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View Full Version : Complex 77s Living Dungeon Tile Set (Kickstarter)

08-10-2013, 01:32 PM
Hi Everyone

Last Sunday saw the Launch of C77s shiny new Kickstarter Living Dungeon Tile Set. This is a massive high resolution PDF set consisting of 30 clean and 30 dirty Tiles (60 unique). The set also includes two sets of Passage Ways, Doors and other counters.

The cool thing about this tile set, and where the "Living" part comes from, is that the set is updated every two months via a subscription that is included in the price. What you get in the subscription varies, that's because as a backer, you will get a say in what's included.

There are also quite a few Add Ons, a personalized four tile set, access to C77s Sci-Fi sets, and the secret Quest of Heroes Tile Set. Plus, there's more to follow. They've listened to their backers and as they reach their stretch goals they have stated that they will be unveiling their first set of 3d print and play dungeon furniture.

They are only a few pound away from hitting their first stretch goal and they are only five days in.

Head over to the Kickstarter and have a look.
If Dungeon Crawling is your thing, I don't think you'll be dissapointed. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/86994137/living-dungeon-tile-set-pdf