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View Full Version : 1850 Eldar Iyanden

08-19-2013, 09:48 AM

Farseer = 100

Spiritseer = 70


2x 5 Wraithguard, Wave Serpent, TL-SL, SC, Holo-Fields = 610

10 Wraithblades, Ghost Axe, Forceshield = 320

Heavy Support

Wraithlord, BLx2, Ghostglaive = 165

Wraithknight, SL, Suncannon, Scatter-Field = 300

2x War Walker, BLx2 = 140

Fast Attack

Crimson Hunter = 160

My 1850 Iyanden themed list, I've only played this vs necrons which it does pretty damn well against. Any changes/ideas/feedback would be welcome :)

08-19-2013, 02:20 PM
This is a tight little list, very hard-hitting, very elite, but it will suffer against hordes for lack of "kill a lot of stuff quickly" power. I honestly don't have any serious suggestions other than switching the WW weaponry to something with more shots per turn - you have plenty of bright lances or other high-strength low-A shooting as it is.

08-20-2013, 02:56 AM
Yeah I'm yet to really play any horde armies and I was worried about how I was going to deal with them. A good start would be changing those bright lances to scatter lasers on my WW's and maybe giving one of wraithguard squads d-scythes.

Dave Mcturk
08-20-2013, 07:33 AM
im finding spirit stones on my skimmers really useful !
and shard of anaris on the fz comes in handy !

assume your hiding your warlord fz in the axes ?

where do you put the spirit seer ?

im suprised that two walkers dont get taken down as 1st kill ... especially by necrons !

08-20-2013, 08:23 AM
I put the spiritseer along with the farseer with the wraith blades and have them cast their powers on whoever needs them, as for the war walkers I try and put them as far back as they can and out range the necrons as their guns are mostly 24 inch range but even so they don't survive very long in most games :(

08-22-2013, 08:37 AM
Depending on my opponent I often put my WWs in outflanking to come in on T2 for rear armor/support killyness. They don't last long but they're great at drawing attention and doing a lot of damage. I don't see it working against Necrons though.

WWs are AV10 open-topped 2-HP vehicles. Even in cover and with the 5+, don't expect them to live if your opponent decides to shoot them.