View Full Version : Basing Models with Make It Stone! Kyrlon Spray Paint?

08-15-2013, 07:37 PM
I am looking to do a easy rubble / concrete basing for my necron army that would not be too time consuming.(easy color scheme, bolt gun metal followed with a black wash - flat black on weapons / vehicle hulls - dark green followed by scorpion green on eyes / glow pieces - bronze followed by a black wash on cloaks / upper hierarchy stand out bits - super easy and fast and has the necron shadowy army look). Now I am stuck on doing bases before I assemble.

I ran across http://www.krylon.com/products/make-it-stone-textured-paint/ and i think the charcoal sand followed by a heavy black wash might look decent and fit with the overall scheme.

Has anyone else used the product or think it would work?

08-15-2013, 07:40 PM
I'd test it out first, but it sounds good to me.

08-15-2013, 10:28 PM
I used 3 cans of this when i made my first gaming table. After 6 years of abuse it is still holding strong.

08-15-2013, 10:44 PM
do you think the consistency of the product would work for bases? & how do you think it would look with a black wash over it?

08-16-2013, 01:18 AM
I use this very product for all of my movement "trays" for my armies. I use tin sheets cut 1x7" and sprayed down with the brown colored stone over a krylon gray metal primer and painters touch black. It gives a lot of color and a little bit of texture, which looks nice but also is thin enough texture to let my magnets of my based models stick really well. A single strip of movement tray holds five models with enough space to run models behind them through two gaps, so I get packed models that I can stagger but move very quickly en masse, because I'm moving five models each time I touch them. Very important for Tyranid horde armies.

As for "basing", no, I wouldn't recommend it. Just use carpenter's glue like Titebond III, and dunk in a rough mixture of sand and clay-based kitty litter. Paint watered down glue on top, spray black, and drybrush twice. It's super easy to do, and looks fantastic.