View Full Version : Hey guys, weird question

08-07-2013, 04:45 AM
Hey guys, this probably isn't the right place for it, I did post an add in the sale area, but I figured I'd ask you guys here specificaly.

Would any of you have an lmtd ed Iyanden supplement you'd be willing to part with.

GW lost mine in the mail, and even though they still gave me a refund the OCD part of my head is getting irritated at the idea of having a hole in my collection. I kinda feel weird asking this, as I assume anyone who did buy the ltmd ed would want it for personal reasons, but if any of you either have second thoughts on the matter or have since changed your minds, I'd be more than willing to take it off your hands for a very good price.

08-07-2013, 06:00 AM
I'm sure you'll find a couple of buyers at least brought one to gouge others on the price for resales. Brass Scorpion on here is normally one of them.

08-07-2013, 06:04 AM
I'm sure you'll find a couple of buyers at least brought one to gouge others on the price for resales. Brass Scorpion on here is normally one of them.
I hope so. The really irritating thing is that one went on eBay fora good price the day before I found out mine had gone missing