View Full Version : POLL: If 40K had a new, non Marine army, what would you like it to be?

08-19-2013, 04:52 PM
Simply really; which of the above and why?

I'd like some AdMech, because I have always loved the whole body horror of cybernetics. A 40K equivelant of the Strogg from Quake 2 and 3 would just be stunning.

08-19-2013, 04:59 PM
Really ? If I had the choice it would be Squats /Demiurge. I missed them 1st time round and I loved what mantic did with the forge fathers.

08-19-2013, 05:03 PM
The Forge Father 'dreadnought' suits are rather tasty, I will concur.

As for AdMech, yeah. I'd love units that looked like this:


08-19-2013, 05:16 PM
Although the ad mech are crying out for it there are already plenty of imperial factions. Something like the demuirg, hrud, or one of the other alien races mentioned would fit perfectly.

08-19-2013, 05:20 PM
First of all, Lizardmen in Spaaace. Just saying.

Secondly, maybe put more detail into the Tau Empire? Give us more options for the various member races - including human client planets - and maybe enough information to field Tau Empire forces with only a token compliment of Tau?

Thirdly, please not another Imperial faction. Imperial-on-Imperial games are harder to "craft the narrative" around, and therefore are a lot less fun.

Finally, GW - with their copyright bullying and litigious ways - has lost the right to create derivative factions. I have no problem with "borrowing" ideas from other sources. I'm a fiction writer and RPG freelancer, in one of my two careers, and I borrow ideas left and right. But once you start to get possessive about "your" ideas to the degree that GW has, you are no longer a part of that happy larcenous community of creative types. You are a bully. If GW creates a new faction that is derivative of anything anyone else has ever made, I will become sick with their hypocrisy.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-19-2013, 05:25 PM
Something lovecraftian but definitely not cthulhu-based :/ polyps would be awesome, or something like Yithians - and daleks are badass I agree. just nothing with f**king legs though, sick to death of legged alien designs so much in mainstream sci-fi, always looks so rubbish and lame, especially compared to the awesome ship/tech sillohettes. It's like you see these badass ships and tanks that look totally alien, then you see the aliens themselves and it's so dissapointing. Only legless aliens in 40k are Sslyth and some nids, pretty boring. Wouldnt actually mind if they expanded the Sslyth (even if done through forge world).

08-19-2013, 05:26 PM
What a silly poll.

Everyone knows the only valid answer is Space Dorfs.

08-19-2013, 05:28 PM
Harlequins Would be nice to see. They use to have a full functioning army list with Mimes, Warlocks, Solitaries, and Great Harlequins, etc...
Not to mention they are neutral to the Dark Eldar and Eldar forces, they will fight for both or none at all. Plus their god is still alive in the webway somewhere. :P

08-19-2013, 05:36 PM
The Umbra. An alien species that exists in the Materium as a black sphere, but whose true form exists extra-dimensionally. The model possibilities are incredible.

Failing that, the Q'orl. At last check, they're beginning to use salvaged Imperial tech to navigate the Warp, which means they're ready for conquest. Looking nothing like any other race, they would be a fascinating addition to the 41st millennium.

Umbra (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Umbra#.UhKpt5JzaUl)
Q'orl (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Q%27orl#.UhKqBpJzaUk)

08-19-2013, 05:38 PM
Thirdly, please not another Imperial faction. Imperial-on-Imperial games are harder to "craft the narrative" around, and therefore are a lot less fun.

But no other race does horrible, infected-wpund cyborgs! I mean, I'd be open to a pure Strogg army. Basically, I want an army made of a horrible mish-mash of flesh and metal is what I'm saying.


Wouldnt actually mind if they expanded the Sslyth (even if done through forge world).

Ooooooooooh, good call.

Harlequins Would be nice to see. They use to have a full functioning army list with Mimes, Warlocks, Solitaries, and Great Harlequins, etc...

Ooooooooooh, also a good call.

Everyone knows the only valid answer is Space Dorfs.

I think you'll find that's option 10... :rolleyes:

08-19-2013, 06:03 PM
I clicked on other, but it would also be a mash up of races working together. I have 2 ideas I want to share. First being enslavers, allowing you to take different units from different books as choices. The second being Rogue trader crews, which can be made up of Orcs, Eldar, Kroot, Humans and what else other species that happens to be on the ship at the time.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
08-19-2013, 06:19 PM
Umbraaaaaa :3

08-19-2013, 06:29 PM
If GW were to add a race, I'd think it would have to be something completely new, like how they introduced Tau back in 3rd edition. From a design standpoint, I doubt they would stray significantly from humanoid, as they already have an army whose design features large creatures, and the construction of basic models that don't even have legs becomes tricky from a design of sprues and bases. The supposed army would probably also need to have a unique technology appearance and design, otherwise it would be too similar to what is already out there.

I could see something with a vaguely reptilian or insectoid appearance. The vehicles would need to either have a unique locomotion or a very unique shape.

08-19-2013, 06:33 PM
In order

Mechanicus with a Dark Mechanicus in codex that has rules for both factions
Genestealer cult so Nids have a ally
The Old races coalition - yes everything from Slaan, to some of the weird races mentioned in the HH series (Alpha Legion Primarchs met a few of them)

08-19-2013, 06:49 PM
If GW were to add a race, I'd think it would have to be something completely new, like how they introduced Tau back in 3rd edition. From a design standpoint, I doubt they would stray significantly from humanoid, as they already have an army whose design features large creatures, and the construction of basic models that don't even have legs becomes tricky from a design of sprues and bases. The supposed army would probably also need to have a unique technology appearance and design, otherwise it would be too similar to what is already out there.

I could see something with a vaguely reptilian or insectoid appearance. The vehicles would need to either have a unique locomotion or a very unique shape.

Proper machines, rather than just metal skeletons?


08-19-2013, 07:17 PM
on the subject of mech I've heard a bit that forge world will being doing a dark mech/mech codex sometime this year next year

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-19-2013, 07:29 PM
From a design standpoint, I doubt they would stray significantly from humanoid, as they already have an army whose design features large creatures

A second non-humanoid faction would step on the Nids toes, but it's ok to have SEVEN humanoid alien variants?


and the construction of basic models that don't even have legs becomes tricky from a design of sprues and bases.

How does it become tricky exactly? There are flying bases for floating creatures, amorphous creatures are usually flat on the underside and things like worms/snakes seem to work fine as has been proven. Also Cthulhu Wars, Troll Forged and others have been getting by just fine with their model design. I would also argue that this is a game that has many non-humanoid forms in it already - they just take the form of things like vehicles and fliers, and I don't believe Valkyries, Monoliths or Land Raiders have any model problems? Not ones I am aware of anyway - but happy to be proven wrong :)

I could see something with a vaguely reptilian or insectoid appearance.

A reptillian race? you mean like the Sslyth? which happen to be legless. I'd love to see the Sslyth expanded upon - even if it's just a DE codex expansion in the future.

08-19-2013, 08:04 PM
That's an easy one to answer :) we need to either do squats or demieurg problem solved. you get a faction that has support easily enough there is established fluff for them already. they already have allies set up via same fluff. there is also the fact that who doesn't want to see dwarves in space? i mean i know i'd get a swarf army in a heartbeat if they had one in space... i mean seriously look at how many people still play them using codex x and y to represent them....

08-19-2013, 08:11 PM
I'd really like to see Space Skaven, i don't play skaven in WFB or anything but even with my limited imagination it could be pretty cool.

Also glad that, well so far at least, nobody has voted to mix universes **keeps fingers crossed**

08-19-2013, 08:24 PM
A second non-humanoid faction would step on the Nids toes, but it's ok to have SEVEN humanoid alien variants?


How does it become tricky exactly? There are flying bases for floating creatures, amorphous creatures are usually flat on the underside and things like worms/snakes seem to work fine as has been proven. Also Cthulhu Wars, Troll Forged and others have been getting by just fine with their model design. I would also argue that this is a game that has many non-humanoid forms in it already - they just take the form of things like vehicles and fliers, and I don't believe Valkyries, Monoliths or Land Raiders have any model problems? Not ones I am aware of anyway - but happy to be proven wrong :)

A reptillian race? you mean like the Sslyth? which happen to be legless. I'd love to see the Sslyth expanded upon - even if it's just a DE codex expansion in the future.

I didn't mean my comment to be controversial, or against or disparaging to the idea. Call it poor word choice. Risky might be a better phrasing. Or, tricky to do properly. As much as I would like to see more 40K factions that are markedly different from what they have, I suppose what I really meant was that I find it difficult to imagine the design studio deciding to do an outright release of a new army that follows a design to the aesthetic of horror-machines or Cthulu-styled, etc. They seem more inclined to work elements of those designs into other things that are invariably Imperium/Daemon derived. GW certainly has the money and production capability to do anything they decide upon.

08-19-2013, 09:02 PM
I'd love to see a proper traitor Guard codex, with models for Blood Pact, and all the great tanks/non-guard units that the traitors field in the Gaunt's Ghosts Books.
Like the Stalk Tanks, AT70s, SteG 4 light tanks, Loxatl, Chaos Marine Battle Brother Allies, etc...
I'd love Arbites and Mechanicum from a background perspective as well.

08-20-2013, 03:12 AM
just a thought, reapers in Mass Effect are already modelled on Chtulhu/old gods.

I vote squats (and mechanicum and genestealers cult but that should be included in a sourcebook for tyranids).

08-20-2013, 03:40 AM
Why no Hrud, Squat, Demiurg or Fishman options?

08-20-2013, 03:57 AM
Be cool if the Interex civilization, Kinebrach, or squats were chosen...

08-20-2013, 04:01 AM
Voted Genestealer Cult out of nostalgia. Exodites would be nice too.

08-20-2013, 04:30 AM
I want to change my vote! I want Squats :D

08-20-2013, 04:59 AM
First of all, Lizardmen in Spaaace. Just saying.

There already is. The Slaan.
Just saying...

08-20-2013, 06:00 AM
Genestealer cults could be done acceptably with a supplement dex to the new tyranids allowing IG allies (which should already be available). A new tyranid dex could motivate me to do a genestealer cults counts as tyranids otherwise. (cultists= termagants etc.)

Mechanicus seems most practical as they are pretty universal and come in both loyalist and traitor flavours already and could have a wide range of allies to fill any initial gaps in the range due to starting from scratch.

Hrud/umbra would be most interesting as they keep popping up in the background but are difficult to visualise right now.

08-20-2013, 07:21 AM
I've thought about the Cthulhu army... using some genestealer heads and cool greater daemon from Reaper.

08-20-2013, 07:35 AM
I voted other.

I think that the 40K universe could use an injection of "Good". A race of beings that are the exact opposite of both the Chaos Daemons and the Necrons. A race of beings whose ideal of perfect order leaves no room for anything that is potentially chaotic. A race who had left our galaxy eons ago, now returning due to the ancient war they waged against the Necrontyr. A race that has been the inspiration of all the angelic type beings in myth, including the Eldar pantheon. A race that may be too good for our good...

I say let's have an Old Ones army. They're back and they are pissed.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-20-2013, 07:38 AM
I didn't mean my comment to be controversial, or against or disparaging to the idea. Call it poor word choice. Risky might be a better phrasing. Or, tricky to do properly. As much as I would like to see more 40K factions that are markedly different from what they have, I suppose what I really meant was that I find it difficult to imagine the design studio deciding to do an outright release of a new army that follows a design to the aesthetic of horror-machines or Cthulu-styled, etc. They seem more inclined to work elements of those designs into other things that are invariably Imperium/Daemon derived. GW certainly has the money and production capability to do anything they decide upon.

Ah, you mean I put my debate gloves on for no reason? :P

I agree the design studio are more..conservative though. realistically it's unlikely they'd do anything weird and cool. Shame since it's getting cheaper to produce stuff all the time, so the business risks when it comes to production are arguably going down over time. This is why is why I think they could "test run" stuff with something that is a bit like a codex supplement but is intended to be an "ally" - do one plastic kit, or even just a minimum force-org finecast set with 1 unit per slot and see how well it does...

08-20-2013, 08:46 AM
Personally, I was always saddened that they turned Necrons into a more living source, rather than something like Fred Saberhagen's Berzerkers. But at this point, it may be hard to put in a pure mechanical Berzerkers faction and not have it appear too close to the Necrons in style.

08-20-2013, 10:16 AM
1) Army of the Old Ones. Primarily Lizardmen in Space (I already have a few ideas on how to do them, but I have another project I'm half working on).

2) The Lovecraftian themed stuff would be awesome, alternative daemons for everyone!

3) An army akin to the Arachnids/Bugs from Starfire. But then, I suppose I could just remodel Tyranids for that...

4) Codex: Gue'nam Wing - Humans riding modified versions of Tau tech and patterned after Gundam Wing (hey, I like that show). Just having some problems getting the Battlesuit weapons right...

08-20-2013, 11:23 AM
The Umbra. An alien species that exists in the Materium as a black sphere, but whose true form exists extra-dimensionally. The model possibilities are incredible.

What's so incredible about modelling a bunch of black spheres?

Exodites would be nice too.
I figured you might beat me to it.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-20-2013, 11:35 AM
What's so incredible about modelling a bunch of black spheres?

I figured you might beat me to it.

The sphere seems to only be the "core" though (allthough this is arguable) ;
You could expand (or retcon) the backround to give them all kinds of different shaped shadow-bodies that the spheres inhabit. You could even link the Mandrakes to the Umbra somehow (perhaps they worship part of it?).

They could take inspiration from all kinds of "shadow" related creatures for unit designs : babylon5, various mythologies about "shadow demons", various lovecraftian things. You only have to google "shadow creatures" to get all kinds of different/varied creatures that could be used as inspiration or base for units.

08-20-2013, 04:58 PM
They could take inspiration from all kinds of "shadow" related creatures for unit designs : babylon5

He is never alone.


08-21-2013, 10:30 AM
I voted other, but couldn't decide which of these 3. All are great and have the opportunity to change the way 40k could be played..
1. Kroot expansion, loads of modelling and conversion oportunities
2. Exodites,
3.Space Rats

I also concur that Squats are most likely.. History, compatibility, demand and interest.

08-21-2013, 12:45 PM
I voted Other.

1. Demiurg - done properly as there was NEVER any room for silly Dwarves or Orcs in 40K. Unfortunately, there were nitwits in the Studio who thought silly Orcs in Space was a good idea.

2. 40K Undead - this one baffles me why GW's bean-counters haven't jumped on the creative types and said "thou shalt do this". Going all the way back to Heavy Metal (the movie) there have been any number of movies and now TV shows that show that undead can work in a modern genre as well as they do in fantasy medieval settings. Heavy Metal showed that it works in SciFi. It's GW that 's completely missed the boat on this one. It's simply a matter of developing the rules. They already have the models, no development time or money involved. Come up with a set of rules and you've more than doubled your market for an existing line (or two) of miniatures. If you want to utilize a Necrotech (necromancer that enhances the Undead with technology), you need a new sculpt or two for this character and enhanced versions of zombies, skeletons, and whatever other gribblies they think he can modify. Either way they hit the ground running and should be able to launch the new line very quickly.

08-21-2013, 12:53 PM
I voted Other.

1. Demiurg - done properly as there was NEVER any room for silly Dwarves or Orcs in 40K. Unfortunately, there were nitwits in the Studio who thought silly Orcs in Space was a good idea.

2. 40K Undead - this one baffles me why GW's bean-counters haven't jumped on the creative types and said "thou shalt do this". Going all the way back to Heavy Metal (the movie) there have been any number of movies and now TV shows that show that undead can work in a modern genre as well as they do in fantasy medieval settings. Heavy Metal showed that it works in SciFi. It's GW that 's completely missed the boat on this one. It's simply a matter of developing the rules. They already have the models, no development time or money involved. Come up with a set of rules and you've more than doubled your market for an existing line (or two) of miniatures. If you want to utilize a Necrotech (necromancer that enhances the Undead with technology), you need a new sculpt or two for this character and enhanced versions of zombies, skeletons, and whatever other gribblies they think he can modify. Either way they hit the ground running and should be able to launch the new line very quickly.

#2 - Isn't that what Necrons are? Kinda like a giant race of mummies.. that's always what I have felt.

08-21-2013, 03:00 PM
Kroot. They've got plenty to work from with the old and sadly obsolete Chapter Approved codex, plus a considerable amount of fluff from various existing sources like Black Library and Rogue Trader as well as the Tau codexes. Their 'you become what you eat' gimmick means a wide variety of creatures are possible (Forgeworld provides some good examples) and when you add their alliance with Tau and mercenary habits with other races they can supplement that with an eclectic array of technology.

I suspect they'd play as an assault army that used things like outflanking rather heavy armour to get across the board and either used light arms to soften an opponent before a charge or had limited, specialised sort of guns.

08-21-2013, 03:05 PM
The thing to consider is when GW had the chance to consolidate an inquisition codex they did not... they are getting rid of templar's. So for as much as i'd like to hope they will do a new codex i doubt they will i mean seriously when has GW actually ever given us what we want? they usually try and force down our throats models and books that we don't want don't need and are just ugly.

08-21-2013, 09:58 PM
They still might still consolidate the Inquisition and Sisters properly in a 6th Edition book, if they can get plastic Sister models going...

08-22-2013, 10:44 AM
for me its just honestly a waste at this point anymore... okay so templars are now gone and folded into the main sm dex. gery knights don't have enough to justify them being a fully flushed out list they have how many kits again? termies standard and some failcast... oh and that ugly babyseated termi walker.... sisters have one basic troop a jump squad and a dev squad... and aome engines of doom... why not simply make forces of the inquisition role them up into a book and be done with it. this whole there's all kind of love for sisters but no one wants to pay cause their pewter is such a lie. i believe since i started playing this game i have seen a total of 2 sister of battle armies used in a tournement... so ya there is just this huge crowd of people waiting to get a new dex.... seriously roll them up and make a new xenos race or do an existing one that has no representation it would sell like hot cakes..

08-22-2013, 12:49 PM
gery knights don't have enough to justify them being a fully flushed out list they have how many kits again?


Grey Knights have more unique units and kits that are actually unique than all of the other SM variants combined. BA are just SMs with blood drops and nipples on their armor. DA are just SMs with robes and chapter symbols. BT are just SMs with more Bolt Pistol and CCW than normal. Both their kits and rules are really 95% identical, just with some minor tweaks.

Grey Knights, though, pretty much only have Str/T4 and a 3+ armor save in common with normal Marines. And thanks to Hammerhand, even that's not a direct comparison.

08-22-2013, 12:57 PM
Yeah, man. Grey Knights are totally different. I've been reading their codex, and I'm trying to convince myself that they are not also hopelessly overpowered. I just... psybolt ammo... How?

08-22-2013, 03:48 PM
You're about three years too late to be complaining about that. Plus, Grey Knights might be individually powerful, but they're also very expensive and you get a limited number of models and units, and they still die like Marines (except for Paladins, but then you really get expensive). No one should still seriously think that Grey Knights are overpowered since 6th came out, let alone since Tau came out as a practical hard-counter to most GK lists.

08-22-2013, 03:58 PM
You're about three years too late to be complaining about that...

I'm a... what's the opposite of a hipster? I was complaining about Grey Knights way after it was cool :D.

08-22-2013, 04:26 PM
So you're the 40k equivalent of an old guy on his porch? "Back in my day, if you went to a 3 game tournament you had to face Grey Knights five times".

08-22-2013, 04:29 PM
So you're the 40k equivalent of an old guy on his porch? "Back in my day, if you went to a 3 game tournament you had to face Grey Knights five times".

Except that I haven't really been playing that wrong.

I fully acknowledge that I don't actually know poop about poop when it comes to Grey Knights. I've just been reading the codex. For all I know, they're nowhere near as bad as they look on paper. I did lose my last game against Grey Knights, but the game didn't feel balanced, so... who knows?

08-22-2013, 04:42 PM
So you're the 40k equivalent of an old guy on his porch? "Back in my day, if you went to a 3 game tournament you had to face Grey Knights five times".

And it was up hill both ways, in the snow, with no shoes.
We were up at 5am, and we hadn't got back till 6am...

08-22-2013, 05:01 PM

08-23-2013, 12:22 AM
First of all, Lizardmen in Spaaace. Just saying.

Secondly, maybe put more detail into the Tau Empire? Give us more options for the various member races - including human client planets - and maybe enough information to field Tau Empire forces with only a token compliment of Tau?

Thirdly, please not another Imperial faction. Imperial-on-Imperial games are harder to "craft the narrative" around, and therefore are a lot less fun.

Finally, GW - with their copyright bullying and litigious ways - has lost the right to create derivative factions. I have no problem with "borrowing" ideas from other sources. I'm a fiction writer and RPG freelancer, in one of my two careers, and I borrow ideas left and right. But once you start to get possessive about "your" ideas to the degree that GW has, you are no longer a part of that happy larcenous community of creative types. You are a bully. If GW creates a new faction that is derivative of anything anyone else has ever made, I will become sick with their hypocrisy.

Honestly, Kroot are possibly the closest to Lizardmen in space. Add in some of the FW units (Great Knarlocs, Knarloc riders) and some of the old Kroot Mercs list (Winged kroot, chameleon kroot) and you have the start of an interesting army.

08-23-2013, 12:23 AM
Honestly, Kroot are possibly the closest to Lizardmen in space. Add in some of the FW units (Great Knarlocs, Knarloc riders) and some of the old Kroot Mercs list (Winged kroot, chameleon kroot) and you have the start of an interesting army.

Trust me, I wouldn't complain. I play Tau. I have more Kroot than you can shake a stick at. I'd love the chance to field Kroot as their own codex, with Tau allies providing fire support!

08-23-2013, 06:19 AM
I'd like to see Codex: Vespids. Their rules suck right now, but the models look cool.

08-23-2013, 04:14 PM
i dont really know how the rules for this but what about a totally psykic army, no hand held weapons, no tech just pure magic, not sure how rules wise this works but they could 4 fractions for each element, earth could be like defensive magic, fire offensive, air movement and water healing. they wouldnt have any weapons but would just have like fire shooting from hands and stuff, i cant work out ow to get pics to work, but if you look up fire mage you'll see what im thinking

08-23-2013, 08:18 PM
A Cthulhu race, of course!

08-24-2013, 08:03 PM
#2 - Isn't that what Necrons are? Kinda like a giant race of mummies.. that's always what I have felt.

We all know that 40K is just WFB in Space and most of the analogs are obvious. And yes, Necrons are the undead analog. However, that is not what I'm so wistful about. Anyone who's seen Heavy Metal (or any one of the other movies that demonstrates that undead can work perfectly well in a tech environment) knows that the REAL undead can be a viable force in 40K. I created a 40K Undead list back towards the end of 40Kv3 that our group played several times. Needed some tweaking but was a lot fun and a whole different feel from any other 40K army (also different from the bare bones early Necrons or the list that Necrons has become). Then came 40Kv4 and I never bothered to update it for any of the more recent versions of 40K.

08-25-2013, 04:32 PM
I voted Mechanicus, but with the suppliments I'd really like to see Arbites, Exodites, Genestealer Cults, and Deathwatch all get supplimental codexes (codexi?) at some point.