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08-01-2009, 05:57 PM
Getting the feeling I'm pimping this project out to too many forums now. Bit too "Look at me! Look at me!" for my pretentiously adopted British reserve. Still, it's more appropriate here than at least one of the places I'm jamming it so here we go.

Imperial Guard has been the army I've always wanted to do since my earliest hobby babysteps. I started off an Epic gamer with 10,000 point of the blighters in teeny scale but the concept of their 40K equivalent was too daunting, both for my student wallet and for the necessary gulfs of time that would have to be crossed to get even a small army workable.

I was also a snobby perfectionist, prone to apply 8 levels of highlighting to everything which wouldn't have helped.

Well I can't say my wallet has grown fatter but this year I've certainly had plenty of the resource known as time. So I gathered up the few scraps I'd aquired over the years, grabbed a codex and set to.

3 months in and we have the following done. Got 750 points painted (though not all photographed yet) and am currently working on Penal Legion (well I should be working, instead I'm typing this drivel).

Tanks are on the still to come list, going to spend a ridiculous amount of money on airbrushing gear and widen my skills base/wreck some perfectly good tank models.

Anyway, pictures:


The first model I completed, Sergeant for my Veteran squad and the Regiment's champion Duelist. He's a Lukas Bastonne stand in (See how I chicken out of modelling carapace armour!)


And here's the rest of his squad, Not sure I should have gone with flamers as getting them close is a bit tricky without a Valkyrie (however this problem managed to resolve itself fortunately. (insert smilie here, as unnbelievably they count for image limit (insert angry smili...Oh stop it!) )


Close up on a member of that squad and an example of the corners I cut on my rank and file with this project. I did indulge myself with the demo charge though.


Then the drudgery that is painting basic infantry began...


08-01-2009, 05:58 PM

To be interrupted by a mate bullying me into entering a certain Command squad based competition. Well done Haggis.


I then trudged through these guys.


I'm quite pleased with the power sword trick here. Can't have all my Sergeant's with knackered left arms! Shame about the paintjob on the sword though. I have since made improvements.

Which is where my decent photos dry out. I'll take some more tomorrow afternoon, when I am assured by none more reliable than the British Met office, that it will be dry all day. So there'll be a platoon command squad, some penal legion (3 if I get busy with the brush) and An Officio Sabatorum agent as a Guardsmen Marbo stand-in.

Ta ta.

08-01-2009, 06:15 PM
Wow! Those look great! The detail on the demo charge is really good. What color did you use for their uniforms?

08-01-2009, 07:12 PM
Great look so far.

08-01-2009, 07:22 PM
I actually kind of like the sword... it's kind of looks like the designs on Japanese Katanas

08-01-2009, 08:06 PM
Looks great I should be painting as well but here I am on these boards looking at everyone elses progress , But I had to step away from the table for a minute to refocus my eyes lol . Agian nice stuff its coming along swell .

Le Scriv
08-02-2009, 07:31 AM
Beautiful models, well done! I especially like the auto-cannon heavy weapons team.

08-02-2009, 07:44 AM
Well that perfectionistic approach really does show, those are some stunning minis and conversions. Particulary like the scratchbuild officer of the fleet!

08-02-2009, 07:03 PM
The weather did indeed behave as promised today, so some more ohotos. I however did not do as promised, and finish those Penal Legion. Still got a decent photo of one of them, so that's something.


Pretty straightforward really, the Tank commander head has a very "Roger Ramjet" face though.


First "non-regimental" memeber of the army, in the form of an Officio Sabatorum operative. Wanted to make him look non-guard like but without making him look like an Assassin, not sure if I've succeeded.


First fruit of the labours in my most recent project, A filthy miscreant and soon to earn his redemption on the Emperor's holy fields of war.

Was going to put an army shot up here, but it's going to be too small if I use Photobucket. Will see if I can come up with a better image host on the morrow I think.

C&C very welcome, input on the PL very handy, as it's not too late to make any drastic changes. Also after any ideas as to how to do the Custodian.

08-02-2009, 07:34 PM
The Sly marbo stand in is Ace , he still looks guard with the vest and the las gun its hard not to but still looks rockin me like .everything else is top notch as well .

08-03-2009, 09:08 AM
Really clean painting, rather impressive, I'm looking forward to seeing more of those penal legionaires.

08-03-2009, 01:07 PM
Very nice so far, great colours and background. Keep 'em coming :D

08-03-2009, 01:22 PM
Nice converstions. Well painted. You'r doing well.

Post more pictures.

08-03-2009, 03:52 PM
That conversions looks great! I like specially your Fleet Oficer, a simple conversion but great ;)

08-03-2009, 04:03 PM
Great looking army so far. I like the Officio Sabatorum guy, has a scary deliverence kind of look to him.

08-08-2009, 06:51 PM
Time for some hideously photographed WIP shots.

The rest of my Penal legion squad all built up and ready to go. In the same mould as the first ones really. Custodian may have been a bit of a modelling cop out, but I did make him a nightstick. :)



08-08-2009, 07:50 PM
There looking good , also you have to give the custodian a pair of shades .

08-08-2009, 07:54 PM
Or a shaved head with shades ala the Big Boss Man from the old wwf days. :)
Respects, Emperorsaxe

Khestra the Unbeheld
08-08-2009, 07:54 PM
There looking good , also you have to give the custodian a pair of shades .

If he adds shades, he'd might as well add a toothpick sticking out of the guy's mouth, too. This is 40K, not Reno 911. :p

08-08-2009, 08:13 PM
wow deffinately one of the better cadian armies i have seen thus far

I will be following the progress of this thread without a doubt

08-09-2009, 05:45 PM
The batton is a great touch as are the pieces of plasticard to obscure their former armour insignia. You really are nothing more than the serie number on the side of your head when you're inducted into the penal legion ;)

08-09-2009, 06:46 PM
Well I prefer to think your nothing more than your cranial implant/explosive collar (probably the most expensive thing they give you) but you say Tomayto I say tomarto, let's blow the whole thing up. At least if it tries to run away anyway.

08-10-2009, 01:15 PM
Morat I love your work!

Can you tell us what colours/methods you used to get such a nice clean crisp finish?

08-12-2009, 03:03 PM
Somebody has been watching alot of Stalingrad as of late hasnt they? I mean Hauptmann Hursk, Leutenant von Witzwald...i couldnt see but did you put a fritz reiser in there? Lol

Very good work I am fond of your penal legion as i will be making some of them as well when I get some money and flagellant bits.

Clean crisp paint work as well.

08-13-2009, 01:13 PM
Mkvenner wins 18 internet recognition points for spotting one of my blatent rip off sources. :)

Thank's for the continued support gentlemen.

@Mork, the colour scheme I use, is almost entirely foundation based, with the addition of a few inks.

After the black undercoat, the fatigues are painted adeptus battle grey then given a watered down badab black wash (I really should get some acrylic paint thinner to use instead of water as it would make a much better job of this step).

Then I re-apply the adeptus battle grey to all the raised areas (around 60-80% of the surface), if it's a character or sgt, I then mix a little dheneb stone to the Adeptus and apply a highlight along the tops of the folds.

That done, I apply charandon granite to all the armour plates, this receives a neat badab ink wash before reapplying the charandon onto all but the recesses. Once again important types get special treatment with a line of charandon mixed with dheneb applied round the edges of plates. This is tidied up with more charandon to keep the lines even.

Skin is calthan brown, highlighted first with a 50/50 mix of calthan brown and tallarn flesh, then a 30/70 mix of the same and finally pure tallarn. Finally I work a little devlan mud into the deepest skin recesses.

When I paint the skin calthan., I also paint any stowage (canteens, ammo etc) the same colour and apply a devlan mud wash at the same time the skin gets it's treatment. I then re-hoghlight with calthan and once again the specialists see a final edge highlight mixed from calthan and the ubiquitous dheneb stone.

Black bits are highlighted first with black mixed with (you've guessed it) dheneb in a 80/20 mix then a final highlight at about 60/40.

White bits are simply astronomican grey with a highlight of pure white. I keep these white areas small so people can't see my laziness.

If there's any metal bits, these are done last. A mix of mithril and chaos black then an edge highlight with a bit more silver in the mix, aiming for a really dark look. Metallics are kept to a minimum here. Modern day weapons do not have shiny bits unless you're Ice Cube.
I think that pretty much wraps them up. The key watchwords are accuracy and thiness (of the paint), that goes for any painting really.

Hope that's of help.

08-13-2009, 01:31 PM
Thanks Morat that is of great help! Time to start putting some guard together!

08-14-2009, 06:56 PM
Mkvenner wins 18 internet recognition points for spotting one of my blatent rip off sources. :)


haha well thank you

I just love that movie and not to mention your work as well. We fellow guard players have to combine squa....stick together if you know what I mean.

But good work mate and keep it up.

09-05-2009, 02:24 PM
Bada -Bump-

Back from a relaxing break in France, where I took a ton of toy soldiers to work on, risking the wrath of Ryanair by packing paints in my luggage (in breach of their terms of service, I am a renegade me). I then preceded to do almost nothing with them. I did manage to stick a squad together (don't leave poly cement in a cupboard for two years it becomes barely usable paste and costs twice as much in France). I also got a commissar painted, I shall console myself by claiming it's as many points as some squads (it isn't but don't take away my illusions).

I've also got sidetracked doing an Epic Eldar army, I'm still planning to juggle both tasks as Epic models are really not that involved. I'm not doing a very good job of that so far however...

Anyways, pictures:



Hopefully he fits in with the rest of the army, The fatigues under the jacket should help with that I hope. Picture has highligted a few problems with his braid and the cable for his bionic eye. Will I fix that, or will I paint Vyper Jet bikes? I fear it will be the tiny toys...

Magos Explorator
09-05-2009, 03:42 PM
Great stuff; I look forward to seeing more of the Penal Legion. The bases work very well.

09-05-2009, 05:38 PM
These models are my inspiration to become a better painter....simply amazing.

May I ask how you constructed the banner?

09-06-2009, 02:17 PM
The banner was pretty straightforward but benefits from my capacious bits box. :)

The pole is a Dark Elf banner bearer cut off at the wrist strap that's on that part. Had to remove a bit of the dark elf vambrace that was protruding under the strap onto the hand. I then took the pent banner bearer arm from the command squad, cut off the guard banner, hand and fancy cuff. The dark elf hand and guard sleeve are a perfect fit then. Added some extra glue to stick the base of the pole to the base as well for extra security.

That done the crosspiece for the banner was also from the dark elf banner bearer. It has a blade on either end and is designed to take two of those pennants, one on either side of the pole. So I trimmed it right down so it was just long enough to take one pennant centred on the pole.

The eagle head caps that terminate both ends of the crosspiece are from the High Elf archer banner pole. I also used one of theses on the pommel of the fleet advisor's short sword. Only tricky bit here is getting them to sit straight.

The top of the pole is straight from the current "Soldiers of the Empire" kit.

Finally, the pennant itself is from the Dark Elf banner. It had a skull at the bottom of it, but a bit of knife and file work soon got rid of that.

So that's it, sounds complicated, but really isn't. Like most of my conversions I just made it up as I went along scrabbling through my bits box.

Hope that's some help to you Vorlon (and I thought you guys were only supposed to ask; "Who are you?). ;)

09-08-2009, 12:24 PM
Pure inspiration. Thats all I have to say.

09-08-2009, 02:05 PM
very nice army here, you certainly have a nice crisp painting style.

I love the lucas bastonne character, i may have to steal some inspiration, although i'm not sure a carapace shield would fit in with my army... i will have to think about it. yours works very well though.

thos epenal legionaires are definately food for thought too, coming along really well

06-30-2010, 02:37 PM
'sup Loungers,

I've finally roused myself from my creative slumber and finished the Penal Legion squad, a mere 9 months for 10 figures, pretty efficient I'm sure you'll agree. Next to come another boring old infantry squad I'm afraid, then a Penal Legion Sentinel, hopefully I'll manage both -well- before Christmas. ;)


For a small non-border ruining. For a picture that you can actually -see- click below.


I've since fixed the nastiness on the Custodian's hat band.

06-30-2010, 02:56 PM
Well executed, clean paint job. Love the conversions too....