View Full Version : Favorite "Badass Normal" of 40k

11-19-2009, 01:33 AM
A light topic just for fun, name your favorite “badass normal” characters from the 40k lore and a little bit about why they deserve the title.

Remember, stick to “normal” characters, that is, no characters whose bodies have been artificially enhanced, so Astartes and Mechanicus are out of the picture. Psykers and characters who wear power armour are ok, just as long as at the end of the day they are baseline human beings. Feel free to use ones already mentioned.

I’ll go first with some of my favorites, in particular order:

Solomon Lok: he killed a Hierophant with grenades. Granted he and everyone else around him got munched shortly thereafter, but he killed a Hierophant! With grenades!

Gregor Eisenhorn: he summoned and bound an incredibly powerful Daemon, for the express purpose of making sure it wasn’t happy, that and he literally never smiles…

Gideon Ravenor: he is a blind, deaf, and dumb quadriplegic who still kicks more tail than your average gladiator, with his mind (Charles Xavier has nothing on him).

Ibram Gaunt: for reasons too numerous to name

Mkoll: he killed a dreadnaught with a lasrifle, and blew up Sagittar Slaith where a dozen others couldn’t manage it, after being declared dead…

Mkvenner: he’s Mkvenner, ‘nuff said.

Malcador: he was on par with posthuman supermen/gods in the founding of a galaxy spanning Roman/****/British empire that looses who planets because of misfiled tax returns, and he's just a human. What have YOU done with your life?

(hmm… funny how nearly all of them owe their existence to Abnett…)

Edit: as an interesting point, evidently the forum auto-censors “N a z i” (as in “Roman/N a z i/British”) but not “badass” as I had feared. Seems odd to me…

11-19-2009, 01:39 AM
I'm not sure if anything in the 40k 'verse can really be called "normal", 'cause everything is turned up to eleven (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UpToEleven) in some way or another.

11-19-2009, 02:20 AM
John Grammaticus doesn't count as normal, does he?

Also, Eldrad in FULGRIM shows he has the biggest balls in the whole Eldar Race.

Mike X
11-19-2009, 02:21 AM
Gregor Eisenhorn: he summoned and bound an incredibly powerful Daemon, for the express purpose of making sure it wasn’t happy, that and he literally never smiles…

Eisenhorn did smile before the injury, and in the following books Abnett forgets a few times that Eisenhorn can't smile and writes that he does.

11-19-2009, 02:50 AM
John Grammaticus doesn't count as normal, does he?

I am willing to give you Grammaticus, his abilities don't stem from the cabal's tinkering. In fact as I recall there is no indication that his body is actually souped-up when he gets reincarnated, just made as healthy and fit as a human can possibly be.

Eisenhorn did smile before the injury, and in the following books Abnett forgets a few times that Eisenhorn can't smile and writes that he does.

True on both accounts, but would you really be willing to tell him to his face that that bumps him from "badass" status?

11-19-2009, 02:52 AM
how could you forget narl? him and ven = best fight ever.

rules wise - look at yarrick! man that guy is un augmented (other than klaw) eternal warrior meaning he can get shot by a lascannon and 'walk it off' - even when he does lose all wounds he gets back up with 1 more wound on a 3+ regardless!!! that man is tough! why cant they give him termie armour and storm shield and send him in the direction of the Eye of Terror. seriously who would have the stones to beat him :P

guardsman marbo

gaunt defo! plus ezra apt niht! now he is the definition of hardcore.

erm...thats about it for me!

11-19-2009, 03:01 AM
how could you forget narl? him and ven = best fight ever.

rules wise - look at yarrick! man that guy is un augmented (other than klaw) eternal warrior meaning he can get shot by a lascannon and 'walk it off' - even when he does lose all wounds he gets back up with 1 more wound on a 3+ regardless!!! that man is tough! why cant they give him termie armour and storm shield and send him in the direction of the Eye of Terror. seriously who would have the stones to beat him :P

guardsman marbo

gaunt defo! plus ezra apt niht! now he is the definition of hardcore.

erm...thats about it for me!

As for the Old Man of Armageddon, he seriously is about as tough as anyone I can think of, just recall how he got that power klaw in the first place... Can't think why I didn't mention him...

I assume by "narl" you mean Harlon Nayl (we all make typos), I thought of him, but I had to leave some new ones for everyone else :D

Its funny you should mention that actually, earlier today I was watching an interview with Abnett where he tried to answer a question about who could beat whom between him and Ven.

11-19-2009, 06:51 AM
I guess Schaeffer is not avaible, due to being augmented, right? Otherwise that guy would be really badass (ok, that he is anyway)

11-19-2009, 06:56 AM

that is all :)

11-19-2009, 07:08 AM
Canoness Praxedes.

A human woman who killed a Tyranid Hive Tyrant in hand to hand combat. I need not say more.

Lord Azaghul
11-19-2009, 08:18 AM
The Emporer.

11-19-2009, 08:21 AM
As badass as the Emperor is, he's not normal even by "Badass normal" standards.

11-19-2009, 08:27 AM
He's a bit dead to be badass or normal.

11-19-2009, 08:31 AM
He's a bit dead to be badass or normal.

How dead the Emperor actually is and if you can even actually kill something like him is a whole different conversation. He's certainly less human than an Astartes is though which is what really rules him out of the running in here.

Besides Mkoll already won. No one saw him do it but it happened. :)

Lord Azaghul
11-19-2009, 08:37 AM
As badass as the Emperor is, he's not normal even by "Badass normal" standards.

Are you calliing the emporer abnormal? :cool:

Sounds like heresy to me...

11-19-2009, 08:38 AM
Seeing as the Emperor is a god, yes, he is a bit abnormal.

Lord Azaghul
11-19-2009, 08:40 AM
The emporer is the supreme definition of normal...all else fails in his glorious light of normalicy...epicly. :D

11-19-2009, 12:46 PM
Yarrick, Cain, CREEEEEEED!

Mkoll: he killed a dreadnaught with a lasrifle
WTF? Urge to kill rising.

11-19-2009, 01:04 PM
WTF? Urge to kill rising.

He is Mkoll; there need be no other explanation...

Seriously, read (or re-read) Ghostmaker, it's there, and it is actually entirely believable...

11-19-2009, 01:23 PM
Dont think he actually killed it with a lasgun... didnt he outsmart it so it could kill itself? blew open its armour panel with a nade then when the deadly plant pines flew at it, it popped the amniotic sack and poisened the marine inside. bear in mind the dready was old. blind and alone. you know what tops it off? mkoll after it happened says 'its no big deal, stop going on about it' the man is a dood! that aswell as outstalking the darkeldar mandrake in the final book of the saint. 'your good...BANG'

oh and yea nayl - sorry I spelt it how i ending up prounouncing it in my head. WRONG! i also have seen the dan abnett thing. thats what made me say it! i like how he avoids the question tho. in the books id say mkoll is harder than harlon tho. i love dan abnett! cant wait for amazon to get my copy of blood pact into my greasy little geeky mits!

11-19-2009, 01:53 PM
Jango Fett

11-19-2009, 01:58 PM
... that aswell as outstalking the darkeldar mandrake in the final book of the saint. 'your good...BANG'

Can't believe I forgot that, for my money that was pretty much his crowning moment of awesome...

Cruor Vault
11-19-2009, 02:45 PM
Cain, a man so lucky he can 'accidentally' trek across an entire planet only to trip and kill a warboss with a Laspistol! Thereby stopping a Waaagh.

11-19-2009, 02:52 PM
Hektor Rex.

He banishes An'Ggrath (spelling?) to the warp with nowt but a sword and a prayer after his shield gets broken, wins the war and then he rescues captive Sisters of Battle, just to take home and execute in front of the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitors just to prove a point.

11-19-2009, 02:58 PM
Eldrad is pretty sick.

But if I had the ability to pick someone who is not "normal," I would have to say Lysander or Mephiston. Lysander breaking out with his bare hands, going through an inquisition upon return, only to go back and glass the planet he was improsioned on is sick... then mephiston overcomming the Black Rage is an awesome display of mental strength.


11-19-2009, 03:47 PM
I like Cain.

His ability to constantly get into horrible situations yet always coming out the better for it, has impressed me.

Mkoll is very impressive.

11-19-2009, 03:52 PM
Papa Smurf... he eats avatars for breakfast, holds off whole ork waaaghs by himself, and single handedly saved the Imperium from the rest of the 40k universe according the C:SM

Asides from the ridiculousness of the new codex SM fluff does Quixos count? I know that he's demoniacally augmented but he beat up on demons like nobodies business and it took a chamber of 5 inquistors from 3 different ordos to bring him in.

11-19-2009, 05:51 PM
Guess I really gotta go with Cain, as Schaffer is out. I mean, Cain just manages to survive everything. He even retired! Now, if reaching retirement as commissar in 40k isn't badass... ;)

Of course, having a blank with him most of the time might count as 'augmented'.

11-19-2009, 06:12 PM
Guess I really gotta go with Cain, as Schaffer is out. I mean, Cain just manages to survive everything. He even retired! Now, if reaching retirement as commissar in 40k isn't badass... ;)

Of course, having a blank with him most of the time might count as 'augmented'.

Not sure why everyone assumes Schaffer is out. Let me explain the spirit of my "no augmentations" stipulation, I was trying to ensure that space marines did not take over, it just wouldn't be fair to measure them against humans. So use your discretion about what "no augmentations" means...

11-22-2009, 01:17 AM
I keep trying to think of someone to top Mkoll, but it just isn't possible.

11-22-2009, 09:09 PM
Guardsmen Marbo.

Read his fluff in the codex.

He is just pure bad *** personified.

11-22-2009, 09:22 PM
Nothing normal about Marbo.

11-23-2009, 02:57 AM
Nothing normal about Marbo.

Exactly :) He is one bad dude. I think he is tough enough to save the president.

11-23-2009, 10:18 PM
A light topic just for fun, name your favorite “badass normal” characters from the 40k lore and a little bit about why they deserve the title.

Remember, stick to “normal” characters, that is, no characters whose bodies have been artificially enhanced, so Astartes and Mechanicus are out of the picture. Psykers and characters who wear power armour are ok, just as long as at the end of the day they are baseline human beings. Feel free to use ones already mentioned.

Can they be un-augmented Xenos from a race where their baseline is close to human?

If so, I would say O'Shaserra (Cmdr. Shadowsun). She is an excellent tactician and is a great shot.

11-23-2009, 10:49 PM
Can they be un-augmented Xenos from a race where their baseline is close to human?

If so, I would say O'Shaserra (Cmdr. Shadowsun). She is an excellent tactician and is a great shot.

Sure, that's in keeping with the spirit of the rule... I figure anyone without either massive super human augmentations, or natural weapons and armor/overclocked alien metabolisms is at a HUGE disadvantage in the grimdark, so when they do good, they deserve recognition, sort of a fan based hall of fame.

Master Exorcist
11-23-2009, 11:09 PM
fav normal has to be larkin, one of the best shots in the universe, also forgot about his severed foot when he was reunited with his beloved rifle.

non-normal would have to be skarbrand, who is badass enough to survive the wrath of khorne when he attacked his master, and makes everyone round him kill each other quicker.

11-24-2009, 10:42 AM
Besides Mkoll already won. No one saw him do it but it happened. :)


In terms of general human badassery I would have to go with Mkoll for the overall, MkVenner for the human close combat beast yada yada yada. Point being Abnett's creations generally take the cup.

Though Cain is the most badass in his own way. "Blood for the Blood God!" "Hawkers for the Cup!" Totally through that Bezerker off his game.

One of my fav marines would be the Blood Angel from the Leonatos Exile strip, both his name and the comics name escape me at the moment though. He got captured by Chaos, chewed his way out of captivity and ate, ate, everyone there, overcame the Black Rage, got his arm ripped off and replaced by a steam powered power fist, walked out of the Eye of Terror, and was one of two characters known to have survived the ordeal just to go back in to look for his captain.

11-24-2009, 02:27 PM
Snikrot is pretty cool. Disabled a dreadnaught using only his teeth whilst being crushed... and survived! Plus he's got two knives.

11-24-2009, 06:03 PM

In terms of general human badassery I would have to go with Mkoll for the overall, MkVenner for the human close combat beast yada yada yada. Point being Abnett's creations generally take the cup.

Though Cain is the most badass in his own way. "Blood for the Blood God!" "Hawkers for the Cup!" Totally through that Bezerker off his game.

One of my fav marines would be the Blood Angel from the Leonatos Exile strip, both his name and the comics name escape me at the moment though. He got captured by Chaos, chewed his way out of captivity and ate, ate, everyone there, overcame the Black Rage, got his arm ripped off and replaced by a steam powered power fist, walked out of the Eye of Terror, and was one of two characters known to have survived the ordeal just to go back in to look for his captain.

You're thinking about Brother Cloten. The name of the graphic novel was BloodQuest: The Eye of Terror Trilogy.

Brother Lysander (Not Imperial Fist Lysander, a Blood Angels Scout by the same name) was the other central character of the story.

These two marines set off with their captain, Leonatos into the eye of terror to find the lost relic of the Blood Angel's chapter: the Blade Encarmine to redeem Leonatos' honor.

Just a clarification there.

My choice for badassery of non-enhanced humans would have to go to Sergeant Lukas Bastonne. (Think I spelled that right..) Just because he's a badass. "It's up to us lads."

My pick. take care everyone.


11-26-2009, 01:48 PM
Wait.. did they have to be human? Oh.....

11-26-2009, 03:42 PM
Kage anybody?

The pre possesed one was pretty bad *** anyway without the help...

And what about Brostin?

person person
11-26-2009, 10:38 PM


Even without his TG skills he was the only thing between Abaddon and the Segmentae Solar 13 times

11-26-2009, 11:58 PM
Guardsmen Marbo.

Read his fluff in the codex.

He is just pure bad *** personified.

Marbo loses points for being Rambo.

11-27-2009, 12:23 AM
Marbo loses points for being Rambo.

However, Marbo also gains points for being Rambo.

11-27-2009, 04:24 PM
Chuck Norris. Game over.

He is so bada$$ he makes onions cry.

11-28-2009, 12:25 PM
Mkoll killed Chuck Norris, he just wears his face from time to time so people don't realise

11-28-2009, 01:43 PM
Sorry to go OT guys, but are the Gaunt's Ghosts books all they are cracked up to be? I have seen snippets here and there, but didnt want to commit to a 10 book series or whatever.

11-28-2009, 02:32 PM
Sorry to go OT guys, but are the Gaunt's Ghosts books all they are cracked up to be? I have seen snippets here and there, but didnt want to commit to a 10 book series or whatever.

They really are, I have read all of them and am now re-reading some of my favorites (while I wait for Blood Pact to come out in paperback). Abnett is not just a good 40k writer, he is a good sci-fi writer period, case in point; I got my dad (who knows nothing of 40k) to read the first one and he has since read and enjoyed all of them.

Plus, you would know who this "Mkoll" character everyone keeps mentioning is :D.

11-29-2009, 03:37 AM
Sorry to go OT guys, but are the Gaunt's Ghosts books all they are cracked up to be? I have seen snippets here and there, but didnt want to commit to a 10 book series or whatever.

Like Just Me says they are amongst the best 40k books out there and aren't bad sci-fi when taken out of the black library and compared to others. Sure they're not going to go up against something by Ian M Banks but you read them because they're the best of both worlds (bolter pron and 'proper' sci-fi).

Give them a go and you're unlikely to be disapointed, you can get most of the books in the two (three?) omnibus editions which will save you a bit of cash too

11-29-2009, 03:42 PM
Thanks guys. Will pick up the first omnibus this week.