View Full Version : 1750 Dark Angels / IG List

08-13-2013, 07:06 PM
How goes everyone? This is my first post on here so please forgive me if i made any mistakes when putting up this post. I was just looking to get a general idea/opinions is of this list from you guys. I created this as a list for a tournament in a few months that i'm going to. The tourney will be using BAO (Bay Area Open) scenarios. My list is as follows

Libby 105pts
lvl 2, Plasma Pistol, force sword

*Contemptor Dreadnought 235pts
w/ Kheres Assault Cannon
CC arm w/heavy flamer
Cyclone ML

*Tactical x 10 165pts
w/ melta-gun and ML
*Tactical x 10 170pts
w/ melta-gun and LC
*Scouts x5 60pts
w/ sniper riles
(didn't feel that putting in a sergeant was a great thing and having a heavy weapon w/ BS 3 was anything special either)

Fast Attack:
*Landspeeder Typhoon x3 225pts
W/HB & Typhoon ML

Heavy Support:
*Predator 115pts
W/ TL AC/ LC spoonsons
*Predator 115pts
W/ TL AC/ LC spoonsons


Company Cmd Sqd 85pts
3 w/ lasguns and vox caster
1 company commander w/ Pwr Axe
Master of Ordnance
(Figure this guy will be on the skyshield landing pad and

will have a pretty decent line of site around the board)

Infantry Platoon 355ps
*Platoon command squad
Platoon Commander w/Lasgun
1 w/ Lasgun and a Vox Caster
3 w/ plasma guns
*Infantry Squad
w/ autocannon team
6 w/ lasguns
1 w/ Lasgun and Vox Caster
Sergeant w/Pwr Axe & Laspistol
*Infantry Squad
w/ autocannon team
7 w/ lasgun
Sergeant w/Pwr Axe & Laspistol

Heavy Weapons Squad
Sabre Weapon Platform-
w/ TL Lascannon
Sabre Weapon Platform-
w/ TL Lascannon
Sabre Weapon Platform-
w/ TL Lascannon

Skyshield Landing Pad 75pts

Total 1735 pts

There are some things i'm not sure of at this point. I currently do not own any Sabre Defence Platforms from FW. So i really don't know how big the base/footprint of this model is so I don't know if i would be able to fit the 3 platforms and the 20-man IG blob w/ the two autocannons on the Skyshield landing pad. But Skyshield is pretty much my firebase. That 4+ inv is pretty nice to help keep that IG unit alive. Most people are running the Aegis Defence line but i find that I have the "cover save" removed/ignored by a multitude of different weapons, just happens i play against alot of Tau and CSM, so i prefer the 4+inv.
I keep the Libby in the IG blob. In the few games i've played with this list, so far it has helped keep him alive either w/ Look Out Sir or the 4+ inv or having an IG Sergeant "man up" and take a challenge for him. My normal strat is to put him in w/ a tactical unit and give him the PFG but putting him on the pad saves me the cost of the PFG.
I'm unsure of the 20pts spent on the axes for the Guard Sergeants. The few times the unit was charged the axe did not help whatsoever. The Sergeants got crushed by PF attacks pretty quick.
I think i have enough tactical units to be able to take multiple objectives. I'm a little leary of breaking the 10-mans into 2 5-man combat squads if the mission requires more troop choices. I just picture a 5-man squad getting shot to pieces really quickly.
I'm sure i'm missing something else but am short on time. Thanks for looking