View Full Version : Allies, and the interesting use thereof....

Mr Mystery
08-12-2013, 01:33 PM
Evening folks.

So, like them or loathe them, Allies are now part of the game.

What I'm wondering is whether anyone has an interesting method of using them, whether codex 'legal'* or more thematically chosen?

One of the things I've always wanted to do was in games of Apocalypse, to field each and every Space Marine at Captain Level stats, simply to get a cool visual on how hard Marines are in the background. But now with the Allies matrix, and a bit of artistic license (not to mention opponent's permission!) I could feasibly do the same in a regular game of 40k, say alongside Imperial Guard.

Now I'm not looking for why people feel they might have ruined the game etc, as that rarely leads to cool and constructive conversation. But do post up how you would like to see them incorporated into your games.

It might be slightly daft ideas like my own, or it may be pre-arranged mission specific parameters. Anything goes folks!

*not sure why this term caught on. Not like anyone is going to come and arrest you for hobby stuff. Well. Unless you've hobby tooled someone in the face. Which is not to be encouraged! At all. Ever.

08-12-2013, 01:53 PM
Inquisitorial Henchmen. Everything they do you can get something else that does it better when looking for allies, but it lets me use all my crazy old Rogue Trader models. I love the idea of the 'Imperium Zoo', where there are a ton of different Imperial organizations thrown together because an Inquisitor requisitioned them. The high point in 'Codex Legal' terms was 3rd edition, where Daemonhunters with Inducted Imperial Guard and Grey Knights could ally with Witchhunters and Sisters of Battle, and some Deathwatch show up for good measure.

Whenever I choose allies, I try to do so in a way that fits some story. Sure Eldar and Tau make great allies, but that doesn't fit the story and theme of either my Tau army or my Eldar army.

Joe TwoCrows
08-12-2013, 02:46 PM
For the nonce, ignore 'competitiveness'. It's a game, we want to win, but the real question for my thematic use of allies is can I tell a story that gives a flavor to the mission, and possibly terrain? It's the same, but different, as magickbk's idea.

Take Orks. Useful for everybody, and a shade unpredictable to boot. For example: allied to DE, and Siliscus in particular. "Hey, buddy...wanna scrap? No, not me, not yet, anyway....I've got some (insert opponent here) you'll like better. I'll provide transport. You game?" Why Orks? Well, would you just ignore two shoota mobs and a weirdboy walking up the middle? Exactly. Siliscus knows this. The Orks, being cunning and brutal, or is it brutal and cunning(?), also know this, but it's a good scrap nonetheless.

I have just created a simple story, using Siliscus' corsair life and the Orks love of scrapping for its own sake as an intro, and with the right opponent adds a little life to the basic game. As the DE player, I'm not going to hesitate throwing the Orks to the Wolves, my opponent knows it, but probably shouldn't focus just on the DE, because 100+ shoota shots are still a huge distraction.

One other point, specific to DE. IMNSHO, the DE have no desperate allies; everyone, including craftworlders, is an ally of convenience. The converse is not necessarily true. So, building a DE story has as much to do with what's in it for each faction as the mission itself.

08-13-2013, 02:40 AM
There are a few obvious choices. One being to return my Chaos Daemons to their rightful position as allies to CSM. Except I don't because T3 Bloodletters blow goat. But I have an army in the back of my head, which shall be inquisitor (codex GK) all henchmen, with allied IG.

Boring you say?

Not when I am going to use it to best represent a Squat strong hold. A mix of converted Fantasy dwarves and retro squats. Troll slayers? Death Cultists. Exo Armour? GK terminators. Jokaero? Guild Engineers. Still running it to ground, it will cost a lot methinks - the price of squats is high.

08-13-2013, 03:14 AM
That's an interesting idea for running Squats. Funnily enough, I'd been planning to build some Squats recently (if I can settle on the best way to do it) - but I was thinking of just using Codex Orks or IG.

08-14-2013, 03:14 PM
Typically, I see allies fielded to fill holes in an existing army. IG doesn't have modern psykers or combat troops, so players grab Rune Priests with some Grey Hunters.

08-14-2013, 04:04 PM
I am yet to actually use any allies, but I do have a few marine armies, grey knights, armoured company guard, so I could do. Currently building an ork force and may ally in some necrons purely to make up numbers because my opponent likes playing larger games and I am stuck for money...
I quite like the idea of a sort of hammer and anvil force, say my Minotaurs space marines with fortifications and my deep striking raven gaurd, or a fast moving army with armoured company and raven guard for example. personally the notion of using allies to fill a tactical hole doesn't appeal at all, if I ever do use them it will be thematic (aside from the possible short term ork/necron alliance of course). I pick armies I like the play style of, and build them to a specific theme, so there is no point in me then adding allies to change that play style.