View Full Version : Great five games in two days and Space Hulk on PC

Lost Vyper
08-16-2013, 06:59 AM
Hi yaīll, itīs the Lost Vyper,

Had a great two days off (tuesday/wednesday) and we played five games with my friend. He plays GK and BA -armies and now tried Space Wolves as allies (for GK). We started our Escalation league with 250p and 500p games (250p up now and 500p will be up in couple of weeks) and played two 2500p games and one with 1850p. Space Wolves allies was a tough nut to crack, he had Nijal with his annoying 24" "Iīll ruin your Farseers day" -ability (blocking your powers with 3+ or 4+ canīt remember) and cheap missile Long Fangs and the cheapest troop choice with Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf cost me the later 2500p by Line Breaking, and i lost 2-1 due to that...for Grey Knights -players out there, consider them puppies (especially against Eldar), cos they be baaaaaaaad neeeewwwss....other 2500p game, he wiped me off the table with Blood Angels (Mephiston kills Wraithknight with ease people! :mad: ), but after that match, we played the 1850p, and i ran my Bel-Annath list (3 x 3 War Walkers + Wraithknight) and WIPED HIM OFF THE TABLE! Fun times! :D Bel-Annath himself is still crap, but the four heavies in 1850p is deadly...

Yesterday it arrived! Best version of Space Hulk ever made in to a computer game! I only played the tutorials and one mission, but iīm still hooked! Atmosphere and the sounds are amazing! Graphics are okay, but itīs the feeling, that you are actually playing the board game that appeals to me. None of that real-time s***, TURN-BASED ALL THE WAY!!! PURGE THE ALIEN!!! BOLTER JAM!!!!

- Lost Vyper

08-17-2013, 04:34 AM
How's the game going now that you've had it a couple of days?

Lost Vyper
08-17-2013, 07:08 AM
AWESOME! Played two missions last night and it keeps on getting trickier and better. Some minor issues with sound effects (not working all the time), but AI + missions are great. There was first update to version 1.01 last night, but i hope, that theyīll keep updating. Still, if you liked the board game, it gets no closer than this...

08-17-2013, 07:23 AM
Do the visuals detract at all?
I've seen a few people whining that they are sub-par.

08-17-2013, 10:56 AM
Do the visuals detract at all?
I've seen a few people whining that they are sub-par.

It's an EXACT Port of the '09 Board Game. What do you expect? I don't know what people are expecting more for an exact port. Even the tiles remind me of the '09 game tiles. I think the visuals are perfect. Hell you even get a mini cap on the top right to see the Marines view point. Just wish we could actually move the head and pan and scan to see what they see.

While great graphics is nice to have, I rather have better game play. And Game Play is exactly like the '09 game as I said. To complain about visuals is just nit picking and the game was never for them in the first place.

The Termies for me move slow like they should in real life, BUT it does slow down the game a bit and make it boring. Trying to line up the Marines is a bit tricky and a few times I curse saying that is not what I intended, (facing the wall instead of the corridor) but it's true to everything from my knowladge. I didn't play much of the '09 game but it seems exactly the same.

The atmosphere is AWSOME. I can almost feel the chills. I can see the game get repetitive though if played enough in single player.

I am on mission III. I keep dying too many times. :P

Lost Vyper
08-18-2013, 04:08 AM
Two more missions last night, sounds worked better now. I think the graphics are decent, i rather have a good game with these graphics than awful game to play with photo realistic graphics. The movement gets me sometimes too, but thereīs the "undo" button :) I play with the normal difficulty setting and i think itīs pretty easy (so far) with that...i think i had to replay just one mission so far...

08-18-2013, 05:07 AM
"It's an EXACT Port of the '09 Board Game. What do you expect? I don't know what people are expecting more for an exact port." - HsojVvad

I already have an exact port of Space Hulk on my mobile phone.
It plays identical to the board game.
It's Officially Licensed.
It's graphics are shockingly bad.
But it plays identical to the board game.
Do you suggest that I stick with that, because it already has the exact gameplay?
For twenty-odd Quid I expect the exact same gameplay as the board game and decent graphics that do not detract from the gameplay.
Hence why I was asking.

Lost Vyper.
Thanks for your replies.
Based on them I've bought the game.

08-18-2013, 07:19 AM
On the graphics: although it's been released on Steam earlier, I think it's always been intended as an iOS game, so the visuals are going to be at the level you can comfortably run on a tablet. I think they look pretty good, considering.

Lost Vyper
08-18-2013, 07:57 AM
No problem! Hope youīll like it.

I heard my friend already played it through with Normal settings with the timer and is now playing it AGAIN with the Hardest settings...when i get off work, i think itīs time for couple of missions...

08-18-2013, 12:40 PM
For twenty-odd Quid I expect the exact same gameplay as the board game and decent graphics that do not detract from the gameplay.
Hence why I was asking.

That wasn't directed at you. I knew you were not complaining, it was ment for the people who were.

Also I didn't know Space Hulk was for the mobile phone. How is it on there?

Lost Vyper.
Thanks for your replies.
Based on them I've bought the game.

How do you like it? Me and my son are having fun on Hot Seat, when it works that is. I think the tutorials are bugged but once you unlock the main missions, they are playable on hot seat and don't seam buggy.

Lost Vyper
08-19-2013, 12:30 AM
Havenīt tried the hot seat yet, but it should be fun.