View Full Version : Model for an untouchable

08-12-2013, 09:59 AM
Hi all,

I'm putting together some random inquisitor henchmen for a campaign weekend I'm running and I'm including rules for untouchable as part of a retinue. I'm going to have them as human/guard stats and probably count as having a las or auto pistol and a 6+ save so little or no armour. I'm stuck on model suggestions though.
There was an old everqueen model for wood elves but can't find it on website anymore.
Wood and High Elf characters tend to be a bit dynamic for a simple henchman
Am still exploring either Empire or old Necromunda models

Anyone got suggestions for a model? GW or other company. Kinda needs to be a simple civilian with a pistol possible and could have 3-5 different models if possible.

Cheers all.

08-12-2013, 10:27 AM
Everqueen is in the High Elf range. High Elf archer plastics, old Mordheim Sigmarite Sisters, or modified new plastic Chaos Cultists could work.

08-12-2013, 12:16 PM
Reaver Chronomancer figurines, or, if you're not opposed to plastic, look at Heroclix. You'd have to re-base them, but we did for our Champions game here...