View Full Version : Had a job offer a few weeks back for work in the USA, but was too much a risk.

08-12-2013, 02:55 AM
I am a Telecommunications Rigger, and have been working intermittently as one over the last year, with some work as a steel erection and construction rigger/dogger when not working with Telco.

I got a SMS offering me work and a 2 year work visa for Telecommunications projects in the USA upgrading some of the 3g networks to 4G using LTE cables (optic fibre) to connect the BTS to the antenna.

Now at home I have half a 4 bedroom house worth of furniture and white goods crammed into a 2 bedroom apartment. Add to this about 1500 Classic Battletech Miniatures, nearly 2000 40K miniatures plus vehicles, terrain, gaming table, as well as stuff for Dystopian Wars, DZC, and then there are the board games, and LCGs. Did I mention that part of the Apartment is a little cluttered.

Well the job is not guaranteed, and after a 3 month trial period, they can send me off and I have to find my own way back. I also have to get myself there in the first place, and the job takes me everywhere across the USA. I will not be able to take much with me, and I will get bored as hell. I also have to consider storage of my current gaming miniatures, books etc, as well as my furniture. I can not afford to keep them in this apartment, as the landlady will probably just get someone new in.

Add to all this, I do not think I can handle the language/terms in the USA. My cousin lived there for a couple years, and she found it very confusing for the first few months. She sent her son out the butchers for mince, and he was given fruit mince. They learned that they needed to order Hamburger meat, not mince meat. I was born and raised in a beautiful COUNTRY - part of Australia, called Queensland. Yes Queenslanders consider themselves better than most Australians because the sun shine out of our buttocks, and we wear white shoes after Labour day. LOL

Seriously though, I am not sure I can get used to some of the systems in the USA. You use 120 volts, measurements are different Pounds (weight) 2.2 pounds to the Kilogram. They work in Miles instead of Kilometers, drive on the right side of the road, where I drive on the correct side of the road, the left side. Distance are in inches, and feet, not Centimeters and Meters. I still can to get my head around converting those easily yet. 2.54 cm = 1 inch, while 30 cm is about 1 foot. Many of the terms used might get me in trouble, and I will probably fall back on some of my Australian terms like calling what yanks refer to as Peanut Butter as Peanut Paste and so on.

I think it would have been an interesting experience, but I think it is not worth the risk, and then get stranded there. Yes I get scared about moving there. Mainly because of what will happen to the USA when the Zombie Invasion begins, followed up by the Triffod attacks. Australia is a much safer place, and cross fingers, we have never been invaded by a foreign power (except Great Britain who deposited many of its convicts here).

The only thing that looks good about the USA is being able to shoot some of the nice weapons like Barret .50 cal sniper rifles, automatic assault rifles, etc. I handled a lot of weapons when I was in the Army Reserves attached to Infantry units (as a Clerk/ Signals corp soldier) and when I was a Recruit Instructor. Then I went into the Regular Army as a Linie dog (Comms Rigger/ Lineperson), and got to use the Steyer, and Minimi only.

I know a few people I used to work with who came from Britain/ UK and one was in the regular army there. They have their own way of talking, that I get confused listening to.

It is weird, but I do not think that I want to live anywhere else in the world. Holidays would be good, but only to places like Canada, the USA in certain areas, UK, and parts of Western Europe. It is daunting - the idea of leaving Australia and living somewhere else. It is strange, because I climb 40 to 150 meter towers for a living, and hang off them. (1m = 3' 3").

Oh well that was a nice little blurb about noting in particular. Just airing my random thoughts about life, well my life, and possible lost opportunities.

08-12-2013, 03:16 AM
...(except Great Britain who deposited many of its convicts here)

You're welcome :D

It does sound like quite an opportunity but as always with any new offer you have to try and balance the risk/reward. I think that you would convert quite readily to the unit conversion.

My brother-in-law amongst other roles also test drivers for Jaguar Land Rover and most of that is done either in Spain (summer testing) or Sweeden (winter testing) and some other places as the need requires. This is a week here or there and then nothing for several months to even a year and he is able to switch between the correct side and the right side so that isn't too bad.

The thought of leaving a life behind and engaging in a brand new culture without family/friends is a terrifying one and one that I probably would not make, though I know a number of people who have done just that, moving to Germany, Dubai, ZA or OZ and they are thriving.

08-12-2013, 06:40 AM
I would think the scariest part of a potential move to another country would be the language barrier, and you do at least speak the same language.

As for terms/dialect, it is regional here. This country is so huge that moving from state to state results in the same thing. Not as extreme as terms between here to AUS/UK, but enough to get confusing. My wife grew up about 200 miles away and moved here, and they have different ways to refer to a few things than we do.

Also, for what it's worth, Australia seems like a terrifying place to us where all the wildlife has evolved to kill everything with poison, or at least that's the impression that I get from nature shows on TV.

Chris Copeland
08-12-2013, 07:12 AM
Here are my two cents: go for it! It sounds like the adventure of a lifetime. Some things to consider...

The language isn't THAT different. When I was in the US Marines many years ago we did some training with the British Royal Marines. We were all able to communicate swimmingly. Also, I've had Australian and Brit friends who've come to live here and they've all adapted quickly.
This is a nation of immigrants. You'll meet folks from all over the world.
There is more gaming going on around here than you can imagine. Most medium sized cities have game stores and game clubs. Invest in Warmachine (because it is so portable) and game from sea to shining sea. Alternatively, bring along a low model count, extremely powerful 40K army. I carry my Warmachine army in a small pistol case.
America is HUGE. You'll be amazed at how much variation you'll find as you move from state to state.
It sounds like it's time to get rid of some of the stuff in your house anyway.
You've served in the military so you're most likely an adaptable person... the whole adventure will be easier than you think.
Folks with Australian accents stick out pleasantly. You'll be able to strike up conversations everywhere and meet lots of new friends.

Anyhoo, that's all. Good luck! Cope

08-12-2013, 08:22 AM
I love the fact that someone who lives in a country where pretty much all the fauna is hostilely opposed to human life considers the USA to be unsafe. :D You know yourself how much of a gamble you are willing to take, but personally I'd say go for it. If it doesn't pan out after three months, it doesn't sound like you would be much worse off than you are now and you could just view it as a working holiday.

08-12-2013, 09:02 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about things like the measurement system or the dialect differences. As Chris said, we all love Australian dialects over here anyway (no, seriously, we do). And if Americans can learn to use the metric system (don't believe what you've heard; we absolutely can), you can certainly learn to use United States customary units.

That said, if the job doesn't sound worth it in terms of job security/payment vs. what you've got now ... then, you know, don't do it. I think there can be lots of good reasons not to take a job in a foreign country, but being afraid of the dialect barrier and the measurement system don't seem like good reasons.

08-12-2013, 09:04 AM
Is it true you guys struggle to tell the difference between Australian and British? I'm guessing that stereotype is for comedy purposes, but I was just wondering if there is any truth to it. I certainly couldn't tell you the difference between American and Canadian, so I was wondering if there was a ring of truth to it.

08-12-2013, 09:24 AM
Yes and no, I think. I think most Americans can tell the difference between some Australian accents and some British accents. Just like I'm pretty sure you could tell that somebody with a really strong southern American drawl wasn't from Quebec, not many Americans would think that Steve Irwin was from London, or that a really posh English accent was from Sydney. But I do think that the real-world range of Australian and British accents overlap to a considerable degree in most Americans' minds, yeah.

08-12-2013, 10:12 AM
Popular culture has a way of confusing the reality of accents. The vast majority of people in the US probably can't tell the difference, and think everyone in AUS/UK has either the stereotype 'royal' accent, or Cockney accent. The same as for the US, where everyone is depicted as either having the New York accent or a Southern accent. I am from Philly, which has a unique dialect and pronunciation, but even shows and movies filmed locally normally substitute another accent. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_dialect

This video is win for understanding how we speak: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3lZFiyd_-0&list=TL4XOZvrkKiR0

08-12-2013, 10:23 AM
I thought you all spoke like this (http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwrel&v=hBe0VCso0qs) in Philly.

Chris Copeland
08-12-2013, 10:50 AM
Here's how Brits sound to many of us: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/british-movie/n13054/ :)

Note: folks from Philly are pretty much completely undecipherable.

08-12-2013, 11:10 AM
'Only available to residents of the United States'. I notice the crappy car advert before didn't have territorial restrictions. :mad:

08-12-2013, 11:14 AM
Here's how Brits sound to many of us: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/british-movie/n13054/ :)

Note: folks from Philly are pretty much completely undecipherable.

"We're sorry, but the clip isn't available from your location. Please select another clip." :(

Trying to pick up accents can be tricky, my sister has been mistaken for being Australian in Blackburn, I have no idea why...

Chris Copeland
08-12-2013, 03:15 PM
Oh no! You've gotta see this bit. It's hilarious. Saturday Night Live makes fun of British crime films in it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/13/british-movie-snl-_n_822556.html There is a trailer for a movie called, "Don' You go Rounin' Roun' to Re Ro." It pays homage to movies like "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch" (movies which are almost completely incomprehensible to the American ear). I know you can watch it here: http://www.videobash.com/video_show/extremely-british-231441 but the text on the screen is backwards (which detracts from the joke). The original link I posted was to the NBC site where they show it. I guess they have it blocked over seas. They also had a website called http://donyougorouninrountorero.com/ at one point... I'm not sure if it's still active. You could always search "SNL British movie" in Google. It's a brilliant bit and it highlights how the English language has a wide range of dialects and accents. :)

08-12-2013, 03:54 PM
I'm not sure that that counts as a wide range, it's all east end, but then a lot of people forget that the rest of the country exists north of the watford gap...

08-12-2013, 03:58 PM

08-12-2013, 04:10 PM
The language isn't THAT different. When I was in the US Marines many years ago we did some training with the British Royal Marines. We were all able to communicate swimmingly. Also, I've had Australian and Brit friends who've come to live here and they've all adapted quickly.

Yep, OCS's PT is run by a Royal Marine Colour Sergeant, they're pretty awesome. You won't get many lingual mix ups that cause much more than a free laugh.

Chris Copeland
08-12-2013, 04:40 PM
Wolfshade, I'm curious. What ARE they trying to replicate in this Saturday Night Live bit? It seems like there are three or four different dialects going on... and all are hilarious! The first time I watched "Snatch" I felt the same way. I wanted to say, "What?!" :) Cope

I'm not sure that that counts as a wide range, it's all east end, but then a lot of people forget that the rest of the country exists north of the watford gap...

08-12-2013, 07:47 PM
Things to know when coming to America from Australia:

Chicks dig Ausie accents

That's it-that's all you really need to know. So when's your plane getting in?

(but a little more seriously-do you know what company you'd be working for and any idea what part of the country they could base you out of?)

08-12-2013, 08:31 PM
If I did go, it would be for the work. Maybe to check out Catalyst games and Iron Wind Metals. I am female myself, 46 Y.O and not into guys. My current girlfriend might get a bit jealous if I go as well, and where I live now is in a perfect location. Near to shops, and the railway station, but not too close. 400 meters from my FLGS, and my house mate is not pushing me to get rid off all my wargaming stuff.

It is just that work in my regular line of work Telco Rigging is getting harder to find, and is usually casual when you get it. I have to rely on unemployment, and other casual work like construction rigging, scaffolding and forklift/storeman work which pay a lot less

Australians also have different accents, but the difference is not so noticeable, unless you get someone from one state right next to another person from the other side of the country. I.E. South Australians sound a little like South Africans or Poms, while Queenslanders sound more like the classic Australian drowl/twang you hear people use when they imitate Aussies. By the way - Go the Mighty Moroons (that is the plum red colour worn by the Rugby League team in the State of Origin footy match).

I have also had an offer that is less daunting than moving to the USA, but just as financially difficult to accomplish. Their is a lot of work in Western Australia for Telco Riggers. Much of it is what is called Fly in/ Fly out. The problem is I have to pay to get to Perth from Sydney and Sydney to Perth each time I commute, and the company pays for my travel from Perth to the remote location such as a town supporting an open cut coal mine, etc. At the moment, I do not have the $$ to spend on such a venture, and I am trying to pay off my car loan with about AU$16,000 left to pay.

I suppose it comes down to security, and not wanting to move put of my comfort zone. I had wondered on whether I should try and get work as a Rigger working on the Giant windmills/ power fans that are spread around the countryside. They had a reality program on it recently, and it looks like fun.

08-12-2013, 10:06 PM
Philly is an awesome accent when you get used to it. I lived there for 15 years and even though I've been gone for 10, if I get angry I switch back to a Philly accent. Unconsciously. It's just so...expressive when you are psycho-crazy mad.

As for the job? You'd love the states. Its a lot of fun but honestly, I don't like the sound of the job security. If they want you bad enough to ship you off 5,000 miles they can freaking give you a better than 3-month guarantee and no ride home. Its a bad deal. If they sweeten it, don't worry about the lingo or any of that garbage. You'll have blast.

09-05-2013, 05:06 AM
My patience waiting for a more permanent job in Australia has paid off.

I got 2 job offers yesterday via email, one after a phone call (immediately following an interview), the other 3 weeks after the interview. I decided on taking the full-time job as opposed to the part-time/ casual position 12- 18 months, which paid $5.00 more an hour because of the job security and other benefits like time in lieu, holidays and sick leave, etc.

And not everything in Australia is trying to kill us off. South America is a lot worse, and there are heavier concentrations of jungle there. LOL

09-05-2013, 06:17 AM
Yay! Very glad to hear it, daemonette!

Mr Mystery
09-05-2013, 06:19 AM
Yay! You're no longer an unemployed embarassment to the species! :p

09-05-2013, 06:43 AM
Congratulations, isn't it always like that though when it comes to jobs? :D

09-05-2013, 09:21 AM
Yay! You're no longer an unemployed embarassment to the species! :p

Thank you Mr Mystery, your empathy is noted. :P

Seriously though I am relieved, Living on work form week to week casual work ranging from labourer to rigger to forklift work , and never knowing if you will get enough hours this week to keep up the car loan payments, etc is tiring and stressful.

I also got my Tax refund back this week, and decided to pay off the credit card - (tick) make sure I had enough put aside for my car loan for the next 8 months - (tick), spend no more than $600.00 on the wargaming hobby (still have $150.00 left till I go over budget), Buy myself a new Sala Exofit Tower Harness and Bowsons Podium seat for my ne job, as the Petzyl one is Euroipean standards not Australian standards and all the Telco companies have a policy now which means I can not use the Petzyl - (almost brand new used 3 times clean and has a podium seat. - they cost me AU$980.00 when Australia's $$ dollar was equal to US$1.23. I might have to put the Petzyl up on Ebay. LOL

At the same time I might also put a few of my excess Model kits that have been collecting dust on my cupboard because of unfinished projects. Mostly CSM Battle companies for the different Legions. I have 22 CSM GW rhinos, 2 Dreadclaws, a Spartan, about 5 or 6 FW MK IIB rhinos with the resin door kits and extra armour and spaced armour packs. A Horus Heresy box set, and an unopened Space Hulk game. There is also my Heirophant Bio-titan. I built it (mostly - needs green stuff near the tail) and undercoated it bone. Impulse buy even though I do not have a Tyranid Army.

I really do not want to sell them, I prefer to keep them, but I know I will never build them all, and they will just take up space. I might have to wait until they get rare like the old Rhino kits, then sell them.

09-05-2013, 09:29 AM
They're never going to get cheaper... sit on them as long as you can find the space.