View Full Version : Eldar vs. Blood Angels, grudge continues, more horde action

Lost Vyper
08-07-2013, 07:52 AM

Another tuesday, another bloody match between Blood monkh...angels and The Almighty Lost Vyper Eldar -fleet...

Blood Angels had four :eek: drop pods filled with Tactical Marines and Sternguard veterans, couple of Devastator squads (it was 2000p) and an HQ, i believe it was Tycho, plus a psyker and some priests...no vehicles, so first blood was hard to hunt down...i had 2 x DA´s (Exarch,WS with goodies), Fire Prism, Dark Reapers (Exarch FS,NV) manning the Icarus on Aegis, Wraithknight "Voitto". 2 x 3 x Jetbikes, Farseer (with DA´s) and a Farseer on bike (Mantle) plus Autarch on bike (Fusion,Banshee,Firesabre) as Warlord and Warp Spiders, 5+ Exarch (Powerblades,TL spin.). First of all, BA player wanted to try out powers from the BA -codex, mistake number one...Second, he had a BAD day of rolling the dice...fe. He had 2 x Sternguard with total of 12 Combi-Meltas...in turn one, he dropped them both, one aiming at Voitto and one at the Fire Prism...he hit WITH TOTAL OF TWO!! Voitto was unwounded, but he got first blood from the Fire Prism...it was Emperors will and his bad rolling was almost met, with me FORGETTING another DA WS in the reserves FOR TWO ROUNDS :confused:...Voitto rampaged through his Sternguard+Warlord in three rounds (got challenged for a round) so it was 1-1 in points at that moment. My DR´s lost Exarch and two, but held their place and continued to slay at least 1-2 marines / turn, making them one of my best units in the game. I got rid of one Devastator-squad with WS´s,but they couldn´t jump to safety and combined one round of almost EVERY unit shooting them, they got cut down. My DA´s+Farseer on a WS flew from the left all the way to his DZ to contest his objective, loosing only couple of dudes in the mix and the WS still got shots of killing few of his another DS. My Warlord had the re-roll failed saving throws of one and in one turn he threw two two´s...it wasn´t funny...so i boosted him all the way to his DZ in the other side of the table, out the harms way, scoring the line breaker. With his another Sternguard killing my DA´s (which i remembered in turn 4...), Voitto went to help and survived the Force Sword from the Librarian...game ended on turn five, with me holding my objective and his was contested. Both had line breaker...


What worked with Eldar :

- Wraithknight, although,lucky on the first round, had his best game. Fortuned, he lost 2 wounds in the whole game!
- Dark Reapers...even with the Exarch gone, the two remaining guys did their part. He didn´t bother to shoot them, so they kept blasting!
- Nice to notice, that there´s no absolute need for War Walkers. I just like them dearly...
- Bladestorm...Marine killer...

What worked for Blood Angels

- First round pod assault is so brutal...
- Sternguard with their combo-weaponry...

Even when my dice rolling was superior to his, win is a win...:p

- Lost Vyper