View Full Version : Idea for a PC game. I like strategic games and this idea sounds good to me.

08-13-2013, 02:19 AM
I am one of the older PC computer generation. I am not a fan of first person shoot'em up type games. Possibly because I do not have the reflexes that many of the younger generation do, and possibly because it really annoys me and hurts my eyes to look at the screen with the view being in the first person shooting mode.

For example, I love Dawn of War, but Dawn of War 2 with its 1st person type view makes my head hurt, and makes it so I lose my bearings of where I am. I also get a lot of lag time in that game (possibly because of my computer) and I can not react fast enough to handle the computer in those first person type battles.

What would be good, and I hope also popular, would be a game, similar to the Mech Commander, Mech Commander II, and Dawn of War Game Series where you have a more strategic view of the Battlefield, but the game is not designed as a prolonged game where you have to build up an empire,or take time giving orders in a turn by turn system like the Total War series, the Command and Conquer series or the Civilisation series of games.

My idea works on the Mech Commander series of games, but can be tailored to suite even 40K (using 30K through to 40K). The game could work of current graphics quality and imaging technology. It should offer a few time lines for the game.

My example would be say Classic Battletech where you can build a Mercenary Unit, or command a House unit. The unit can start at any timeline say 2750 (star league), 3025/ 3039 eras, 3050 early Clan invasion, technology development Clan Occupation era (3055/3058/3060), Fedcom Civil War and Jihad period (3067/30/75/3085), Post Jihad, new Star League and Mechwarrior Dark Ages eras 3145.

The unit can be built with a limited amount of BV, or C-Bills and have limits on which units you can select to start with and replace losses with (battlefield salvage aside). There can be a few design built scenarios, and a a few general use mission types that you can develop your units experience and bank balance with. The quality of your replacement soldiers/ mech warriors and mechs, as well as the difficulty level and experience of the enemy you face off against should be based on the ammount of Fame and Experience level of your unit. The experience level and fame should also get worse if you lose battles as well, but then your enemy will get easier, but you get a worse level/quality of replacement troops and equipment.

Obviously, if you feel the game is hard to play, you can manually set the resupply, or enemy quality, but you get very low fame and C-Bills if you set the difficulty level too low.

The game can run a set number of battles for each time line period, or you can manually set the limit. Also you can elect to jump to the next technological timeline if you get bored with one, and still keep your old house unit or Mercenary company. From there you can then upgrade the equipment you have on your mechs to come in line with the new technology being developed. Upgrading mechs will eat up your hard earned C-Bills though, as will hiring new troops for your force.

In a way the game will be like the Civilisation type game in that you develop your forces and develop and increase your technology as your time line develops, but the set battles make it so that is more like a Dawn of War, or Mech Commander style game in that your forces are not constantly on a world map that you develop and play on. There might be a few mini menus/maps that you can skip to to build, repair and modify mechs and to reinforce your home base and recruitment center/ planet, but overall it should not be like a Civilisation type game where the whole world or galaxy is the map board you play on.

Does this sound like a good idea?

I hope the software gaming companies like it, because I would love them to design a game or gaming series like this. Maybe you can install updates that allow you to unlock the next time line and introduce new mechs and nations (which you can then work for), or jump ship to become a regular house unit for.