View Full Version : Reseda Prime Escalation League starts!

Lost Vyper
08-11-2013, 12:09 PM
Reseda Prime Escalation League begins! We start at 250p and iŽll keep yaŽll posted how it goes. First, i go against either Blood Angels or Grey Knights this week, and i Žll try to film it for a short batrep. I canŽt film all of the matches (damn it, why canŽt i win the Lottery? :p ) due to working :mad:, but will film all Eldar matches...iŽll hope, weŽll get all the armies (Space Wolves, Imperial Guard, CSM/Tryranids/Orks/Necrons (yep, one dude has options...:rolleyes:) ) to participate....

HereŽs the Lost Vyper fleet army...


Autarch (Jetbike,Fusion Gun, Scorpion Chainsword)
Warlock (Jetbike)


2 x 3 Windrider Jetbikes
250p exact...

- Lost Vyper