View Full Version : First Tournament list 1850 Orks

08-07-2013, 11:16 PM
first time posting and its also the first 40k tournament I am going to. I wanted to try my Orks out there so here is my list.


Big Mek
Kustom force field

Cybork body


3x9 Lootas

5 mega armor Nobz in a Battlewagon with red paint, 1 big shoota and deff rolla

2X20 Boyz shootas go in the other 2 battlewagons

19 boyz with Big Mek in last battlewagon

2x12 boyz with shootas in trukks with red paint

Heavy Support
3x Battlewagon with 1 big shoota, deff rolla and red paint

The Big mek goes with the 19 boyz

Tips and or critiques are appreciated :)

Dave Mcturk
08-09-2013, 11:06 AM
its very unsporting ... but put the lootaz in the battlewagonz...
forget your shootas in trukz... they are fireworks in 6th ed [they can be fun ... but run 6 if you bother]

i love my meganobz... but most players know how to avoid them... and their morale value is so low they get run off fairly easily.... stik ur warboss with them if you want them to hang around... it makes them troops ... but that confuses their purpose as tank destroyers...

lootas will pop all av12/13... u nd the mnobz for av14 !

save 320 odd points and ditch the meganobz and warboss !

if you really want ferocious orcz with big fists ... stick them on bikes

[ve ist quiker... ve ist tuffer... ve ist got 18" st 5 shotz that ist tvin linkd... ve can hv a mad doc... ve ist can hv ouz ovn bozz pole...]

you get the point...

08-09-2013, 11:38 AM
Thanks for the advice, the trukks are in reserve for some late game objective hunting, with the battlewagons full of the lootas, where dem boyz go? And dem Meganobz turn to bikers?

Dave Mcturk
08-10-2013, 01:47 AM
yes the orkz codex is transport light ... as in 6th truckz are very vulnerable...
late game objective hunting sounds reasonable !

you could always just put your lootaz out as two units ? or even only 1 in a battlewaggon if you like running the steamrollers...

my worry about roller waggons is the side armour is only 12 and easily reached by flanking enemy or blasts... and they are open topped... but have fun !
[obliquing your attack from a flank gives some protection]

my other worry is that 20 man boyz squads go down like a zimmer framed granny with a missing wheel... in 5th the '4' cover save kept them alive... mb... but in 6th a 30 man unit on foot is more survivable than a 20 man unit popped out of its box...

but the great thing with the orkz is that its fun to experiment and mess your opponent head with weird set ups !
