View Full Version : My Swap Meet Haul

08-16-2013, 10:44 AM
Because it makes me happy to boast of my good fortune, here's the land raider I got for $10.


A section of tread is missing, but its one of the parts tucked up into the body, so I think I can make a press mold to replace it without too much work. I'll try that before I buy a "side sections and treads" lot on eBay for $17... not that a $30 land raider stops being a ridiculously good deal.

And you can't tell it from this picture, but the guy who sold it to me has done a lot of work to ornament it with censors and scrolls and purity seals. It's really very good. This is the same guy who sold me a $5 beat up land raider a year ago, which I made the mistake of trading away. This one is a beautiful basis for painting and will never leave my collection.

08-16-2013, 11:25 AM
Ooh, nice, one of the original Crusaders! $10 is an absolute steal. I assume you'll let us see it painted? Pretty please? :)

08-16-2013, 11:28 AM
Ooh, nice, one of the original Crusaders! $10 is an absolute steal. I assume you'll let us see it painted? Pretty please? :)

Damn straight! I just need to figure out how to adapt the Knights of the Blood color scheme to a vehicle.