View Full Version : 2000 pt. Necron list. Give me your thoughts.

08-16-2013, 04:12 PM
Necron Army List 1963 Points

HQ Destroyer lord Necron Overlord with MSS, weave and warscythe [same gear for both lords]

[Troops] 3x12 Warrior phalanxes.

Elites Size Stats and Wargear

[Fast Attack] Canoptek Wraith 6 with 6 Whip coils Canoptek Scarabs 9

Canoptek Scarabs 9

[Heavy Support] Doomsday Ark Canoptek Spyder 2 / Canoptek Spyder 2 and 1 gloom prism

Royal Guard Necron Cryptek 1, plasmancer with eldritch lance and solar pulse

[Transports] Command Barge/ Night Scythe /Night Scythe

Ninja edit: Didn't realize I had points leftover! I'll have to buy another cryptek or two.

Ninja edit 2: Rise of the fallen. Alright, I'm thinking that once I build my tomb stalker, I should squeeze it into this list by taking out some scarabs, a spyder, some wraiths and their coils and I can attack from all sides!

General tactics: The idea is to overload the opponent with too many choices in terms of target priority, hugging the board edge will minimize templates and amount of fire drawn per turn. Even better if you have terrain to hide in and/or night fight. 2+ cover saves, anyone?

But by making 3 lanes [overlord on one side, wraiths on the other and the scarabs perhaps sharing another or even the middle if terrain is right], I can cover their advance with my doomsday cannon, popping vehicles and legions of soldiers from across the board and turning out the lights while my forces get into position. By turn 3, with 18+ scarabs in one set and 9/10 in another, and my troops holding an objective or two, I can firmly dislodge the the enemy their perch, harassing them with my night scythes and tesla destructors. Perhaps sooner if I build and then add my canoptek tomb stalker!

Forgot to mention: This list is better off going second. 1st turn may render your cannon inoperative due to darkness.

Dave Mcturk
08-17-2013, 08:24 AM
hi ... just after some advice from a necron lord !
can you mss a character in a challenge !??

08-17-2013, 08:21 PM
Yes, my fellow tomb lord, you can. That's what makes them so killer. And in a challenge, is you are in base-to-base contact after not using your jump pack, you mind shackle them, then hit them at Ini.count 10 to boot!
So what do you think of my list?