View Full Version : Getting Back Into Fantasy

08-16-2013, 09:38 PM
So, I'm contemplating getting back into WHFB but I'm not sure which army to play anymore. I'll list off what models I have and my general playing style -- and if you can give me some suggestions off that, then that would be great.

Firstly, I have something like 60+ Empire spearmen with shields, a dozen knights, and three cannon.

Secondly, I have 80+ High Elf spearmen and some phoenix guard (maybe 10, I'll need to find the box all over again...).

My play style usually centers around a lot of Core units. I like to maneuver and create battle lines based off my favorite tactics gleaned from reading too much ancient history. I've already about the Empire army book and the High Elf army book, and so far I think that the Empire's coolest units are the gunpowder ones - especially the volley gun. That thing just seems nasty.

08-16-2013, 11:24 PM
If you like the core unit tactic, then Empire is the way to go!

The Celestial Hurricanum / Luminark of Hysh can really give your basic troopers some added oomph that usually surprises a lot of their foes. With a bit a magic support and firepower from cannons, you've got a nasty recipe that makes "troops" something to be reckoned with.

08-17-2013, 03:47 AM
Yeah, empire have some of the best core troops in the game. Maybe not in terms of stats, but you have so many different troop types to choose from, they are dirt cheap and the all important detachment rule makes them rally effective at supporting each other. A liberal sprinkling of captains and warrior priests will turn your humble troops into durable and effective fighting machines. Though dont ignore those special units, greatswords are incredibly durable and demigryphs pack a real punch.

If you want a reliable and flexible battle line then something like orcs and goblins or skaven isn't going to be for you, and ogres just tend to be about mushing stuff. The undead are largely about weight of numbers, though there is a bit more too them. Beastmen work more off ambush tactics and warriors of chaos focus on elite troops crushing everything. The other armies that might be worth looking at are dwarfs, high elves and dark elves. I can't in good conscience recommend wood elves or brets until they get an update. However, by the sounds of what you are saying, you are leaning to empire and they would fit your style of play. They fit any style of play really, which is what is great about them.

08-17-2013, 04:21 PM
Can anyone tell me if they have gone up against the Empire volley guns before? I'm wanting to know if they are very effective in this new edition. Also, the armor piercing rule - does that negate any armor save of any kind?

08-17-2013, 08:55 PM
Armor Piercing means they have an additional -1 to armor saves made versus wounds from the weapon. So a normal S5 shot would be -2 to save. A S5 armor piercing shot would be -3.

Volley guns are one of the better warmachines out there and probably the best Empire warmachine. That being said, I would stake your entire strategy on them as they are still prone to misfires (like any other warmachine). Include them if you want but try and have an alternative that serves a similar purpose.

08-18-2013, 05:24 AM
They are better in the current book than they were previously as the misfires are less destructive to the machine. I play Empire and they are nasty, but only really at short range. I tend to run a battery consisting of a great cannon for monster & war machine killing, a helblaster for troop killing and an Engineer to babysit them (as a war machine can use his BS or re-roll the artillery dice). Oh, and Steam Tank is a must include in games over 1000 points. The rocket gun and mortar both took a big nerf in 8th ed and are now less common as they are only really useful against large units of low toughness, low armour save troops, whereas the helbalster will chew up Chaos Knights as well as Skaven slaves.

08-18-2013, 08:47 AM
Empire are quite flexible and have lots of options, HE have quite a few too.

HE you could do themed armies (fire - chosen of asuryman, phoinexes, dragon prices, dragon mage, phoinex guard) or naggorythe (reavers, shadow warriors, ice phoinxes {giant ravens?} and so on).

Ditto with empire - foot mob, cavalry, artillery speedy, magic-y. You have all the options you want.

White Tiger88
08-18-2013, 07:30 PM
Well if you like LOTS of core go for Vampire Counts.....Can't get more core heavy then that! However empire do get one of the coolest Special Characters in the game... (Elspeth von Draken on Carmine Dragon)