View Full Version : 1750pt Demons of Chaos

White Tiger88
08-12-2013, 03:21 PM
Well guys i haven't played in ages and figured it would be time to build a tournament army list again! So far i have come up with this list what do you guys think? C&C would be welcome. :cool:

Edit:Two new list idea's which one looks more competitive?

Bloodthirster 290
Greater Reward x2

Herald of Nurgle 120
lvl 2,Greater Locus of Fecundity

Herald of Slaanesh 120
Greater Reward,Exaulted Locus of Begilement,lvl 1

Herald of Slaanesh 120
Greater Reward,Exaulted Locus of Begilement,lvl 1

Troops 460
15 Demonettes 150
Alluress, Icon of Chaos

15 Demonettes 150
Alluress, Icon of Chaos

15 Plaguebringers 160
Musician,Plagueridden,Icon of Chaos

Fast Attack
10 Seekers of Slaanesh 130
Icon of Chaos

Heavy Support 510
Soul grinder 150

Soul grinder 180

Soul grinder 180



Keeper of Secrets 235
Psyker 2,Greater Reward x2

Herald of Nurgle 120
lvl 2,Greater Locus of Fecundity

Herald of Slaanesh 120
Greater Reward,Exaulted Locus of Begilement,lvl 1

Herald of Slaanesh 120
Greater Reward,Exaulted Locus of Begilement,lvl 1

Troops 450
15 Demonettes 150
Alluress, Icon of Chaos

15 Demonettes 150
Alluress, Icon of Chaos

15 Plaguebringers 150

Fast Attack 195
15 Seekers of Slaanesh 195
Icon of Chaos,Heart Seeker

Heavy Support 510
Soul grinder 150

Soul grinder 180

Soul grinder 180


08-12-2013, 04:50 PM
No psychic powers??? With telepathy and biomancy I don't see why you don't take them. Invisibility and endurance is a very good combo for example.

Lord Krungharr
08-12-2013, 07:59 PM
I probably would never take the Keeper of Secrets unless I was wanting multiple Daemon Princes of Slaanesh and Heralds in the same list. He's fast but not fast enough for my taste. If he was a beast then it would be something!

I like Soul Grinders, but I'd drop the Slaanesh one w no maw-cannon upgrades and get some Flesh Hounds or Steeds on your Heralds and a new flying HQ MC. Just my take.

And yes, the Daemons psychic powers are game changers and awesome when used wisely. Good to tack on a few of those somewhere, like a fully loaded Lord of Change for example!

White Tiger88
08-12-2013, 09:00 PM
I will go over the list and see where i can shave some points however i do like my Boob Demons >_>

White Tiger88
08-12-2013, 09:35 PM
hehehehe Updated this list should be "fun"

08-12-2013, 11:53 PM
I know psyker powers are very expensive. Yet I think you should have two biomancy powers though. Also I like to put powers on my heralds since I lose said buffs if my big monster dies.

White Tiger88
08-13-2013, 01:57 AM
I know psyker powers are very expensive. Yet I think you should have two biomancy powers though. Also I like to put powers on my heralds since I lose said buffs if my big monster dies.

UM i did..........

08-13-2013, 03:52 AM
UM i did..........

Keeper is master 3, Nurgle is Master 1, other two 0 powers. At least Nurgle should be Master 2.

08-13-2013, 07:29 PM
You seem to be focussing on slaanesh as the main for the force, yet you're missing their best unit, the seekers whose speed makes them a key unit.

White Tiger88
08-18-2013, 04:49 PM
Lists updated above!

White Tiger88
08-23-2013, 01:06 PM
Updated, i think the BT list might be better!

08-27-2013, 06:40 AM
You should take a lesser reward on the thirster. He hs a specalist weapon already and two specialist weapons = +1 attack. Also you can get a stregth 8 ranged shot which is great with bs 10. It helps with downing other flyers or vehicles. Also he can have a strength 5 ap 5 flamer which really helps with blobs.

I can go on, but I think a lesser reward and two greater rewards is not a bad ideal.

Personally I go Exhaulted and a Greater.

The reason I go Exhaulted is for these reasons.

1. Riftbringer: this is sooooo op. On a Thirster you have a really good chance of spawning 2d6+3 more models. My games last till turn 3 usually and I was able to pull this off 3 times and two times in the same round. It turned a close game into a wipe out. Thanks to two squads of letters and one squad of horrors.

2. You can get a wound per phase, for a possible 2 wounds a turn. This was helpful vs an all terminator army. With this power my Thirster had 4 wounds all game long, but was gaining 2 wounds a turn. Basically the wounds he was taking he was negating with this power. Seeing that he took 7 wounds in that game and he should had died, but ended the game with 4 wounds means this was a well received power.

3. Chance for a free lesser is always nice.

4. I think the other powers are ok. I can imagine it will not die and the power to come back on the board can be a pain. Anyway I like the weapon choice which provides d3 extra attacks. Actually it provides +1 d3 extra attacks. The strength bonus is helpful although the other bonuses are wasted. Also with the greater weapon it's possible for the Thirster to get an extra d3 attacks. In other words theThirster can get +7 attacks or +8 on the charge for a total of 14 attacks.

5. I almost forgot about getting rage and rampage. That's 5 extra attacks on the charge, 6 if you get the free lesser weapon.

Going back to the exhaulted weapon it's great against one on one fights, while rampage only really works if you are outnumbered.

I ran both greater, greater, lesser and exhaulted, greater and found the later to really dominate.