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View Full Version : WFB tournament list

11-18-2009, 03:13 PM
At my local GW there is a small fantasy tournament (500 pts) that I've entered into and heres my list:

skink chief
level 2
wings (can't remember the name)
Bound spell (level 5 I think) that casts the D6 str 4 hits wiv no armour saves from the lore of heavens.

Saurus Scar Veteran
great weapon
light armour
pendant that casts the flying spell from lore of beasts on himself.
item that means he has poison attacks

20 saurus with full command.

The idea is to get the skink priest to be maneouverable and cast spells wherever needed and the saurus scar vet to hang around with the main unit, until he is in range of some kind of weaker unit or chariots (since he is str 7).

What do you guys think?

11-18-2009, 04:31 PM
I think you will get flanked and lose.

Why not break it into two units of 10?

11-18-2009, 07:04 PM
I would never take a fully ranked saurus unit or 2 characters at 500 points.

Drop 10 saurus for 2x10 skirmish skinks and your in a lot better shape

11-19-2009, 03:38 PM
I find saurus warriors to be a wonderful core troop.....When they have support. Spears are wonderful for them, but if your enemy hits the sides, they are worthless. In a 500 point game I have had some luck with (not exactly sure on points but the gist of it) 5 cold one cavalry, saurus scar vet w/ light armor shield and a magic weapon of your choice. Back that up with skink skirmishers, you have a hard hitting unit that can break most anything in a 500 point game. Don't forget to skirmish screen!