View Full Version : Crushstar Chaos Daemons Army 1850pts

08-17-2013, 12:48 PM

Kairos Fateweaver (Warlord).
Herald of Khorne w/ a Greater Reward (Greater Magic Weapon), a Lesser Reward (Magic Weapon), Exalted Locus of Wrath, and a Juggernaut of Khorne.
Herald of Khorne w/ a Greater Reward (Greater Magic Weapon), a Lesser Reward (Magic Weapon), and a Juggernaut of Khorne.
Herald of Khorne w/ a Greater Reward (Greater Magic Weapon), a Lesser Reward (Magic Weapon), and a Juggernaut of Khorne.


Bloodletters (20) w/ an Instrument of Chaos and a Banner of Blood.
Bloodletters (10) w/ an Instrument of Chaos.
Bloodletters (10) w/ an Instrument of Chaos.


Bloodcrushers (3) w/ Banner of Blood. One of the Bloodcrushers is upgraded to a Bloodhunter, who has a Greater Reward (Greater Magic Weapon).

Heavy Support

Soul Grinder w/ Daemon of Tzeentch and Phlegm Bombardment.
Daemon Prince w/ Daemon of Tzeentch, Demonic Flight, Warp-forged Armour, an Exalted Reward (Hellforged Artifact: The Grimoire of True Names), and Psychic (Mastery Level 3)

The three Heralds ride their juggernauts with the Bloodcrushers, providing the unit with a majority toughness of 5. Furthermore, the Heralds each have five attacks (three base attacks, one additional from their Juggernaut, and another one from having two weapons). This type of a Bloodcrusher formation is typically called the "Crushstar".

Kairos Fateweaver allows me a reroll to ensure that the Grimoire passes the test, giving the Crushstar a 3+ invulnerable save.

Both Kairos and the Daemon Prince are able to further buff the Crushstar, providing they roll well when determining their psychic powers.

The main plan is to get the Crushstar into the fray, and then begin chain deep striking Bloodletters off of them with precision. This is possible due to the Banner of Blood that one of the Bloodcrushers has. The unit that is deep striking won't scatter as long as I place the initial Bloodletter within 6" of the Bloodcrusher holding the Banner of Blood. Thanks to the Instruments of Chaos, when one of the Bloodletter units passes its roll to come out of reserves, another unit will also come out of reserves automatically.

So my plan is to overwhelm my opponent in melee, relying on the Soul Grinder and Daemon Prince to mop up any flying models.

What do you guys think?

09-13-2013, 12:27 PM
Drop a herald and add Karnak. That way you will be able to scout ahead with the T5 unit and possibly assault turn one if you go second.

Other that that I think it's interesting.