View Full Version : Best Place to Live in the 40k Universe

08-08-2013, 06:17 AM
Simple question - if you were a citizen of the 40k universe, where is it you think would be the place most likely to give you the kind of life you'd like to lead? Choose whatever race you like, it's totally up to you.

Personally, it's an Eldar Craftworld. Generally, the biggest, longest-lived ones seem pretty safe: they're mobile, there's a Seer Council (ostensibly) manipulating fate to preserve you and your home, they come with a large fleet and ready access to some of the galaxy's finest warriors. So there's that. Craftworld life is quite regimented and self-denying, and it depends what you think about the Path system, but generally it seems that most citizens of a Craftworld live without scarcity or want. You're not going to starve or be poisoned by manufactorum fumes, or whipped or made into a servitor. Within the strictures offered by the Path, you're able to develop your interests and crafts, and a long life is a life of steady self-discovery and actualisation.

There's a psychic necromantic Internet and flying cars which drive themselves. If you like that sort of thing.

You're surrounded by incomparable beauty, too, which is a bonus.

Craftworld life is still infeasibly dangerous (this is still 40k!) but it's also a basically non-hierarchical post-scarcity society with a strong focus on artistic and social pursuits. You're not grubbing in the muck for some feckless aristo who's probably only fomenting his own Chaos cult or has become a festering hive of Genestealer eggs anyway. So for me, it's the Craftworlds.

If you're a human, Ultramar seems like it's a decent sort of place. Mind the Tyranids.

Over to you!

Mr Mystery
08-08-2013, 06:31 AM
Has to be the Tau Empire. It's not that far from our own society in terms of general outlook and comfort (western world!)

Serious freedom there compared to everywhere else! Craftworld? You have to deny your instinct and spirit to follow the Path (not saying this is necessarily a bad thing given the alternative, but you know, it's still a restriction). Commoragh etc? I wouldn't last 5 minutes. Imperium? Bit too atheist for all that dogma.

Though I suppose if it was a case of also changing species accordingly, being an Ork would rule. Few actual worries in life, other than getting into/seeing a good fight!

08-08-2013, 06:36 AM
My matriarchal Craftworld.:cool:

08-08-2013, 07:13 AM
My matriarchal Craftworld.:cool:

why oh why am I not surprised... :D

yeah Craftworld for me too...although I can imagine being a Rogue Trader as really cool as well (at least a mildly successful one... certainly won't get boring...)

08-08-2013, 07:50 AM
Kepler-22b from my Blog. Which you should all totally read :rolleyes:

Frankly I don't think I'd want to live on any of the planets in 40K. I'd probably just go for life on a Rogue Trader ship.

08-08-2013, 07:56 AM
why oh why am I not surprised... :D

yeah Craftworld for me too...although I can imagine being a Rogue Trader as really cool as well (at least a mildly successful one... certainly won't get boring...)
Cait-Badd 4 eva.:p

Agree with the above, Rogue Trader would be ok too.

08-08-2013, 08:25 AM
I would like to live in the spire of a hive... really rich and nothing to fear except the inquisition perhaps. If it gets too boring you can get almost anything money can buy, predate in the underhive or found a slaanesh cult if such things appeal you.

08-08-2013, 08:38 AM
I would say an Eldar craftworld. I cant see any real safe place in the Empire, even Macragg was almost wiped out. And even if you could find some noce sae Imperial world to live on, you have still have to live under Imperial rule. No way in hell I'd want to live in the Tau empire, sorry but I enjoy my freedom and a communist based society is not exactly my idea of utopia.

08-08-2013, 08:44 AM
Some administration world, producing reports that are never read in an un-ending monotomy with the only hope of escape in death...

08-08-2013, 08:59 AM
Some administration world, producing reports that are never read in an un-ending monotomy with the only hope of escape in death...

You'd probably just become a Servo-skull when you die.

I think I'd want to live in the Black Library.

08-08-2013, 09:01 AM
Frankly, a lot of Imperial worlds aren't hive words, so they'd actually be pretty reasonable to live on. The BL selection lets us see a number of imperial worlds, many of which seem like decent places to live. Besides, even the most heavily contested planets in 40k, like Cadia or Armageddon, get invaded no more than once a century or so. A strategically unimportant planet would probably do quite nicely, probably in Segmentum Pacificus. I'd go out to the bar with my work friends to watch the scrumball game over a pint, or go home to watch Arbitrator Foreboding or Lightening Squadron on the home pict-screen, go to the cathedral on holidays, and maybe have some kids, reasonably sure that our little corner of the galaxy won't be invaded this side of the millennium.

Or, you know, Rogue Trader. Because having your own spaceship is win.

08-08-2013, 09:02 AM
If it was where I would like to be given what I like doing rather than what I do do then it would be in the Imperial Palace, Terra because of the bells :)

08-08-2013, 09:34 AM
I think I'll go with governor of a paradise world.

08-08-2013, 09:36 AM
Awwww cmon guys, noone wants to live in the eye of terror?

Blood-spewing volcanoes, endless beaches filled with tortured souls, and when the sun goes down it becomes a living eye.

sounds like disney land for the grimdark.

08-08-2013, 10:05 AM
Id have to go Fenris because I dont particularly care for wolves.

08-08-2013, 10:49 AM
Exodite World would be nice. You can ride dinosaurs and date space elf chicks. :P

08-08-2013, 04:51 PM
Id have to go Fenris because I dont particularly care for wolves.

everyone knows "there are no wolves on Fenris"

08-09-2013, 03:35 AM
Assuming that I would be normal, average person, not the one of the ruling class with all the money, power and privileges such position brings:

Craftworld (or Exodite World) seems nice - if you're eldar, of course. I think that's really beautifull place to live, and yes, that would be my first choice (assuming that I was born as an eldar). On the other side, many choose Path of the Outcast, because they do not want to be restrained by strict ways of the Path and the part of their soul feels unfulfilled, yearning for all the wonders of the galaxy... If I would live there for a few hundred years or so and assuming that I've recieved proper Guardian combat training (especially with all the boosts to it that new 6 ed. Codex brings :p), it would be tempting to become Ranger, wander off and witness it all by my own eyes...:cool:

For an ordinary human in 40K Ultramar is acceptable but I think I would choose Tau Empire ("traitor of mankind!" ;) ). Standard of living is close to ours, you're not persecuted for your beliefs, there is no constant invigilation and you're not treated as another resource for your superiors.

And no, Tau aren't communists, they're more like utopian socialists - for utopian socialists class struggle or political revolutions aren't necessary to implement their ideas; people of all classes (and races, in case of 40K universe) might voluntarily adopt their plan for society if it were presented convincingly, etc. This is closer to Greater Good ideology than communism.

08-09-2013, 04:01 AM
If I was myself in 40k where will I live? Honestly I hate this type of question any way. If I wasn't a normal person than I actually have a choice, but staying as a normal person it's hard to say. I probably rather live with the Farsight clan than any one else.

Human factions: fat chance you will be a space marine. You will have a really high chance of being a gaurdsman, and we all know how bad a choice that will be.

Eldar: Unless you have a disorder which allow you to stay completly focus on the path I doubt any human can do so. You would be looked upon as a freak and an outcast. Not a great place unless you're ane elf.

Dark Eldar: bad choice

Orcs: you won't last long

Necrons: ever looked at the borg from Star Trek

Tau: controlled by ethereals, since you are human you will be like a 2nd or 3rd class citizen.

Chaos: depending on the luck of the draw here. Doubt that most humans would want to be mutated. Although you may be happy eventually, but initially a bad choice.

Tyranids: they would eat you

Yeah out of my no choices I would rather stay at the Farsight Enclave.

08-09-2013, 04:16 AM
I always found it funny how tau get the good guy label.

Sure, on the 40k scale they're the nice guys....but that's only because they'll talk before they unleash genocidal total war upon you. They still have a rigid caste system where you are sentenced to a life of warfare if you get unlucky in the genetic lotto, and you know they still commit genocide......

08-09-2013, 04:19 AM
I'd give my arm to be a space marine :D so I'd most likely be an Iron Hand. C'mon which of you hasn't held a power drill and wished it was a bolt gun ?

08-09-2013, 04:54 AM
Not only are Tau not "good guys" - they're optimistic, but that's different from being good - they're not communists either. That's the one that gets my goat.

08-09-2013, 05:05 AM
Not only are Tau not "good guys" - they're optimistic, but that's different from being good - they're not communists either. That's the one that gets my goat.

Uhm... compared to everyone else, yeah, they are the good guys, at least the Farsight Enclaves are.

08-09-2013, 05:14 AM
Not really, shades of grey. They aren't as bad as certain elements of the IoM or Chaos but they aren't 'good' either.

08-09-2013, 05:19 AM
Ummm. Compared to everyone else they are. At least they don't go around sarcrificing their people. Eldar and Tau are pretty much the only good guys. If you just skim the humanity fluff you can see them as good. Just ignore any freedoms here and there, and heaven forbid you are a psyker.

08-09-2013, 05:23 AM
Ummm. Compared to everyone else they are. At least they don't go around sarcrificing their people. Eldar and Tau are pretty much the only good guys. If you just skim the humanity fluff you can see them as good. Just ignore any freedoms here and there, and heaven forbid you are a psyker.

You can't see the IoM as good and you can't really see the Tau as good without ignoring quite a bit, like the fact worlds don't get a choice about joining the Empire, rebelling populations are sterilised and resettled (possibly killed too sometimes) and they have a brutally rigid caste system and control is maintained through pheremonal manipulation by the ethereals. That last one may not apply to the Farsight Enclaces but everything else does as far as I know. Tau aren't good, they are just a little less brutal than most otgers.

08-09-2013, 07:32 AM
Eldar and Tau are pretty much the only good guys.
No human from settlement visited by Biel-tan Swordwind would call eldar "good guys" ;)

But yes, comparing Eldar and Tau to other races of grim and dark 41st millenium... They're pretty nice (especially for their own species).
Also, we have to remember that rigid Paths of Craftworld Eldar or Tau caste system (which we, humans, may find so unnatural) are part of their way of life and such factors won't be so onerous for member of that races, born and rised in their own culture.

08-09-2013, 07:47 AM
For me atm I'd want to be a necron overlord, to still retain almost everything I was but not have to feel would be nice and the arcutecture would be so wonderful also I'm a tech man so being able to manipulate the very atoms that make something would be kinda fun while I seek for a way to bring my race back to mortality idk it just seems so poetic in the end looking for your lost soul in a galaxy of lost souls.

But also I wouldn't mind being one of the emperors chosen praterons would be cool, the best gear as powerful as any lord and as skillful to also before the heresy just so I could see man kind at it's height also I'd get to see the face of the emperor and maybe even his primarchs

08-09-2013, 10:49 AM
And no, Tau aren't communists, they're more like utopian socialists - for utopian socialists class struggle or political revolutions aren't necessary to implement their ideas; people of all classes (and races, in case of 40K universe) might voluntarily adopt their plan for society if it were presented convincingly, etc. This is closer to Greater Good ideology than communism.

No their Communists, Socialism is where the government only controls the essentials of life power, education, and the general infrastructure. Communism is total governmental control of everything, socialism is simply part of the Marxist path to Communism. With Communism, People are born into classes and will live their lives in those classes (look at the 4 casts of the Tau), with the idea that people are to be bread in such a way to better improve their ability to do their jobs (Karl Marx and Eugenics go hand in hand). Within a Communistic society you have the Ruling Elite (Air Caste), the Military structure (fire Caste), and then the commoners which are broken into two sub-sects with there being a few intelligent ones that make up the Upper lower class (water Caste) and the rest comprising of the average laborer (earth Caste) The idea that the greater commue is more important than individual right 'For the greater good'. One simply has to look at the old USSR to see how Communism works. Both the Empire of Humanity and the Tau empire are Communistic societies, the only difference being the Tau empire is comprised of beings that apparently didnt mind surrendering their freedoms (more of a Star trek feel to it's communism), where as the Empire of mankind is abit more rebellous in the complete surrender of their freedoms.

Dave Mcturk
08-09-2013, 11:14 AM
My matriarchal Craftworld.:cool:

her craftworld ?
