View Full Version : nice ravenwing/dakkabanner move

08-13-2013, 06:21 PM
i just had a talk with my buddy in germany. he played for switzerland in the ETC in serbia and had to face a swedish ravenwing army with his orks.

the swedish guy pulled of a nice stunt, the dakkabanner was close to a few bike squads, so they all fired 4 times per bike, then the bike command squad with banner turbo boosted close to another few units so they could fire a bunch too. so in effect he got 2 banners worth of buffage for the loss of the command squads shooting.

Brian Wesley
08-13-2013, 08:14 PM
WOW...never thought of doing that with my RW.
Actually the BK really do not have the range that the rest of the units have.
The only problem is if a TO rules you cannot do that.

08-13-2013, 08:27 PM
hmm, why would they rule that? sounds like a legit move to me. a bit loopholy maybe, but all within the rules.

08-13-2013, 08:29 PM
That is so sneaky - I love hearing stories like that of folks trying new ideas no one had thought of.

08-13-2013, 09:11 PM
I am shocked no one though of that... pure, pure brutal though! Wow.