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View Full Version : Euphoria Miniatures: Euphoria the ultimate reality (last hours!)

08-14-2013, 05:43 AM
Although I told in my introduction that I’m only a Blood Bowl player, that’s not 100% true, I also play some other games, now I introduce you a new game, it’s on its last days of crowdfunding, only 40 hours and 170 €to go!!!

The game it’s called “Euphoria, the ultimate reality begins”. ¿What’s Euphoria?
In the future, humanity has almost reached perfection and violence doesn’t exist on the streets, so people look for it on TV, every day a single reality show breaks rating records, and viewers just love watching people killing each other.

We are talking about a skirmish game with only a few miniatures, you can choose the miniature’s equipment or weapons, . The beta rulebook can be downloaded from the indiegogo (in both english and spanish).

Click on the following pics, a new window will open with the photo in large size.
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7420/9223433059_012a0875d2_s.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/98512858@N04/9223433059/)

You can contribute to the indiegogo from 1 € to 400 € if you want to design your own miniature! Every perk has some free items, (free cards, wound and movement markers, miniatures from Resina Planet…)

The crowfunding has almost reached its objective (170 € to go) and if 4500 € is reached a new miniature will be included in every perk for free (a patient from a mental hospital):

Give this game a chance!!! Thanks for reading :)

08-15-2013, 06:19 AM
The campaing has reached its goal!! Thanks everyone, now heading to the first stretch goal