IG a level 2 Psyker option would be nice. And since we are indulging whims here how about Penal Legion list where Schafer and his entire Last Chancers squad counts as an HQ slot. Finally, give the IG bikes instead of those rough riders. I won't play those models just because of how bad they look.

I've converted up my own Rough Riders, 2x Box of Empire pistoliers + 1 Box of 10 Cadians + Big Bitz Box = 10 Rough Riders.4680
This is my second unit that I converted, with a Cadian version of Mogul Kamir (called, Louis Nolan)

In regard to the rumours, I would love to see Plastic Valhallans and Mordians (as well as the Steel Legion). Re-cut Catachans, that can also be modelled as Tanith First and Only.

I think that the Macharius and Malcador tanks should be heavy tanks with 6HP, but they can fire Ordnance and not snap-fire their other weapons.

Finally, 4HP on the Leman Russ.

I don't think that anything rumour wise that's coming out now can be seen as accurate at all, when we are at least 4-5 months from the release.

08-20-2013, 11:28 PM
Well, if it's okay to put wishlist requests on this thread

I would ask for a character model that let's you take Stormtrooper squads as Troops choices for variety.

Also, a character that gives the IG a level 2 Psyker option would be nice.

And since we are indulging whims here how about Penal Legion list where Schafer and his entire Last Chancers squad counts as an HQ slot.

Finally, give the IG bikes instead of those rough riders. I won't play those models just because of how bad they look.

In theory, this isn't wishlisting. However, the both sets of Guard rumors seem to have a lot of wishlisting built in...

Stormtroopers as Troops? Try Veterans in Carapace. Cheaper and better armed. ;) Or Sisters of Battle. 8o

There are things Guard simply shouldn't be able to do well. If Guard can have halfway decent Psykers, that changes the army design. Let Guard suck at Psykers.

Penal Legions should be Troops. Like Cultists. Last Chancers should be a special Troops entry. Actually, tho, they're better represented as Veterans.

Rough riders are fine. I not only use the older Tallarn riders to match the mass of Tallarn infantry in my Guard army but they also ride Dark Elf Cold One raptor lizards. I suppose you could try the Lizardmen Komodo-style Cold Ones as an alternative.

Admiral Kenaris
08-21-2013, 12:08 AM
[QUOTE=GrauGeist;339923]In theory, this isn't wishlisting. However, the both sets of Guard rumors seem to have a lot of wishlisting built in...

Stormtroopers as Troops? Try Veterans in Carapace. Cheaper and better armed. ;) Or Sisters of Battle. 8o

Stormtroopers can Deep Strike

There are things Guard simply shouldn't be able to do well. If Guard can have halfway decent Psykers, that changes the army design. Let Guard suck at Psykers.

A level 2 Psyker character would not break the Guard.

08-21-2013, 08:15 AM
In theory, this isn't wishlisting. However, the both sets of Guard rumors seem to have a lot of wishlisting built in...

Stormtroopers as Troops? Try Veterans in Carapace. Cheaper and better armed. ;) Or Sisters of Battle. 8o

There are things Guard simply shouldn't be able to do well. If Guard can have halfway decent Psykers, that changes the army design. Let Guard suck at Psykers.

Penal Legions should be Troops. Like Cultists. Last Chancers should be a special Troops entry. Actually, tho, they're better represented as Veterans.

Rough riders are fine. I not only use the older Tallarn riders to match the mass of Tallarn infantry in my Guard army but they also ride Dark Elf Cold One raptor lizards. I suppose you could try the Lizardmen Komodo-style Cold Ones as an alternative.

No need for Last Chancers as a special entry, just bring back Gaunt as a SC. Maybe a commissar Lord who can issue orders like a company commander and has a camo cloak and his cool power sword, but any vets must take the camo cloak doctrine. And Bring back Schaffer and Macharius as well. All three have models after all.

Letting Primaris psykers buy a level 2 for 25 points would match other codices, and would not be broken at all.

Rough Riders just need new models. And maybe replace their explosive lances with the power spear rules.

08-21-2013, 04:40 PM
No need for Last Chancers as a special entry, just bring back Gaunt as a SC. Maybe a commissar Lord who can issue orders like a company commander and has a camo cloak and his cool power sword, but any vets must take the camo cloak doctrine.

And Bring back Schaffer and Macharius as well. All three have models after all.

Letting Primaris psykers buy a level 2 for 25 points would match other codices, and would not be broken at all.

Rough Riders just need new models. And maybe replace their explosive lances with the power spear rules.

Last Chancers are not Gaunt's Ghosts; Last Chancers are a "Dirty Dozen" / Expendables penal unit. They are 12 strong, armed with Missile Launcher & Heavy Bolter; Sniper Rifle, Meltagun & Demo Charge; Plasma Pistol & CCW. Basically, Veterans with an extra Heavy Weapon and Senior Officer.

Gaunt's Ghosts are Veterans in Cameoline. Very straightforward.

Level 2 for 40 points would be fairer. It shouldn't match, it should be strictly worse.

Rough Riders do need new plastics. If the Steel Legion bit is true, cyber steeds would be a possibility, per ASL fluff. For Apoc, I like the idea of Guardsmen riding some sort of Monstrous Carnosaur-sized thing.

08-21-2013, 07:27 PM
Plastic Steel Legion are not too hard to believe. From a strictly business point of view GW would rake in the sales. Death Korps are some of Forgeworld's biggest sellers so having similar, yet different models being sold by GW would make them a ton of money while not compromising Death Korps sales. Lets just hope they will be priced the sames as the Cadians and Catachans if this is true.

It has been ages since GW's last global campaign. Maybe they'll be for a 4th Armageddon War???

08-21-2013, 08:46 PM
Last Chancers are not Gaunt's Ghosts; Last Chancers are a "Dirty Dozen" / Expendables penal unit. They are 12 strong, armed with Missile Launcher & Heavy Bolter; Sniper Rifle, Meltagun & Demo Charge; Plasma Pistol & CCW. Basically, Veterans with an extra Heavy Weapon and Senior Officer.

Gaunt's Ghosts are Veterans in Cameoline. Very straightforward.

Level 2 for 40 points would be fairer. It shouldn't match, it should be strictly worse.

Rough Riders do need new plastics. If the Steel Legion bit is true, cyber steeds would be a possibility, per ASL fluff. For Apoc, I like the idea of Guardsmen riding some sort of Monstrous Carnosaur-sized thing.

The point about the Gaunt's Ghosts is more than giving Veterans Forward Sentries. I'd love to see the rules for Gaunt again, but the Tanith are basically normal Guardsmen with camo-cloaks - maybe 60 points/squad with the same upgrades and Camo-Cloaks as standard, 5 points extra for the smaller squads, and the option of Demo-Charges as a special weapon for the command squads.

the Last Chancers were 12 models, each with it's own rules, they only really changed in the previous codex, and that wasn't for the better.

If memory serves me correctly, Codex: Armageddon, and then the Doctrines in Codex: IG didn't allow Steel Legion to take Rough Riders, and the Cyber-Steeds is more a DKK Thing.

On another note, I'd prefer to see Valhallans, Tallarn, and/or Mordians with new Plastics than the Steel Legion, as the FW DKK tend to fill the role of Gasmask guardsmen already. (although I'd still be happy to see new Steel Legion plastics, any new Guard stuff I'd welcome, but I'd still grumble that "it's not as good as the old metals/current forgeworld models. grumble grumble."

08-21-2013, 11:48 PM
Plastic Steel Legion are not too hard to believe. From a strictly business point of view GW would rake in the sales. Death Korps are some of Forgeworld's biggest sellers so having similar, yet different models being sold by GW would make them a ton of money while not compromising Death Korps sales. Lets just hope they will be priced the sames as the Cadians and Catachans if this is true.

Similar pricing is not going to happen. GW has raised prices on all-new kits by at least 50% compared to older kits of similar content. Look at the Wraithknight vs Dreadknight. Or HE Shadow Warriors. The next-gen Guard are going to be dramatically more expensive that what we've paid to date.

08-22-2013, 12:09 AM
The point about the Gaunt's Ghosts is more than giving Veterans Forward Sentries. I'd love to see the rules for Gaunt again, but the Tanith are basically normal Guardsmen with camo-cloaks - maybe 60 points/squad with the same upgrades and Camo-Cloaks as standard, 5 points extra for the smaller squads, and the option of Demo-Charges as a special weapon for the command squads.

the Last Chancers were 12 models, each with it's own rules, they only really changed in the previous codex, and that wasn't for the better.

If memory serves me correctly, Codex: Armageddon, and then the Doctrines in Codex: IG didn't allow Steel Legion to take Rough Riders, and the Cyber-Steeds is more a DKK Thing.

On another note, I'd prefer to see Valhallans, Tallarn, and/or Mordians with new Plastics than the Steel Legion, as the FW DKK tend to fill the role of Gasmask guardsmen already. (although I'd still be happy to see new Steel Legion plastics, any new Guard stuff I'd welcome, but I'd still grumble that "it's not as good as the old metals/current forgeworld models. grumble grumble."

Sure, tho it's more complicated, and GW would likely charge $50 for the privilege. Versus being "close enough" with Veterans today. While I'm OK with "close enough", I wouldn't turn my nose up at Cameoline Platoons, even if the squads cost more and the armor save went away.

The old Chancers were too much, while 6E went too far the other direction. Let the player field a "Dirty Dozen" Veteran Squad with a 2nd Heavy, a mandatory 35-pt Commissar, and an mandatory Officer.

If memory serves, Armageddon raised multiple types of native Guard Regiments, including Steel Legion, PDF, Jungle Fighters, etc. I know there were Rough Riders on Armageddon, but thought they were native. No? It was a long time ago, so maybe I mis-remember.

I'd like modified Tallarn, because guys in cloaks / ponchos have a level of versatility that is otherwise lacking. Specifically, representing camo which plays differently. But proper greatcoat guard would be pretty amazing.

08-22-2013, 08:45 AM
If they do Greatcoat Guard, I'd rather see Valhallans or Mordian-style troops. and if I want the gas mask/Steel Legion types, then I'll get the FW DKK

08-22-2013, 08:51 AM
I hope some kind LMG type special weapon will be introduced, which would add some suppresive firepower to various infantry squads, not sure about stats yet, though.

08-22-2013, 11:06 AM
I hope some kind LMG type special weapon will be introduced, which would add some suppresive firepower to various infantry squads, not sure about stats yet, though.

like the heavy stubber such as a twin linked heavy stubber in dkok weapon teams

Admiral Kenaris
08-22-2013, 11:36 AM
Level 2 for 40 points would be fairer. It shouldn't match, it should be strictly worse.

A level 2 IG Psyker that cost more points than Creed or Straken is reasonable?

08-22-2013, 06:03 PM
Similar pricing is not going to happen. GW has raised prices on all-new kits by at least 50% compared to older kits of similar content. Look at the Wraithknight vs Dreadknight.

Errr... OK? To put things in perspective, a Dreadknight is a bit bigger than a Dreadnought, A Wraithknight is taller than a Bastion. It's the same height as the tower on the Fortress of Redemption! That's why it is way more expensive.

On another note, I'd prefer to see Valhallans, Tallarn, and/or Mordians with new Plastics than the Steel Legion, as the FW DKK tend to fill the role of Gasmask guardsmen already. (although I'd still be happy to see new Steel Legion plastics, any new Guard stuff I'd welcome, but I'd still grumble that "it's not as good as the old metals/current forgeworld models. grumble grumble."

I agree there. I'd like to see one of those classic armies come back. A Mordian/Praetorian combo box would be awesome! Only the heads were ever different.

08-29-2013, 10:52 AM
Rumours of greatcoat guard? I'm afraid this is something I won't believe until I see it, I've been hurt before :(

It would be nice to see plastic Rough Riders, and Veterans/Storm Troopers (hopefully Kasrkin type, for compatibility with Cadians).

As for an LMG equivalent, I'd like to see a heavy stubber available to infantry squads, available in the special weapon slot.

09-01-2013, 08:24 AM
plastic rough riders are a must I think as well as plastic storm troopers!

I would like to see better rules for the regimental advisors, also ide love more rules to do with orders or just more orders! They should allow more men in the platoon and company command squads as well!

09-03-2013, 09:03 AM
Well, my first post in bols... heheheh

i think that IG codex is just fine, a few kits to complete the IG range, one big apocaliptic tank, just because all new codexs have one (its a fashion today), about expansion with other armys, an Elysian army will be just great, that way i can play mine freelly.... this is wishlist ofcourse.

Baneblade on the codex.... if they come with a new smaller one and less powered, why not? the eldar one is huge, gargantuos... almost a warhound titan ...if that one its ok... a new baneblade will also be ok.

last chancers would be great.... i have does, and i like them just because they are unique.

thats all folks

09-03-2013, 02:31 PM
almost a warhound titan

The Wraithknight is tall, but nowhere near the mass of the Warhound or Stompa.

09-03-2013, 02:33 PM
The Wraithknight is tall, but nowhere near the mass of the Warhound or Stompa.

Its not even as tall as a revenant. I'm staring at both of the models sitting on my shelf now and the revenant is a goot 25% taller (to the head) than the WK is.

Its nowhere near as tall as the fortress of redemption tower (best I can remember, I don't have any marine terrain)

09-19-2013, 06:03 PM
via BoLS 9-19-2013

These rumors come to us in multiple sets, and we have ordered them from most trustworthy to least based on a variety of "truthifying methods":

The Probable stuff:
IG Veterans/Stormtroopers (plastic 5-man box)
Artillery combo-kit
Roughriders (new plastic box)

The Possible stuff:
IG Regiment Doctrines: Each Regiment (Cadian, Catachan, etc...)has doctrines, similar to SM Chapter tactics. Examples listed were:
Cadians - may issue 2 orders to a unit
Catachans - Move-thru-cover, and Jungle Fighter (???)

Thunderbolt flyer: Very heavy armor, but cannot jink.

The Salt-mine
Imperial Robots - 2 new robots, requiring an Admech handler/enginseer.

Knight Paladin - Taller than riptide, not as tall as Wraithknight. Vanquisher cannon and Uber-chainsword are standard load out. May upgrade to Punisher Cannon, Uber-Fist with Inferno Flamers

09-19-2013, 07:29 PM
I'd be happy if they re-released the old barret wearing stormtroopers.

09-19-2013, 09:46 PM
Lets talk terminators killers Ogryn. Love the guys. Their points need to br adjusted.

09-20-2013, 06:35 AM
I'd be happy if they re-released the old barret wearing stormtroopers.

With a new special rule, "Barret Barrage".

09-20-2013, 07:32 AM
Similar pricing is not going to happen. GW has raised prices on all-new kits by at least 50% compared to older kits of similar content. Look at the Wraithknight vs Dreadknight. Or HE Shadow Warriors. The next-gen Guard are going to be dramatically more expensive that what we've paid to date.

New tactical squad? Plus, considering how much pricing went up with the release of the previous codex, they can only raise prices so far ...

09-20-2013, 01:40 PM
Looking at all the talk of people wanting one of the classic armies to come back, like Mordians or Praetorians, I have to disagree. If Games Workshop really does produce a new line of Imperial Guard I would prefer to see something more sci-fi. I don't really like the historic analogue thing the Imperial Guard have going on. I think that there are all sorts of gothic and grim-dark-far-future-esque things that the design team could come up with instead of rehashing a concept they came up with in the early 90's.

Besides that, the aesthetic of almost every guard regiment bothers me:

Catachans are commandos running around death worlds without shirts (seriously, put a shirt on).
Cadians have these weird helmets that remind me of the old leather helmets from American football in the early 20th century.
Mordians look like they're running around in dress uniforms.
The list of complaints goes on.

I'm willing to admit that I might be a minority, but I really have no nostalgia concerning Imperial Guard.

09-21-2013, 07:20 AM
Looking at all the talk of people wanting one of the classic armies to come back, like Mordians or Praetorians, I have to disagree. If Games Workshop really does produce a new line of Imperial Guard I would prefer to see something more sci-fi. I don't really like the historic analogue thing the Imperial Guard have going on. I think that there are all sorts of gothic and grim-dark-far-future-esque things that the design team could come up with instead of rehashing a concept they came up with in the early 90's.

Besides that, the aesthetic of almost every guard regiment bothers me:

Catachans are commandos running around death worlds without shirts (seriously, put a shirt on).
Cadians have these weird helmets that remind me of the old leather helmets from American football in the early 20th century.
Mordians look like they're running around in dress uniforms.
The list of complaints goes on.

I'm willing to admit that I might be a minority, but I really have no nostalgia concerning Imperial Guard.

Is there something smaller than "minority" to describe the (I'll be generous and say) section your in for that opinion? ;)

You have to remember the background of the Imperium of Man. The Imperial Guard is drawn from every known, settled world. You literally can have armored mounted knights riding into battle with a wheel lock pistol alongside a chimera transport filled with gene-augmented hive-worlders bearing the most deadly and advanced weaponry known to the IoM. I personally love the variations of the Cadians, Mordians, and Catachans. However, maybe you are right and we will see something like Adeptus Mechanicus Tech Guard -- sci-fi looking peeps that can "count as" regular IG.

09-21-2013, 07:59 AM
I love the old models, my IG army has old school cadians, valhallans, Steel Legion, Tallarns, Praetorians, and Mordians. They are just amazing models, they should get rid of those horrible Vostryan First Born, I hate those models, and bring one of the old school models just revamped, which IMO should be the Tallarns.

GW need a hydra kit which I think is most likely to be made for the rerelease!

09-21-2013, 10:53 AM
I love the old models, my IG army has old school cadians, valhallans, Steel Legion, Tallarns, Praetorians, and Mordians. They are just amazing models, they should get rid of those horrible Vostryan First Born, I hate those models, and bring one of the old school models just revamped, which IMO should be the Tallarns.

GW need a hydra kit which I think is most likely to be made for the rerelease!

Vostroyans are my favorite of any of the metal guard ranges.

09-21-2013, 01:31 PM
I love the old models, my IG army has old school cadians, valhallans, Steel Legion, Tallarns, Praetorians, and Mordians. They are just amazing models, they should get rid of those horrible Vostryan First Born, I hate those models, and bring one of the old school models just revamped, which IMO should be the Tallarns.

'What he said.....'

09-21-2013, 03:33 PM
I kinda like the Vostroyan Firstborns. I'd never get any cause metal guard are for people much wealthier than I, but the whole archaic mixed with high tech and healthy dose of Czarist Russia thing makes them very characterful.

That said, I think Tallarns are the way to go for a new plastic guard unit. They'd look pretty awesome revamped, and are unique enough from all current models to introduce a whole new wealth of options for converters. For Mechanicus Tech Guard there are Forge World models, not to mention converting cultists (both FW and GW) or DKoK. The "look" of being robed/gas-masked and techy is already out there, all it takes is a little conversion work. Desert/Arab themed turban wearing guardsmen, not so much. Valhallans are too close to Cadians with overcoats for my taste, and I was never a big fan of the Mordians. Plus, both those units could once again be converted with FW parts (The greatcoat bits or DKoK bodies with Cadian heads for Valhallans, and the peaked officer's cap heads for Mordians). Steel Legion would make sense from a marketing standpoint, but I kind of hope not, since they're so close to DKoK.:rolleyes:

09-21-2013, 04:35 PM
I love the old models, my IG army has old school cadians, valhallans, Steel Legion, Tallarns, Praetorians, and Mordians. They are just amazing models, they should get rid of those horrible Vostryan First Born, I hate those models, and bring one of the old school models just revamped, which IMO should be the Tallarns.

I like all of them including the Vostroyans. I also remember Tallarns being pulled from the range for a while after 9/11. And is it just me or does the model for Captain Al-rahem look like Yasser Arafat?

09-22-2013, 05:02 PM
Scrap everything, guys. The new IG plastics need to look like THIS:

09-22-2013, 06:24 PM
As unlikely as it is, it would be awesome if they did.

09-22-2013, 11:28 PM
Indeed it would be awesome.

Hopefully when FW do Imperial Army minis ...

09-23-2013, 01:19 AM
It would be totally awesome. Check out dat sweet helmet! If FW came out with models based on this I could die a happy man. Some mad genius in the early days of GW decided to cross grimdark with Buck Rogers and it totally works. It's way more unique and fun than just rehashing historical armies IN SPACE.

09-23-2013, 01:09 PM
It would be totally awesome. Check out dat sweet helmet! If FW came out with models based on this I could die a happy man. Some mad genius in the early days of GW decided to cross grimdark with Buck Rogers and it totally works. It's way more unique and fun than just rehashing historical armies IN SPACE.

You do know that's what Cadians and Elysians are for, right?

09-23-2013, 06:23 PM
You do know that's what Cadians and Elysians are for, right?

Cadians are a slightly more body armored version of modern soldiers and Elysians look like Starship Troopers with more angular helmets. Neither of them have a pulp sci-fi look like this.

09-24-2013, 10:41 AM
As for the codex, I hope the cover art will something like this: http://imageshack.us/a/img703/7185/dnkd.jpg

10-30-2013, 11:29 PM
OP updated:

Via BoLS 10/31/2013

Codex Imperial Guard launches in March 2014
Look for many refreshes in the codex rules.
Expanded command system with the return of Doctrines
The missing IG tanks will be released:
-Griffon/Collosus/Medusa artillery kit
Stormtroopers released
Veterans released
-These two infantry kits include many, many optional bits to build command squads and even penal troops.
New centerpiece kit is a Horus Heresy era tank.

10-31-2013, 06:54 AM
I just want storm troopers and a colossus then I will be thrilled. a new tank would be awesome as well, but really at this point I would be happy to just get new kits of the existing missing stuff.

10-31-2013, 07:07 AM
More tanks good.

10-31-2013, 07:27 AM
I think a baneblade would be nice for the guard to field. With other armies having Trygons, Riptides, Wraithknights, etc. It just logically makes sense.

You never know with GW sincr they rewrote the daemon white dwarf almost completely when 6 daemons came out several months afterwards. We though white dwarf would had been really close to 6th material. At least stat wise flamers and screamers remained the same.

If they bring back Doctrines that would be really awesome. I am scared that you may be limited to only one Doctrine instead of being able to take multiple of them. If this is true Forgeworld may see me purchase several bit parts.

I would like to see sentinels on the field more and army wide deep strike again personally. Doctrines from last edition and orders can be a bit much. I think we will see some nerf tweaks if both are used together.

I think guard should have master 2 psykers. The guard can pick 2 psychic units compared to most armies that only have 1 psychic unit. As it stands guard can field 5 psychic units which is more that most marine armies. I would be happy with Master 2. Without Divination psychic powers are not too bad with guard.

I am with the camp that guard should look more sci-fi. I understand the majority wwII look, but you are facing non WWII material, likr Tau. On the same token you have high tech races like Tau and Eldar. Which means you don't want them tooo high tech looking.

Look at aliens and halo for example. They look like Cadians and Jungle Fighters or even Avatar. Keep in mind that you need cheap and easy to mass produced armour.

Also keep in mind guard armour shoukd vary from world to world.

I am against big robots since everyone seems to almost have one. Big tank hasn't hit the 40k scene yet and I think it would be awesome to see one from the guard side.

10-31-2013, 07:32 AM
I think a baneblade would be nice for the guard to field. With other armies having Trygons, Riptides, Wraithknights, etc. It just logically makes sense.

I still maintain a baneblade is way too big and wouldn't work at all. I would love to see a plastic malcador though, four hull points, heavy, could work.

10-31-2013, 07:45 AM
I see mini titans so why not. The nightmare would be designing rules for it. 500 point tank is way over the top and you don't want it die to one shot. I do doubt it would make an appearance, but I would not completely dismiss them pitting it against the guards foes in 40k.

10-31-2013, 07:48 AM
perhaps, but I still think it is too big and wouldn't work. rumour mongers were adamant last time round the baneblade would be in the codex and it wasn't, I wont believe it this time either. some sort of new heresy tank would be awesome though. I'd love it to be a malcador because there are already a load of variants, loads of conversion possibilities, and it looks cool. and currently slightly too much for me in resin. but any new tank hull would be great, opens up new conversion possibilities for me, and it is too long since my armoured company last had a new variant to play with.

10-31-2013, 08:10 AM
It is viable for guard to have a 300 point tank that is better than a land raider. The size issue may or may not be a real issue, depends on how well 6 edition guard can shoot needing no line of sight. I have done the ole hide behind the Russ tanks and shoot mortars, etc behind the russ tanks.

However barrage weapons is not that bad, even though they can snipe out characters. I would fear Tau a bit more with the ton of smart missiles they can unleash not needing line of sight. Anyway I think it would be helpful, but hardly a game changer. It all depends on how they write the rule for it.

If guard fields a tank like that it will encourage armies to field more anti tank. Less grav guns and more meltas for example, especially if you need to wreak it 2-3 times to kill the tank.

I doubt you will see guard pulling out apoc templates in 40k. Only reason I think it may have an appearance is due to them trying to move the kit and models like the vendetta and trygon for example was forge world models and was welcomed into 40k. More than likely you will be correct and they would opt to go with a tank that is smaller and doesn't impact apoc game play or 40k game play.

If they did take a baneblade from apoc it would mean they would have to rewrite the apoc rules for it as well.

10-31-2013, 08:30 AM
the problem with the Baneblade isn't points cost or power, but size. A Baneblade is 9.25" long by 7.25" wide, which is 1.75" longer and wider than a Land Raider, a vehicle which already has problems getting around on some tables. As big as it is, the Baneblade would most likely end up being a static firebase, essentially a second Fortification. That might be all you plan to use it for, but should you need to re-position it (maybe an enemy is out of LOS, or there's a nasty MC bearing down on it, etc.), good luck getting it placed how you want it.

10-31-2013, 09:23 AM
the problem with the Baneblade isn't points cost or power, but size. A Baneblade is 9.25" long by 7.25" wide, which is 1.75" longer and wider than a Land Raider, a vehicle which already has problems getting around on some tables. As big as it is, the Baneblade would most likely end up being a static firebase, essentially a second Fortification. That might be all you plan to use it for, but should you need to re-position it (maybe an enemy is out of LOS, or there's a nasty MC bearing down on it, etc.), good luck getting it placed how you want it.

Not like it Can't be placed on top of terrain. Had land raiders on top of trees before. Look at a vendetta for example. It has issues finding a place to land between terrain.

10-31-2013, 09:33 AM
Given the size of the Eldar naughty I hope it is a Knight, and I hope it is a MC. It could be done. The thing is even a FW nasty LR with 5 HP can be one-shotted with a lascannon. Unlikely, but could happen. Whereas it takes serious concentrated firepower to splat those big kit, high T multi-wounders.

10-31-2013, 03:29 PM
I'd be happy with what ever they bring out for the guard.The item on my wish list has to be the Hydra!
Citadel miniatures (pre GW) brought out female imperial guard, one of these even had a slightly open shirt.

11-03-2013, 08:30 AM
I still maintain a baneblade is way too big and wouldn't work at all. I would love to see a plastic malcador though, four hull points, heavy, could work.

They would need to bring it down in points dramatically it they did that, as it would even compete with the LBT. 6hp, the old lumbering behemoth rules and being able to independently target it guns would work and keep it competitive.

Mr Mystery
11-03-2013, 08:38 AM
No, that would make it way too hard.

Stuff in Apocalypse is for Apocalypse. Where it can run into strength D weapons to keep it in check.

Outside Apocalypse, the amount of firepower I'd need to deal with it, whilst it splits fire at my army, will give most of the rest of your army free reign.

Hence I call shenanigans on these rumours, and the apparent expansion. Not town room one or both would require the full super heavy rules normally found in Apocalypse, along with entries for each and every super heavy in the game.

11-03-2013, 09:47 AM
I would hope for a Griffon/Salamander as another vehicle slot, personally. They could easily share a design, just drop the autocannon/heavy flamer from the Salamander and mount a mortar in the troop bay. And Salamander would make a nice fast transport for command squads and say special weapon squads.

Make it work as a Chariot rather than squad transport?

11-03-2013, 10:06 AM
Also I'd like to see Vets get the option to swap out the Heavy Flamer with a Heavy Bolter and have the option of a Medic.

And the Astropath to have actual Telepath powers of some sort...

11-03-2013, 10:22 AM
No, that would make it way too hard.

Stuff in Apocalypse is for Apocalypse. Where it can run into strength D weapons to keep it in check.

Outside Apocalypse, the amount of firepower I'd need to deal with it, whilst it splits fire at my army, will give most of the rest of your army free reign.

Hence I call shenanigans on these rumours, and the apparent expansion. Not town room one or both would require the full super heavy rules normally found in Apocalypse, along with entries for each and every super heavy in the game.

Not at all, I have seen point for point analysis made of the two under the 5th ed rule set. In fact, the case is made here (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/271861-the-malcador-in-6ed/) one does have to consider the rules for the tanks and how many can be taken.

The new Apoc rules made superheavies ridiculously hard, however, the Malcador does badly as a superheavy. One on one, the Malcador and LBT are evenly matched point for point. The Malcador lacks AV14, but is tougher, while it has the same chance to penetrate AV 14 as the LBT. Run both on the normal VDT as you will see my point.

Mr Mystery
11-03-2013, 10:36 AM
Write up there is flawed, on account it glosses over the flexibility of splitting fire with no detriment.

Potentially, a Leman Russ can knack a single tank or other target a turn. Malcador faces no such restriction, and with three lascannons? Do you really need that worked out for you?

11-03-2013, 10:37 AM
via Noel at Wargamer

-‘Mission Objectives’ are potentially a new special rule for the Imperial Guard, although my channels are a little dry on this front, one can only begin to imagine what they do. I heard on the grapevine, that this special rule would allow even sergeants, to order ‘minor orders’ to their own unit.

-Formerly Forge World dominated vehicles will take a tour in the Imperial Guard codex. This means we could see such units as the Forge World Destroyer Tank Hunter as part of the upcoming codex. Although one finds it extremely unlikely they will receive a new plastic kit.

-Headquarters units have seen a massive shake up. Above the whole organisation, some units have been deleted, others modified. You start by buying a command squad, this is then changed by swapping the officer for a commissar, if one wishes too. The three present advisors have been retained, with the addition of the Primaris Psyker as a command squad advisor.

-Ministorum Priests are back in the same manner as before, this time though it has been rumoured they increase the ranged output of the unit, as well combat potential. Maybe in the form of the ‘preferred enemy’ special rule, who knows?

-The mighty (or not so mighty Enginseer) has stayed relatively the same, except for the transition from HQ to either Elite or Heavy Support. But what excites me the most, are their roles on the field of battle. Apparently they will act much like Royal Courts in the Necron army, bought with certain upgrades, then attached out to other units, to confer certain benefits to that unit.

-In terms of repacking, it is believed that special weapon squads will receive their own box set. This is also rumoured to be extended to veteran squads and heavy weapon teams. Coming in boxes of five models, with a wide variety of special equipment.

-Moving on from the veteran weapon squads re-boxing, it is believed that they will be changing their position on the battlefield. With smaller squad sizes, veterans seem to be taking a fire support role, that focuses on battlefield specialisation.

-Vendetta and Valkyrie gunship’ will more than likely be streamlined into one unit. Also it is believed that the squadron option will be lost, and an increase in points to balance out the power of Vendetta and Valkyrie gunship’ in sixth edition.

11-03-2013, 11:05 AM
Write up there is flawed, on account it glosses over the flexibility of splitting fire with no detriment.

Potentially, a Leman Russ can knack a single tank or other target a turn. Malcador faces no such restriction, and with three lascannons? Do you really need that worked out for you?

You have obviously never seen the tank, if you had then you would know that those LC are awkward to use with the main turret and front weapon and make the vehicle almost as expensive as a LR. I can work it out as I have seen it played, and know full well that your comment is as much hyperbole. The Malcador is still almost as expensive as 2 LBTs, and there are other vehicles that can split fire.

Mr Mystery
11-03-2013, 11:28 AM
I have indeed seen it. Bit of careful deployment and you can maximise those firing angles.

Splitting fire with every weapon cannot be underestimated. The statistical chance maybe relatively low, but it's by it's very mature infinitely greater than when you can't split fire at all.

11-03-2013, 12:22 PM
I have indeed seen it. Bit of careful deployment and you can maximise those firing angles.

Splitting fire with every weapon cannot be underestimated. The statistical chance maybe relatively low, but it's by it's very mature infinitely greater than when you can't split fire at all.

So you are basing hyperbole on chance over something that can just as easily be countered. Points differential, for that slim chance you are paying a premium, for the LC's you are paying a premium.

Shave off a hundred points from the cost of the unit and you may have a point, but the fact remains that as it stands it is less competitive than taking 2 LBTs which it is almost the same points as, partiuarly if both using the normal vehicle damage table.

You may as well be moaning that a Dread is better than Sentinel, the Dread able to take two weapons and being infinitely better in combat. It is the same reason that a space marine costs more than a guardsmen.

Mr Mystery
11-03-2013, 12:30 PM
No, it's really not. You may also wish to look up what hyperbole is, on account it's not the expression of a conflicting opinion.

Malcador, being super heavy, is immune to shaken and stunned, and it can't be immobilised or have its weapons knackered. It can split fire over as many weapons as it has on the model. It's harder to glance to death. It also has an advantage in that it's easier to find cover for a single model than it is two, especially when it comes to tanks.

And let's expand the inclusion (as per original rumour) to include Baneblade and Co. Weapons get bigger, chassis gets tougher. Soaks up more, kills more. This is a massive advantage outside of Apocalypse. And such a game becomes 'kill the super heavy'. Which is dull.

11-03-2013, 04:18 PM
No, it's really not. You may also wish to look up what hyperbole is, on account it's not the expression of a conflicting opinion.

Malcador, being super heavy, is immune to shaken and stunned, and it can't be immobilised or have its weapons knackered. It can split fire over as many weapons as it has on the model. It's harder to glance to death. It also has an advantage in that it's easier to find cover for a single model than it is two, especially when it comes to tanks.

And let's expand the inclusion (as per original rumour) to include Baneblade and Co. Weapons get bigger, chassis gets tougher. Soaks up more, kills more. This is a massive advantage outside of Apocalypse. And such a game becomes 'kill the super heavy'. Which is dull.

Well who didn't look at when a post is dated...

The comparison was based on rules from the last edition of Apoc (Feb 2013), and the Malcador specifies in its rules that it can be immobilised on a 4+ on a penetrating hit before rolling on the damage table. All your comments make it quite clear that you know nothing about this unit other than that it is a superheavy.

It's chassis is weaker than the LBT, it is no longer than a LR and about half as wide, which you would know if you had actually seen one played.
The Malcador can easily be made to fit into 40K, it is far from being indestructible.

Your comments if not hyperbole, are the most ignorant set of exaggerations that have more common place on whineseer than BoLS.

As has been stated, the tank would be fine if it lost the superheavy rules of Apoc, your whine that it is a superheavy (when even forgeworld has it in normal and superheavy sections) is nonsensical, probably due to having tailored your list as vehicles suck in 6th herp derp

11-03-2013, 04:22 PM
Renegade, quit being a dick.

11-03-2013, 11:02 PM
it is believed that special weapon squads will receive their own box set.

You mean like they already do?

11-04-2013, 11:16 AM
Renegade, quit being a dick.

Oh, name calling. I guess you don't like it when a player knows more than you do about a unit, and knows exactly how it effects the game.

Darklink is That Guy obviously.

11-04-2013, 11:36 AM
"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAeqVGP-GPM)

Everyone calm down...

11-04-2013, 04:32 PM
You mean like they already do?

heavy weapon squads have a boxed set, not special weapon squads.

11-04-2013, 04:34 PM
-‘Mission Objectives’ are potentially a new special rule for the Imperial Guard, although my channels are a little dry on this front, one can only begin to imagine what they do. I heard on the grapevine, that this special rule would allow even sergeants, to order ‘minor orders’ to their own unit.

Sounds good... think that there could easily be some wishlisting going on though.

Formerly Forge World dominated vehicles will take a tour in the Imperial Guard codex. This means we could see such units as the Forge World Destroyer Tank Hunter as part of the upcoming codex. Although one finds it extremely unlikely they will receive a new plastic kit.

As above, and would hope that they include different regiments with it if they do.

-Headquarters units have seen a massive shake up. Above the whole organisation, some units have been deleted, others modified. You start by buying a command squad, this is then changed by swapping the officer for a commissar, if one wishes too. The three present advisors have been retained, with the addition of the Primaris Psyker as a command squad advisor.

Not so sure I like this, it is bad enough that a Commissar Lord ends up being the warlord choice over the CSS. wait and see I guess.

-Ministorum Priests are back in the same manner as before, this time though it has been rumoured they increase the ranged output of the unit, as well combat potential. Maybe in the form of the ‘preferred enemy’ special rule, who knows?

So they end up a bit like WHFB priests? I have heard something like that doing the rounds, and think it could be quite cool.

-The mighty (or not so mighty Enginseer) has stayed relatively the same, except for the transition from HQ to either Elite or Heavy Support. But what excites me the most, are their roles on the field of battle. Apparently they will act much like Royal Courts in the Necron army, bought with certain upgrades, then attached out to other units, to confer certain benefits to that unit.

I guess it is a definite wait and see.

11-04-2013, 04:39 PM
-The mighty (or not so mighty Enginseer) has stayed relatively the same, except for the transition from HQ to either Elite or Heavy Support. But what excites me the most, are their roles on the field of battle. Apparently they will act much like Royal Courts in the Necron army, bought with certain upgrades, then attached out to other units, to confer certain benefits to that unit.

If the rumoured new FOC of a super heavy is true, then this may be a useful guy to have around. Wait and see of course.

11-05-2013, 05:14 AM
If the rumoured new FOC of a super heavy is true, then this may be a useful guy to have around. Wait and see of course.

I starting to think that the mountain will give birth to a mouse..... i think that it will be nota asuper heavy, but something smaller... the malcador tank is more realistic, in rules in size, i dont consider malcador a super heavy tank... just an heavy one, smaller, fluffy.... :D i would like to have one :P

other thing, the douctrines.... aaaah i loved them in 4th, they where so cool... the drop army list, the granadiers with 4+ save... good times...

11-05-2013, 11:48 AM
I starting to think that the mountain will give birth to a mouse..... i think that it will be nota asuper heavy, but something smaller... the malcador tank is more realistic, in rules in size, i dont consider malcador a super heavy tank... just an heavy one, smaller, fluffy.... :D i would like to have one :P

As an owner, I would recommend getting in quick before they go plastic. :cool:

11-08-2013, 01:41 AM
via Warseer's StrykerSniper 11-8-2013

I did have a tiny look behind the iron curtain of GWs privacy policies, and I was able to see some mockups of the new veterans/stormtrooper boxed set, and it would be an amazing kit to build warbands or stormtrooper squads. Also I saw a model that appeared to be an Inquisitor, and was wearing a long cloak and armor. I could see GW allowing stormtroopers as a troop choice to induce additional sales of the new kit, which, frankly, floored me. The details were great, with kasrkin style armor, and all sorts of weapons including hellguns, sniper rifles, special weapons, a cool missile launcher, a bunch of sergeant options, bolters, and lots of shotguns that managed to not look like scout shotguns. Also, the bolters did not look like marine shotuns, they were a little more human sized. Some of the poses were also amazingly dynamic. Some were stoic standing poses, while a couple were very John Woo! There were also a lot of extra bits, poches, packs, grenades, knives, some scanner like equipment, and what appeared to be night vision goggles. If i were a puppy, I would've piddled onm the rug, and it was a supreme act of will not to grab the models and run for the door. Apparently, they have also been ready for some time. Please dear God, let these see the light of my hobby store soon and I will have at least 5 boxes! This might even revitalize my Guard army.

Oh, and there were a bunch of heads! respirator heads, heads with berets, bald heads, heads with mohawks and crew cuts. Most were scarred, and one had an eyepatch, while another had a disfigured eye with what looked like claw marks, one head was smoking a stogie, and there were two heads with berets. There was even a knife that looked like a trench knife with raised knuckle dusters. There were scopes, a hand radio, and a bunch of bits for the bases including plants, a snake, and some ammo cans and satchel charges. There was even a hand holding an entrenching tool (shovel to you non-military types). There were a few holstered pistols, and as a delightful surprise, there were also autoguns in addition to lasguns, and there were bits for pistol and close combat weapon troops, although few were chainblades. There was a demo charge, melta bombs, and camo cloaks. I was very, very impressed. The attention to detail was phenomenal.

11-08-2013, 02:07 AM
As long as I can get my hands on berets-wearing stormtroopers finally without pay enormous prices on Ebay for them, I will be happy.

11-08-2013, 05:45 AM
I so hope that is true, been waiting many years for plastic storm troopers

Mr Mystery
11-08-2013, 05:54 AM
Less than convinced.

Peep behind the Iron Curtain? I doubt it. Been to GW HQ many, many times, including on their management course. Chances of actually getting into the studio without actually being studio staff? Pretty. Much. Nil.

11-08-2013, 07:25 AM
Makes sense. Spare heads is one of the main things people use bit sellers and 3rd parties for, so providing variants on sprue cuts them out.

Mr Mystery
11-08-2013, 08:46 AM
I dunno man. One of the main weaknesses of the bitz seller is that the buyer generally has the main kit already.

Thus, GW still get their sale, and there's no real need to cut anyone else out.

11-08-2013, 10:32 AM
Less than convinced.

Peep behind the Iron Curtain? I doubt it. Been to GW HQ many, many times, including on their management course. Chances of actually getting into the studio without actually being studio staff? Pretty. Much. Nil.

Unless the guy that is making these rumors/leaks is in fact a member of the staff and simply reports information as if he is an outsider receiving insider information -- kind of a disinformation tactic: pretend that the leak is being made through a second party, when in fact its a direct leak.

11-08-2013, 10:35 AM
Unless the guy that is making these rumors/leaks is in fact a member of the staff and simply reports information as if he is an outsider receiving insider information -- kind of a disinformation tactic: pretend that the leak is being made through a second party, when in fact its a direct leak.

Gadzooks! It is a conspiracy. I blame the lizardmen, wait they do a range of lizard men! argh!

Mr Mystery
11-08-2013, 10:46 AM
Unless the guy that is making these rumors/leaks is in fact a member of the staff and simply reports information as if he is an outsider receiving insider information -- kind of a disinformation tactic: pretend that the leak is being made through a second party, when in fact its a direct leak.

Honestly? I don't know the guy's pedigree, so genuine apologies if that might change this, but it's far, far more likely he's simply making it up.

11-12-2013, 12:51 PM
It's not just a matter of GW supplying variant heads in the plastic kits to cut out bitz sellers- if the kit makes ten models and there are only five of each variant head, then someone out there is in business.

11-19-2013, 11:31 PM
hmmmm any ideas http://i341.photobucket.com/albums/o384/kommy33/a868a28e0bd8808efa4aa96a1a20218a_zps8620fd7e.jpg (http://s341.photobucket.com/user/kommy33/media/a868a28e0bd8808efa4aa96a1a20218a_zps8620fd7e.jpg.h tml)

11-20-2013, 02:25 AM
Where did you get the picture?

It looks awesome. I hope it's real.

Mr Mystery
11-20-2013, 03:17 AM
Hmm. Conflicting things here...

1. It appears to be resin, and thus one would assume Finecast. Finecast is apparently being ditched, and others claim to have seen sprues of plastic Stormtroopers

2. Sargents can't currently have power fists. From memory, I don't think Stormtroopers have ever had access to Powerfists (this is largely by the by. New book, literally new rules)

3. Backpack matches present Kasrkin.

I'm wondering if perhaps this was a limited run model, never formally released. Though that in itself wouldn't explain the resin. Could be a recast of a rare model, but that seems less likely, as any collector of rare GW models would know they didn't come in resin at that time.

Could also be a complex conversion, latterly cast up by the maker?


11-20-2013, 04:34 AM
Hmm, well that's a great first post. :)

Certainly does look resin, and yet the slotta base and foot tab suggest it was originally a metal model (although not necessarily).

I don't think it's a conversion, the boots and front groin plate are ever so slightly different to the current Kasrkin (boots are better sculpted and groin plate is a tiny bit smaller), so I would say it was a new sculpt.

My best bet would be to assume it's a practice sculpt which new figure designers do and are sometimes shown at games day although I've never seen this one before.

Does look like a GW model though, and I love that powerfist.

Blond Daemon
11-20-2013, 05:54 AM
My uneducated guess would be that it could be a mock up/prototype as the head, chest plate, belt and grenade look resin, but the rest Appears to be plastic. Though if it is a troll it is a very very pretty one and I want it :-)

Blond Daemon
11-20-2013, 05:58 AM
Some got sent to kommys photobucket account when I clicked, lots of nice tanks

11-20-2013, 07:50 AM
Most likely explanation is that is one of the trainee sculpts we see from time to time.

11-20-2013, 08:01 AM
i found it on pinterest of all places while searching for a pic to make a custom xmas card

and yes I WANT IT ASWELL!!!!!!!

11-20-2013, 08:28 AM
i found it on pinterest of all places while searching for a pic to make a custom xmas card

and yes I WANT IT ASWELL!!!!!!!

Looks like it been converted a little bit. I would like to see it closen up since part of it looks like some tau armour.

Anyway I have to look, but I know platoon sargents can't take one for sure. I can't recall if a platoon commander or a veteran can take one or not.

11-20-2013, 08:45 AM
Looks like it been converted a little bit. I would like to see it closen up since part of it looks like some tau armour.

Anyway I have to look, but I know platoon sargents can't take one for sure. I can't recall if a platoon commander or a veteran can take one or not.

Veteran Sergeants and Platoon Commanders can indeed take power fists. But, no, Stormtrooper Sergeants and Regular Infantry Squad Sergeants cannot take a PF. They can take power weapons though (which means a power axe).

11-20-2013, 08:53 AM
As Katharon points out, Veteran Sergeants and Platoon Commanders can take power fists... perhaps Veteran Sergeants and Platoon Commanders (and their squad members) can take... Hot Shot Lasg- I mean Hell Guns!

Nicholas Sacco
11-20-2013, 11:10 AM

They're only conversions.
Nothing new here.

Steve Day
11-20-2013, 11:36 AM
That fig is as old as the rest of the Kasrkin, possibly older in fact as it was done as a test for the last Guard release. There's a few others that didn't make it including a Sgt with a Storm Bolter and a grenade launcher armed fig throwing a grenade overarm.

11-20-2013, 01:35 PM
that model looks like a conversion thats been cast in plastic

11-21-2013, 05:09 AM
2. Sargents can't currently have power fists. From memory, I don't think Stormtroopers have ever had access to Powerfists (this is largely by the by. New book, literally new rules)

You may wish to check page 98 of the Codex. Veteran Sergeants can...

12-31-2013, 12:48 AM
via BoLS 12-31-2013

New plastic tank based heavily on the Heresy-era Malcador. Large kit outsizes the Land Raider (way smaller than a Baneblade) Multiple variants in the kit.

Updated Basilisk returns. Gun assembly is more rearward with armored skirts replacing the delicate railing. An overall more up-armored appearance.

A NEW dogfighter flyer arrives, that is NOT an existing known model.

New Plastic Stormtrooper/Veteran kit will build a minimum sized unit. Kit includes a TON of optional bits to individualize your squad as well as bits to dress up existing Cadian ranges.

12-31-2013, 10:43 AM
May I post this?

Alistair Armes
12-31-2013, 10:49 AM
they look like training sculpts or prototypes to me.

12-31-2013, 08:06 PM
via BoLS 12-31-2013
New plastic tank based heavily on the Heresy-era Malcador. Large kit outsizes the Land Raider (way smaller than a Baneblade) Multiple variants in the kit.

Updated Basilisk returns. Gun assembly is more rearward with armored skirts replacing the delicate railing. An overall more up-armored appearance.

A NEW dogfighter flyer arrives, that is NOT an existing known model.

New Plastic Stormtrooper/Veteran kit will build a minimum sized unit. Kit includes a TON of optional bits to individualize your squad as well as bits to dress up existing Cadian ranges.

Nice if true. Still, not much different from outright guess or wishlisting:

Heavy Tank- GW likes their centerpiece kits, so it's possible, but what about the existing units that need kits? Like the Hydra or Griffon, unless FW covering those is enough for now. It's doubtful they will be dropped from the codex, especially the Hydra, and GW only puts in units with models.

Updated Basilisk- practically a given. Gw loves their combi kits now, so probably have parts for Medusa/Colossus. Railing going away is good news, that thing is stupid fragile. Wonder if the new armored design inspired the rear armor on the Legion Basilisk?

Dogfighter flier- again, pretty much a given. The Valk/Vendetta is a transport, so a combat flier is the obvious addition. And while a plastic Lightning or Thunderbolt would be Awesome, GW makes their own stuff now, instead of porting over FW models (unfortunately) like the Sunshark/Razorshark and Crimson hunter rather than just use the Barracuda and Nightwing respectively.

Stormtrooper/Veteran kit. Again, obvious. Sounds like a sternguard kit for IG. Can make some really blinged out guys, or spread the wealth with normal models. Only question is the minimum squad size thing. Current Min for Stormies is 5, Veterans 10. Is it a 5 man box and vets drop to 5-10 models? Or is it a 10 man box, with the stormtroopers staying at 5-10 or going to min 10?

01-01-2014, 11:56 AM
[QUOTE=I don't think that anything rumour wise that's coming out now can be seen as accurate at all, when we are at least 4-5 months from the release.[/QUOTE]

At 4-5 months the books are already done, printed and published. They are sitting in cases ready to ship. WD is printed 6 months in advance meaning pics and rules are done for batreps. They have to produce stuff early so there are no problems when the release comes...except for totally under planning Tau popularity.

01-01-2014, 12:53 PM
WD goes to the printer 3 months before release, not 6. But your point stands that things are done and dusted several months in advance of release.

01-01-2014, 01:51 PM
Actually I am curious about how Ogryns will be like. With the addition of the Inquisition the Ogryns are rather nice due to Inquisition buffs like rad, psychochoke, and hammerhand. Throw in Invisibility and Endurance you have a really nasty and durable unit.

I am playing with the ideal of having a marine captain up front with an Inquisitors added to the squad.

01-23-2014, 02:31 PM
Via 40K Radio (https://www.facebook.com/pages/40K-Radio/147396461962884) 1-23-2014

As you may have seen on other sites Febraury is all about the Dwarfs. So for you fans of the short and bearded get pumped. March will see the release of Imperial Knights. This year is shaping up to be a good one.

01-23-2014, 03:03 PM
Actually I am curious about how Ogryns will be like. With the addition of the Inquisition the Ogryns are rather nice due to Inquisition buffs like rad, psychochoke, and hammerhand. Throw in Invisibility and Endurance you have a really nasty and durable unit.

I am playing with the ideal of having a marine captain up front with an Inquisitors added to the squad.

Inquisitors can't take Invisibility or Endurance. They only get Divination, Telekinesis, and Pyromancy.

01-23-2014, 05:30 PM
As you may have seen on other sites Febraury is all about the Dwarfs. So for you fans of the short and bearded get pumped. March will see the release of Imperial Knights. This year is shaping up to be a good one.

I hope this is bull or at least not tied to the guard codex because when I think guard I think good old fashion human Military with infantry and tanks, not giant robots! A titan should be featured in a datasheet or supplement not made a guard unit.

01-23-2014, 06:22 PM
Guard have Sentinels and Armored Sentinels. Knight Titans are simply larger Armored Sentinels.

Fluff-wise, Knight Titans would work with Guard.

Arkhan Land
01-23-2014, 07:52 PM
knight titans are tight but im torn between wanting official rules and not being able to use my un official model

01-23-2014, 10:24 PM
I hope this is bull or at least not tied to the guard codex because when I think guard I think good old fashion human Military with infantry and tanks, not giant robots! A titan should be featured in a datasheet or supplement not made a guard unit.

I humbly disagree...and put me down for a bakers dozen if this is true.:eek:

01-23-2014, 11:22 PM
I humbly disagree...and put me down for a bakers dozen if this is true.:eek:

Ditto. Well, maybe just 3 for a while, painted up in the same colors as my Titans.

01-24-2014, 12:28 AM
Knight Titans are simply [a] larger [form of] Armored Sentinels.

No...not at all. They are far more complex and powerful than simply being a "larger armored sentinel." Please don't compare the two. A sentinel is about 7-9ft tall. A Knight is 9m tall.

01-24-2014, 01:17 AM
Plus Knights are grouped into Forgeworld-based Households and are part of the Adeptus Mechanicus - not the Diviso Militarus which commands the IG at all.

I certainly want to see them, but them being in the IG codex would be similar to titans appearing in the Space Marine codex - they just aren't part of the same organization.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out and how GW shoehorns them into whatever book they go into. Who knows - maybe they will get special rules of their own to be attached to any Imperial army. I could get behind that.

01-24-2014, 02:56 AM
knight titans are tight but im torn between wanting official rules and not being able to use my un official model


(Nah, who am I kidding, of course I want to see them!)

And they could easily be in the IG codex with a dataslate released so you can use them in SMs etc.

01-24-2014, 03:14 AM

(Nah, who am I kidding, of course I want to see them!)

And they could easily be in the IG codex with a dataslate released so you can use them in SMs etc.

I thought the rumor is that they will be released with a Knights of the Imperium dataslate thing (in WD too?) that lets them join Imperial armies, possibly like an Inq detachment. They could put them in the IG codex, but honestly the IG heavy support slot is plenty crowded as is, and adding a Knight there would compete with sales of the likely new Artillery and Hydra kits.

Mr Mystery
01-24-2014, 03:33 AM
See, when I read Imperial Knights, I thought Warhammer.

Because the models for the Empire Knights really, really, seriously need an update. Their horses are smaller (in full barding) than those ridden by the Pistoliers!

01-24-2014, 01:07 PM
The question is wouldn't that be "Empire Knights"?

Also March - a "40k Month"...

01-24-2014, 03:20 PM
yes for knights, that would rock, no for being in the guard codex.

01-24-2014, 03:50 PM
A sentinel is about 7-9ft tall. A Knight is 9m tall.

What kind of puny sentinels do you have? The bottom of the cockpit is higher than a Space Marine's head, and they're 7-8 feet tall. The sentinel model is 2.5-3 times taller than a guardsman, so more like 15-18 feet.

John Bower
01-24-2014, 04:18 PM
Space marines are 7foot, that is the GW official line, it's in C:CSM.

Arkhan Land
01-24-2014, 04:41 PM
knight titans are gonna be a little bigger than your dread-knight really right around the height/size of your Lord of Skulls is, the main things that may be different are the fact that they might have void shielding
also I'm assuming they'd go with the Paladin but would be cool to see some alternate builds or conversions to make the remaining variety of em

01-25-2014, 08:17 AM
FYI, any of my buddies who start calling their IG armies "Astra Militarium" are going to receive a swift readjustment to their nether regions courtesy of my foot.

That has to be the dumbest name retcon ever.

Please don't let it be true (but it would fall in line with GW moving away from generic names in order to better protect its IP)

Mr Mystery
01-25-2014, 09:34 AM
The question is wouldn't that be "Empire Knights"?

Also March - a "40k Month"...

Well indeed! But it could still be an honest misinterpretation, spesh if it's from a foreign source.

01-25-2014, 11:33 AM
It's going to be totally hilarious is everyone is chomping at the bit for a giant plastic 40K Knight and GW pulls the sheet off a box of "Armored Dudes on Horses".... TADA!!!!

01-25-2014, 11:54 AM
via Lion275 (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?388438-40K-Radio-Imperial-Knights-in-March&p=7047080#post7047080) (40 Radio's RIK) 1-23-2014

Imperial Guard recieving a name change (like Sisters did), either to incorporate new units, or for legal reasons.

Completely serious. The book is called Astra Militarium.

IG is April, following March's Imperial Knights. Knights are NOT in the IG (Astra Militarium) Codex.

01-25-2014, 12:06 PM
Im not sure I buy this "Astra Militarium" name change. The Imperial Guard are so iconic and have such wealth of history within the 40k universe. I can see the IG becoming part of the Astra Militarium but being replaced completely ? No I don't think so. Time will tell :)

Al Shut
01-25-2014, 12:20 PM
Of all the many things that in theory should not matter much, name changes are amongst the most annoying. I know at least one IG player that will spew buckets of hate. (He's still pissed that Necrons started to talk)

01-25-2014, 12:23 PM
via Lion275 (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?388438-40K-Radio-Imperial-Knights-in-March&p=7047080#post7047080) (40 Radio's RIK) 1-23-2014

Imperial Guard recieving a name change (like Sisters did), either to incorporate new units, or for legal reasons.

IG is April, following March's Imperial Knights. Knights are NOT in the IG (Astra Militarium) Codex.

"IG is April" April huh, nothing happens in April 0.o

Al Shut
01-25-2014, 12:38 PM
Stupid double posting

Mr Mystery
01-25-2014, 12:44 PM
Im not sure I buy this "Astra Militarium" name change. The Imperial Guard are so iconic and have such wealth of history within the 40k universe. I can see the IG becoming part of the Astra Militarium but being replaced completely ? No I don't think so. Time will tell :)

Just a high gothic name, like Adeptus Astartes and that, so I wouldn't rule it out.

01-25-2014, 01:11 PM
I don't believe it. Unlike "Adepta Sororitas", "Astra Militarium" has never appeared anywhere before. If it was "Departmento Munitorum", then maybe it'd have some credence.

We'll see, I guess!

Mike Lawler
01-25-2014, 01:20 PM
There is a slight chance the inclusion of knights has to do with GW opening their eyes and taking external models that are popular into consideration. For example, if Games Workshop wants to release a Warhound kit... well, several people are using Dreamforge Leviathans as proxies. Releasing Knight rules opens up the possibility of a plastic Titan kit because Leviathan owners would suddenly find themselves fielding Knight proxies rather than WH proxies. More importantly for GW, knights would put a competing product on the shelves.

About the name change.. I wouldn't be surprised if it weren't followed by more IP specific models as the mainstay. Cadians and Catachans are pretty generic. To me if they were actually doing a name change for IP reasons, I would think they would be pushing for a "re-branding" of the army altogether.. or at least the parts that are more open to interpretation. The more specific regiments like Elyssians, Savlar Chem Dogs, Vostroyans, or Atillans might be something they can more easily "guard" (hyuk). Granted, for the most part those are still pretty classical iconic images but at least it is slightly more niched.

01-25-2014, 02:40 PM
I could see it as an acknowlegement the IG codex contains a number of non-IG units. Seems like a silly name though.

01-25-2014, 04:54 PM
I hope to god this is true, as I'm going to Throne Of Skulls in March with my guard army and have been worried about the possiblity of needing to make and model sudden changes to the army 2 weeks before the tourney.

01-25-2014, 11:25 PM
Boy howdy, they're going to have a hard time getting anyone to go along with them on that name change. Besides the poor word choice, it's a stumbling block for pronunciation - ironically, the sort of thing you'd expect from Infinity.

01-26-2014, 12:18 AM
Funny little history lesson from a Roman History major: militarium actually means "infantry." An old rank that was held by the 2nd in command beneath the Emperor or general of an army was magister militarum which means "master of infantry." As such the new IG name, if they do change it, would literally translate as "Space Infantry".

lulz @ that. I'll be highly disappointed if they changed the name though.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-26-2014, 12:50 AM
I'm doubting the "Astra Militarium" part, "Imperial Guard" is about as generic as "Space Marines" or "Dark Angels", and those didn't change.

01-26-2014, 02:01 AM
This is one of the stupidest name changes they could do... I get the whole "Imperial High Gothic"-ish idea, but... really? Then how about we change the names of every codex to the appropriate language used by that race.
Farsight suplement? Hell no. Let's do "Shas'O Vior'la Shovah Kais Mont'yr Uash'o" (try saying that 3 times fast)
Space Wolves? NAAAAH. "Vlka Fenryka"
And I'd love to see somebody going to a store and asking for CodeX GRRRRHRRRBRLLLPFFFHSSSSSSS because 3 days earlier GW released the new edition of what we once knew as tyranids....
I understand that there might be a legal need for a name change... but go with "Imperial Army" or "Imperial Armed Forces"... or something else that is known from the established fluff... but this?...

01-26-2014, 02:31 AM
On the plus side the name change may mean that the dex has things in it that are strictly speaking not guard units eg

Arbites, robots, skitti ( mechanicus forces) and of course the rumoured knights.

Dave l

01-26-2014, 02:36 AM
On the plus side the name change may mean that the dex has things in it that are strictly speaking not guard units eg

Arbites, robots, skitti ( mechanicus forces) and of course the rumoured knights.

Dave l

True. Still, they could have picked a different name. Like the "Imperial Armed Forces" or something like that.

01-26-2014, 06:13 AM
The speed with which people just accept and then immediately start rationalising rumours is pretty funny.

There's no confirmation that this is happening yet. The "legal reasons" argument doesn't hold any water - you'll notice that there's still "high elves" and "dark elves" and "wood elves" alongside "space marines", the very most generic of terms. There's not even any confirmation that the new codex will represent new and varied forms of the Imperial military. We've had these Imperial Knights rumours before; they didn't show up. They might this time! Who knows!

All we have is rumours. Calm down~

01-26-2014, 06:18 AM
Not to mention 'The Empire' for WFB as well. Can't get much more generic than that.

01-26-2014, 06:21 AM
And anyway, "oh they want to copyright it!" - all their army names are already covered by copyright. Read the legal disclaimers in a GW book. It's why THEY can sell "Space Marines", but YOU have to fudge the name and imagery for 3rd party products.

01-26-2014, 09:11 AM
And anyway, "oh they want to copyright it!" - all their army names are already covered by copyright. Read the legal disclaimers in a GW book. It's why THEY can sell "Space Marines", but YOU have to fudge the name and imagery for 3rd party products.

Perhaps they're wishing to avoid another "Spot the Space Marine" fiasco where GW really stepped in a pile of excrement?

01-26-2014, 12:18 PM
Nope. It doesn't work that way. Sisters of Battle wasn't 'Codex Witchhunters' for copyright reasons.

01-26-2014, 01:48 PM
Nope. It doesn't work that way. Sisters of Battle wasn't 'Codex Witchhunters' for copyright reasons.

I'm sorry but this makes no sense.

I wasn't talking about sisters. I was talking about Imperial Guard. You've made a leap here I believe sir.

01-26-2014, 03:24 PM
It makes sense just fine. I'll break it down. I'm saying: they don't change the name for copyright reasons. They're already covered sufficiently by copyright. I mentioned Sisters of Battle to Witchhunters as an example of a name change in the past; it WASN'T for copyright reasons but instead to reflect the change of tone and emphasis in the army.

If there is a name change for Imperial Guard, it will be to reflect the change of tone and emphasis in the army. Not copyright.

01-26-2014, 03:35 PM
Personally I think it's cobblers. The Imperial Guard is just such an iconic part of the 40k lore and has been for so long.

01-26-2014, 04:16 PM
And anyway, "oh they want to copyright it!" - all their army names are already covered by copyright. Read the legal disclaimers in a GW book. It's why THEY can sell "Space Marines", but YOU have to fudge the name and imagery for 3rd party products.

You... realize that they can't stop you from using "Space Marines" at all, right? Just because they say they can doesn't make them correct, it just makes them copyright trolls.

01-26-2014, 05:40 PM
It makes sense just fine. I'll break it down. I'm saying: they don't change the name for copyright reasons. They're already covered sufficiently by copyright. I mentioned Sisters of Battle to Witchhunters as an example of a name change in the past; it WASN'T for copyright reasons but instead to reflect the change of tone and emphasis in the army.

If there is a name change for Imperial Guard, it will be to reflect the change of tone and emphasis in the army. Not copyright.

You're making an unsupported logical leap here. You're assuming that the reasons they have for changing SoB's name is the same reason they're allegedly changing the IG name. I merely postulated that they're changing the name to avoid generic terms that are not easily enforceable in copyright suits, like they found out with the "Spot the Space Marine" snafu. They've also had a history of doing this in the past where they renamed all the paints away from any kind of name that is anything but specific GW IP - such as "Desert Yellow". Furthermore, the Nid codex provides ample evidence that GW is trying to cut out the 3rd parties stepping on their toes - so changing the names of "Imperial Guardsmen" will make it difficult for third party resin shops to market their minis as "Astra Militarium Infantry".

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that I think the reasons they are moving away from generic terms seems to support their trend towards isolating third parties and moving towards more unique names for copyright purposes.

01-26-2014, 05:54 PM
Ironically most 3rd party probably just continue using "imperial guard" as the generic name for their products. It's not like GW can wipe away the Imperial Guard name after 20+ years in a book cover name. Besides who would want that name change anyway?

01-26-2014, 10:42 PM
Any chance we see Assassins rolled back in under the imperial Guard w/ the name change?

01-27-2014, 01:38 AM
Any chance we see Assassins rolled back in under the imperial Guard w/ the name change?

Firstly, as has been said, the name change rumor is not confirmed. Secondly, absolutely not. They'll never switch Assassins from Grey Knights to the Imperial Guard. Truly, there is no reason to do so. You can just take an allied detachment of GKs and get any assassin you want.

01-27-2014, 01:51 AM
I was actually just thinking back to the days when assassins were actually a part of the Imperial Guard codex 20+ years back, and thinking if a name change was coming perhaps it could herald the addition of units outside the Imperial Guard itself

the collector
01-27-2014, 03:28 AM
the ig rename .. ime wondering if this has any thing to do with disney taking over star wars , as ime sure imperial guard has or will be copy righted by them .. just a thought lol

Mr Mystery
01-27-2014, 03:45 AM
Well that would be The Emperor's Royal Guard. Something quite different.

01-27-2014, 09:42 AM
Gah. Everything GW creates is protected by copyright. But names on books may be Trademarked, which has a very different set of requirements.

01-27-2014, 11:00 AM
I was actually just thinking back to the days when assassins were actually a part of the Imperial Guard codex 20+ years back, and thinking if a name change was coming perhaps it could herald the addition of units outside the Imperial Guard itself

I have every single edition of IG codex and don't recall assassins in there. Unless you include the Codex Imperialis released with the 2ed box set. But that was an interim with all Imperial forces in.

01-27-2014, 11:34 AM
yup that is the one I was referring to, though I don't remember much inquisitor stuff back then or Grey knights

Al Shut
01-27-2014, 11:58 AM
Weren't assassins supposed to be part of an Imperial Guard army back when they had WD rules? I seem to remember facing them.

01-27-2014, 02:37 PM
Personally, I wish the Assassins had been folded into the recent Inquisition mindex, or be given a similar minidex of their own. Seems odd for the Grey Knights to be solely in charge of deploying the Assassins.

Arkhan Land
01-27-2014, 03:35 PM
Theyre going to get a mini-dex, if they can roll out multi-page fluff pieces with rules for a single leadership model and call it a release, one that gave rules for four models would certainly be within their capabilities

01-28-2014, 06:58 AM
yup that is the one I was referring to, though I don't remember much inquisitor stuff back then or Grey knights

There wasn't as much. It was Grey Knights were only represented by their first company of bolter-on-a-stick terminators and Inquisitors were 'just' a few models with neat options.

Mr Mystery
01-28-2014, 07:13 AM

Still got a squad of 5 original Grey Knight Terminators. IIRC, it wasn't until the Daemonhunter Codex that we got wind of power armoured Grey Knights... (though they may have been there in the background)

01-28-2014, 08:43 AM
Back in the glorious days when a Bloodthirster could be dressed up as a hobo and sneak into a governor's palace, it was mentioned the Grey Knights were special because every member of their first company was a psyker. the background allowed for normal marines to be the rest of the army, and my first marine army were done up as the rest of the Grey Knights. Good times :)

01-28-2014, 10:08 AM
I thought the Grey Knights first appeared in Genestealer (the 2nd expansion for 1st ed Space Hulk).

Where, iirc, they were described as a chapter where all were psykers, all wore terminator armour and all had Nemesis Force Weapons -- Force weapons with attached storm bolters.

Hmm, maybe I should find the rulebook.

01-28-2014, 12:02 PM
I've only got the old Rogue Trader bit on them, but if they were in Genestealer I'd love to see what's in there.

01-30-2014, 11:43 AM
Theyre going to get a mini-dex, if they can roll out multi-page fluff pieces with rules for a single leadership model and call it a release, one that gave rules for four models would certainly be within their capabilities

The Inquisition eCodex says this " Alternatively, an army may include an Inquisitorial detachment in addition to any other detachments."

So I fully expect Assassin, Death Watch and maybe Arbite Detachments. Maybe even a Harlequin one.

01-30-2014, 11:51 AM
via Lion275 (40 Radio's RIK) 1-23-2014

Imperial Guard recieving a name change (like Sisters did), either to incorporate new units, or for legal reasons.

Completely serious. The book is called Astra Militarium.

IG is April, following March's Imperial Knights. Knights are NOT in the IG (Astra Militarium) Codex.

If this is true I will eat my flamer template.


What I suspect is the actual truth is that is what the Imperial Army will be called in the Heresy Books.

01-30-2014, 12:51 PM
What I suspect is the actual truth is that is what the Imperial Army will be called in the Heresy Books.

Hmm, now that is interesting - we HAVE had rumors in the past get details between 40K Codices and the HH books transposed.

Very possible.

01-30-2014, 01:02 PM
via Lion275 (40K Radio's RIK) on Warseer

Ok some more news. There was a slight misunderstanding of the new IG name....Astra Militarum. No extra "I" in there. And from our source there will be a mix of Cadian and Catachan releases for Astra Militarum. So the rumors of Catachans going away would appear to be incorrect.

02-02-2014, 03:24 AM
Still think that's the Heresy name.

Veteran Sergeant
02-02-2014, 03:28 PM
It's unfortunate that the Catachans aren't going away.

02-02-2014, 08:42 PM
Finally, give the IG bikes instead of those rough riders. I won't play those models just because of how bad they look.

Agree, really not a fan of rough riders, ogryn, or ratlings being in IG. Bikes would be awesome. There was a brief period that I fielded ratlings but always used regular human IG sniper models but with the ratling profile. Haven't done that in years though.

02-02-2014, 08:53 PM
It's unfortunate that the Catachans aren't going away.

Who cares? I like the cadian kits more which is why I own them. Some people prefer catachans though, why force them to take only cadians? Would love to see them put out more choices. Trenchcoat with 2-3 head swaps, and the mordian bodies with 2-3 head swaps would be pretty cool. But it's unlikely since that'd be like 6 kits to design and produce to just give players more choices of the same thing.

02-03-2014, 06:28 PM
Who cares? I like the cadian kits more which is why I own them. Some people prefer catachans though, why force them to take only cadians? Would love to see them put out more choices. Trenchcoat with 2-3 head swaps, and the mordian bodies with 2-3 head swaps would be pretty cool. But it's unlikely since that'd be like 6 kits to design and produce to just give players more choices of the same thing.I think the big issue is that the Catachans have been so heavily supported and given so much facetime, but they're probably the least popular IG force (often sitting on the shelves for years), while other, much more interesting forces that people seem to have more interest in are limited to FW or are OOP metals.

I've been playing this game for many moons, and I've never actually seen someone buy a Catachan kit.

Veteran Sergeant
02-03-2014, 08:56 PM
My only problem with them is that they are ugly, lol.

I figure that we'll never see a return to the multiple model lines like the old days. Multi-part plastics are just so much more complex, involved, and expensive to produce. Cadians aren't going away, so if there's going to be a secodary choice, it would be cool to see something different than the ugly Catachans.

02-04-2014, 03:00 PM
I think the big issue is that the Catachans have been so heavily supported and given so much facetime, but they're probably the least popular IG force (often sitting on the shelves for years), while other, much more interesting forces that people seem to have more interest in are limited to FW or are OOP metals.

I've been playing this game for many moons, and I've never actually seen someone buy a Catachan kit.

Catachans are just a casualty of being the first multi-part plastic IG troops. The models are quite old and therefore less detailed and more ridiculously proportioned than what we're used to today. I bet if they redid the line with their new CAD techniques, they'd look fantastic and sell like hotcakes. Have you ever met someone who claims to not like Predator?

02-04-2014, 03:58 PM
Catachans are just a casualty of being the first multi-part plastic IG troops. The models are quite old and therefore less detailed and more ridiculously proportioned than what we're used to today. I bet if they redid the line with their new CAD techniques, they'd look fantastic and sell like hotcakes. Have you ever met someone who claims to not like Predator? Hrm, the new command squad kit they came out with in the last book didn't make them look much better. They feel very odd in the 40k atmosphere, having these super 1980's 'murican looking dudes amongst the European Gothic aura of the 40k universe.

02-04-2014, 04:33 PM
They made more sense when there were six or so Guard regiments with very different visual styles, from the Eastern Front Red Army Valhallans to the desert nomad Tallarns, via the US-Marines-on-parade Mordians and so on. I miss old Guard regiments. Would be nice to have new ones.

02-04-2014, 06:15 PM
At least there are several companies making alternate heads and such. As long as we can by bitz, there won't be a problem in customizing your IG. Oh, wait...

02-05-2014, 06:25 AM
I actually notice that the old regiment sets are again available on the GW website. That's weird. They'd been gone for a while, I swear...

Veteran Sergeant
02-05-2014, 12:36 PM
Catachans are just a casualty of being the first multi-part plastic IG troops. The models are quite old and therefore less detailed and more ridiculously proportioned than what we're used to today. I bet if they redid the line with their new CAD techniques, they'd look fantastic and sell like hotcakes. Have you ever met someone who claims to not like Predator?The old metal figs were awful too.

The whole aesthetic of the army is what sucks.

02-05-2014, 03:40 PM
Hrm, the new command squad kit they came out with in the last book didn't make them look much better. They feel very odd in the 40k atmosphere, having these super 1980's 'murican looking dudes amongst the European Gothic aura of the 40k universe.
See, I like that, m'self. 40K needs more variety. Goffik, goffik, goffik all the time makes for a boring, limited universe.

02-06-2014, 03:06 AM
They feel very odd in the 40k atmosphere, having these super 1980's 'murican looking dudes amongst the European Gothic aura of the 40k universe.

Because The White Scars and the Attilan Rough Ridders and the Space Sharks totally don't exist...

you need to read more fluff if you think that 40K is just "European Gothic".

02-06-2014, 05:00 AM
Catachans are the best regiment, a whole army of Rambos with one guy who is so Rambo that he is Super Rambo.

They also are so hilariously over muscled and the heads are all shouting or wearing shades, its hilarious.

Whats not to like?

02-06-2014, 05:11 AM
got to agree with save they look like that because they are meant to look like that yes they might need a new sculp but read the fluff thats what they look like

02-06-2014, 05:49 AM
With Catachans you get to always be yelling GET TO DA VALKYRIE!

02-06-2014, 06:42 AM
With Catachans you get to always be yelling GET TO DA VALKYRIE!

For reals. If you have Catachans on the table and don't have an Arnold Schwarzenegger soundboard going off in your head you're doing it wrong. His body of work covers every 40k scenario, including failing the dangerous terrain test. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dln0i11GEP4

02-06-2014, 12:06 PM
Morden (http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/product/tannenburg-fusiliers-complete-10-man-squad), Praetorian (http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/product/victorian-guard-riflemen-complete-10-man-squad-resin), Tanith FaO (http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/product/scout-complete-10-man-squad)

And if you want to go really old school

Beastmen (http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/products/broolian-beastmen?pagesize=12.)

Veteran Sergeant
02-06-2014, 12:25 PM
Morden (http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/product/tannenburg-fusiliers-complete-10-man-squad), Praetorian (http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/product/victorian-guard-riflemen-complete-10-man-squad-resin), Tanith FaO (http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/product/scout-complete-10-man-squad)

And if you want to go really old school

Beastmen (http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/products/broolian-beastmen?pagesize=12.)They've got a line of Not-Classic-Cadians coming too. And apparently to include Ladians.

Edit: Here ya go:
Not-Cadians (https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/581849_479787645391036_476023332_n.jpg)
Not Ladians (https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/579004_452252294811238_1134361537_n.jpg)

02-06-2014, 01:08 PM
Latest news in the sad story of the bloke who got laid off at GW who was in charge of "Naming thing properly" is that there are apparently going to be... wait for it... wait for it...


Al Shut
02-06-2014, 01:15 PM
I call Bullgryn on that.

Actually I'm not, I just wanted to use that phrase.

02-07-2014, 01:03 AM
via 40K Radio's Rik (https://www.facebook.com/pages/40K-Radio/147396461962884)

Plastic Ogryns
So some exciting news. A listener of ours was at a GW store today that mistakenly received a shipment of some unreleased items. It was the plastic Ogryn kit. The rename is confirmed as they were called Militarum Auxillia. Boom! Nailed it.

02-07-2014, 01:32 AM
Well that makes more sense than Militarum Astra, still seems a bit suspect though unless it's really just the codex name that changes.

02-07-2014, 05:09 AM
Okay either that's one screwed up shipment or Guard are going to be released in March before the rumored imperial titans. Bugger I'm taking my guard to Throne Of Skulls that month and don't fancy a week of quick adjustments!

02-07-2014, 05:18 AM
Anyone else smell the influence of the SPQR?

If guard are Auxilieries
then marines are Legio

Which makes sense, the trouble is that while legio is itself latin, it doesn't sound latin-y

02-07-2014, 06:55 AM
Which makes sense, the trouble is that while legio is itself latin, it doesn't sound latin-y

What would a dead language sound like?

02-07-2014, 06:59 AM
A dead language would sound very quiet in my opinion.

02-07-2014, 07:08 AM
Just gonna mention if they are renaming/refluffing the IG, that a giant proportion of the BL's back catalog becomes ridiculously confusing for people who want to read more about the IG. My inner conspiracy nut tells me this is why we haven't had a Gaunt's Ghosts book in a while, 'cause Dan's had to re-write half of it to be more in line with the new fluff.

Mr Mystery
02-07-2014, 07:13 AM
What would a dead language sound like?

Like a Giraffe falling down some stairs?

Veteran Sergeant
02-07-2014, 08:38 PM
Anyone else smell the influence of the SPQR?

If guard are Auxilieries
then marines are Legio

Which makes sense, the trouble is that while legio is itself latin, it doesn't sound latin-yIt's actually probably more likely that the "Auxilia" are all of the non line units like Ogryns, Ratlings, etc. IE, auxiliary troops from the abhuman races, next to the regular human line troopers. Similar to how the Roman legions were made up of citizen soldiers, and the Auxilia were non-citizen troops (Gauls, Illyrians, etc).

So Astra Militarium encompasses all of the Imperial Guard in its entirety, but the Milarium Auxilia are the auxiliaries to the Guard.

Veteran Sergeant
02-07-2014, 08:45 PM
Just gonna mention if they are renaming/refluffing the IG, that a giant proportion of the BL's back catalog becomes ridiculously confusing for people who want to read more about the IG. My inner conspiracy nut tells me this is why we haven't had a Gaunt's Ghosts book in a while, 'cause Dan's had to re-write half of it to be more in line with the new fluff.I don't think they plan to do away with the Imperial Guard name.

I think people are looking at this the wrong way. Just the way Codex: Space Marines was a rebranding of Codex: Ultramarines (to make it easier for beginning players to know what the "basic" Space Marines codex was), this is just a rebranding. There are a couple of thoughts I had. It's possible they decided Imperial Guard didn't sound exciting enough. Who wants to guard things? That's boring. So you rename it the Astra Militarium, then the new players coming into the store are like "What's that? Oh cool, the Space Army. Sweet."

I'm guessing the Astra Militarium is rebranding the product itself (the product being Codex: Imperial Guard), but the fluff inside will stay the same. It's the same thing they just did with the Sisters of Battle codex. Sisters of Battle sounds silly. Adepta Sororitas sounds like a pillow fight, I mean cooler. I guess. But when you're starting with "Sisters of Battle", it isn't hard to sound cooler. Regardless, nothing fundamentally changed about the Sisters of Battle. They still even call them Sisters of Battle inside the codex. They just changed the name of the product itself.

02-08-2014, 06:46 AM
I'm guessing that the Imperial Guard will still be a thing, if the name is indeed changed; but that the Guard will be one part of the Astra Militarum, which includes all sorts of other military and paramilitary formations.

"The rename is confirmed as they were called Militarum Auxillia. Boom! Nailed it."

Nailed it? That isn't what they said at all, lol.

(For the hard-of-thinking: existence of "Militarum Auxilia" does not in itself confirm a book change to "Astra Militarum").

02-08-2014, 08:30 AM
I'm guessing that the Imperial Guard will still be a thing, if the name is indeed changed; but that the Guard will be one part of the Astra Militarum, which includes all sorts of other military and paramilitary formations.

"The rename is confirmed as they were called Militarum Auxillia. Boom! Nailed it."

Nailed it? That isn't what they said at all, lol.

(For the hard-of-thinking: existence of "Militarum Auxilia" does not in itself confirm a book change to "Astra Militarum").

That's because the rumour is bunk.

Until I see pics of these Ogryns that part is still bunk.

Plus Maybe all kits for the IG will be re-branded as 'Cadian', 'Catachan' ect and the Ratlings, Ogryns ect will be re-branded as 'Militarum Auxillia' so that people realise that an IG army normally is from one founding world with Auxilla such as Tanks, rough Ridders and Abhumans.

02-08-2014, 09:19 AM
I personally think it is just IP mongering, as they can no longer defend "space marine" as readily as they wish, that using made up bs names will give them greater market presence, thus when an after market product comes out for the new AM or AA they can get their TMed names pulled from them.
A new customer is the less likely to be duped by the AM kit maker.

02-08-2014, 10:50 AM
I personally think it is just IP mongering, as they can no longer defend "space marine" as readily as they wish, that using made up bs names will give them greater market presence, thus when an after market product comes out for the new AM or AA they can get their TMed names pulled from them.
A new customer is the less likely to be duped by the AM kit maker.

Anyone who doesn't think this way is deluding themselves. GW's CHS lawsuit and subsequent stumble regarding Spot the Space Marine rattled the empty-heads over at GW when it comes to defending their so treasured IP. In an effort to further alienate their consumers and be even more belligerent with 3rd parties, you have to have something thats defendable. "Imperial Guard" is the combination of two generic, common use terms that would never past muster if challenged. Likewise with "Space Marine".

Why do you think they renamed all of their paints to take away colors like "Bleached Bone" and "Desert Yellow" and "Blood Red"? They're getting away from names that can be easily taken by 3rd parties and duplicated.

Let me ask this another way...

If this rumor is indeed true (and its sounding more and more like it is) then what other rational reason does GW have for rebranding IG as AM? The effort to do so is certainly not without cost and I cannot think of an effect of a renaming that would increase revenues.

02-13-2014, 07:22 AM
Any thoughts on this image; leaked white dwarf image or internet fake?


02-13-2014, 07:38 AM
I think it's kosha, I saw this on face book just a moment ago, it corroborates Faeits rumour that we would see the Knights in this weekends WD. Seems legit to me.

02-13-2014, 08:12 AM
Honestly not willing to offer a judgement on that image, maybe it's just me but it's so small and crap it doesn't really look like a photo of a model at all but a photo of an illustration.

02-13-2014, 08:51 AM
it corroborates Faeits rumour that we would see the Knights in this weekends WD. Seems legit to me.

This weekend ?? That would seem rather strange, such a big release in the 3rd week of a month ? I would have expected it the first WD of March.

That said, it can't arrive to soon for me... If that is an image of the model I will buy one the moment it hits the stores (and hope CSM will be able to use it...)

02-13-2014, 09:10 AM
Its not much of a rumor right now. Some store in Arizona started taking pre-orders already and mentioned it on their facebook page. I have no idea if it means this weekend we will get something official, or if they have some insight and mean next weekend.

02-13-2014, 09:20 AM
Honestly not willing to offer a judgement on that image, maybe it's just me but it's so small and crap it doesn't really look like a photo of a model at all but a photo of an illustration.

I'd say it's the cover to the new book/supplement/dataslate/whatever they label it that will contain Imperial Knights, or it's a page from the White Dwarf (or, less likely but still possible, the cover). In either case, I agree that it looks like an illustration (it's an unusual angle and the background certainly looks illustrated).

Mr Mystery
02-13-2014, 09:47 AM
Sounds to me like some store in Arizona gonna struggle to fill those pre-orders when GW pull the rug from under them....

02-13-2014, 09:49 AM
this weekend seems to be the dwarf battle box and the week after is when we might hear about it

02-13-2014, 11:36 AM
As a AZ 40k guy who has most of the stores on faceyspaces, I'm surprised I have not seen this first hand. Anyone got the store name?

David Crossley
02-13-2014, 11:56 AM
Regarding the guy already getting in pre-orders, isn't there past precedent by some stores to 'anticipate' upcoming releases and begin getting in pre-orders 'early' on the basis of *ahem* ever-reliable internet rumours?

02-13-2014, 12:11 PM
From that picture, i can tell two things...
1. It needs more Dakka
2. it needs a bigger choppa

02-13-2014, 12:16 PM
Given the relationship that titans have to the Imperium's armies - that is, that the titans are their own military force that is requisitioned/hired by the various Imperial armies - and given GW's general trend towards using Allies and other FOC shenanigans to sell kits to multiple kinds of players at once... what do you all think the chances are that the Imperial Knights will actually be an Elites or Heavy Support choice that is available to all Imperial armies?

I'm sorry if this has come up before. I've only lately come to the thread.

Mike Lawler
02-13-2014, 12:31 PM
Well, if we're going to throw wild speculation around about how Knights will be used.. I posit that they will be available to any Imperial army.. which means we can expect to see Tau fielding them heavily.

02-13-2014, 02:09 PM
I'm already looking forward to building a double-FOC list that has Tau, Eldar, and some Imperial army to field a Riptide, a Wraithknight, and an Imperial Knight.

Only instead of GW kits, I'm going to use Gundam. Zaku for IG, Heavy Arms for Tau, and Sandrock for Eldar.

02-13-2014, 04:05 PM
Anyone else hoping that the Knights will be monstrous creatures and not some overpriced walkers that are next to useless?

02-13-2014, 04:08 PM
Anyone else hoping that the Knights will be monstrous creatures and not some overpriced walkers that are next to useless?

If it had appropriately awesome AVs and HPs, there would be nothing wrong with it being a walker.

Also, for my part, I've had a lot of successes with furioso dreadnoughts, so I don't think walkers are "next to useless."

Arkhan Land
02-13-2014, 09:24 PM
If it had appropriately awesome AVs and HPs, there would be nothing wrong with it being a walker.

Also, for my part, I've had a lot of successes with furioso dreadnoughts, so I don't think walkers are "next to useless."

Im thinking itll be 6-8 HPs and single Void Shield so some serious protection but not invulnerable, maybe upgraded ceramite since theyre from the hey-day of 30k consumer electronics. The Focussed efforts of a devastator squad rolling well should be able to severely cripple it within an inch of its machine spirit. That said this thing may mount some serious ranged firepower and the rumors of missile launcher means itll be able to tackle a few problems at once...

02-14-2014, 01:26 PM
Imperial Guard Latest 2-13-2014
-Plastic Ogryns
-Plastic Stormtroopers
-New large tank

40kRadio adds:

-Commissar Squads
-New Larger Transport
-Stormtroopers, Commissar Squads, and Bullgryns are Astra Auxilary. These units may be taken as "plug-ins" to other Imperial armies.
-Catachans and Cadians are covered in the new codex. Catachans are not going to direct only.

02-14-2014, 08:52 PM
betting none of you have seen http://theshellcase.co.uk/2014/02/15/imperial-knight-images-leaked/ otherwise some of you would be more at ease knowing this is an elaborate fake, but fortunately this seems 100% legit. also only saw this today so it's no surprise half if not most here are reading previous threads/rumor posts. well this is my bit for the "cause"

02-15-2014, 09:25 AM
Imperial Guard Latest 2-13-2014
-Plastic Ogryns
-Plastic Stormtroopers
-New large tank

Still calling BS on all that.

Maybe the 'Bullgryn is the new name for the Bone Head?

Ogryns don't need a Dual kit they have the Bone Head and Nork Deaddog as the other options for the kit.

'Stormtroopers, Commissar Squads, and Bullgryns are Astra Auxilary. These units may be taken as "plug-ins" to other Imperial armies."

I very much doubt that...

02-15-2014, 09:29 AM
I'm already looking forward to building a double-FOC list that has Tau, Eldar, and some Imperial army to field a Riptide, a Wraithknight, and an Imperial Knight.

But you can't do that unless the Imperial is Inquisition.

The 2nd Force Org's Allies must be the same as the other one's.

02-16-2014, 10:05 AM
Still calling BS on all that.

Maybe the 'Bullgryn is the new name for the Bone Head?

Ogryns don't need a Dual kit they have the Bone Head and Nork Deaddog as the other options for the kit.

'Stormtroopers, Commissar Squads, and Bullgryns are Astra Auxilary. These units may be taken as "plug-ins" to other Imperial armies."

I very much doubt that...

Bullgryns could easily be just a close combat variant of the Ogryn- heavier armor and a riot shield but lose the ripper gun and cost more.

02-16-2014, 10:35 AM
Bullgryns could easily be just a close combat variant of the Ogryn- heavier armor and a riot shield but lose the ripper gun and cost more.

To be honest I had been thinking the same recently to, basically the old feral Ogryns. Might we also see Assault Squads back?

But like I said it could be the name of the Squad leader with B.O.N.E.Head becoming the 'veteran sergeant' upgrade.

Or it could just be a load of Bullgryn.

Also the name might be wrong in either of those possibilities doesn't BullYgyrn sound more plausible?

03-05-2014, 11:07 PM
Imperial Guard Latest 3-6-2014

Imperial Guard will take up a 3 week release slot.

- Week one is up for preorder with the March 22nd White Dwarf.
- Breakdown is as follows:

Week 1: 3 kits, including the Ogryns plastic combo-kit and 2 others.
Week 2: Codex
Week 3: 2 kits

03-06-2014, 02:08 AM
Imperial Guard Latest 3-6-2014

Kits as in full boxes, or including clampack minisprue characters?