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08-04-2013, 05:23 PM
Eldar blog
Firstly a little about me, I've been playing for 18 years and love 40k. I'm pretty competitive, do like to win and tend to win a lot. Lately I do seem to have been a lot less competitive maybe due to old age (30). The main problem I have is a lack of an attention span so change armies a lot.
Right then, this is my first blog on eldar and I will try to keep updating it as I find out more on how to use them. Eldar are my favourite army collected them far to many times to count.
So when the new rules came out I thought great I will get all the new models and make an army out them. This was a massive mistake, at the moment GW seem to like releasing new models with great rules but I don't think this counts for eldar. So here's what I got:

15 Wraithguard
1 Farseer
1 spirit seer
10 Dire avengers
2 fliers
1 Wraith lord
1 Wraith knight

basically I've ended up with a very slow eldar army, which is a very odd place to be. I have used this army only twice so far and in the first game I played nids. It had a lot of genestealers (60). I won just but I shouldn't of I'm still not really sure how I did, the avengers did all the work and my Farseer failed to cast fortune for 5 turns out of seven.
The second game was against tau and I helped my friend make his list. This army is scary loads of shooting. I said to someone before the game if I survive to turn 3 it's a moral victory. In 18 years of playing this was the biggest kicking I have ever had, I did survive to turn 3 just but he wiped me out on his turn 3.
Right this is the list of models I am planning on keeping in my army
That's it, the kicking seems to have lets say brought out my competitive side again.
Next time I'm gonna wright about a more competitive list I have in my head and thanks for reading.

08-06-2013, 02:34 PM
Thoughts on Wraithguard


Right so here's my thoughts on Wraithguard, this is a unit I had massive hopes for but in the end kind of failed for me.
Firstly high toughness of 6 is great but there seems to be a lot of units out there who can put a lot of high strength shots in to you. So becomes a worry if all you have is a 3+ save, so in the end you need the psychic powers on them but that's a bit to random really. You need things like fortune for the unit to survive but as I said before you might not get it. I think this unit massively misses warlocks to help them walk across the field.
There Weapons now, d-canon well they are much better than they were but still to short a range, specially in a game of lots of long distance shooting. D-scythe is a great weapon but puts the points up 10pts a model but is worth it. Great at killing everything apart from things that fly. But do not rely on the wall of flame rule most good players will have some weak unit to charge in to them to take the hits before the good units go in after.
All the Wraithguard units seem to need transports to do there job. Here's my biggest issue with them, the jobs they do there is units that do it better for cheaper. D-cannon units just take fire dragons, a lot less points for the same amount of models doing same job of popping high armour. As for d-scythes, lets be honest have you ever thought eldar lack in short range anti infantry or even long range anti infantry.
Cheers for reading

08-08-2013, 06:13 AM
Wraithguard draw fire and can take it in a way Dragons cannot.

Smashing bait or decoy unit.

In a game of tau and helldrakes that can kill both those units in no time. I personally would rather spend less points on a unit that does the same job killing wise. Also fire dragons can run and fire which is better than stranded in front of the enemy.

Mad Cat
08-08-2013, 08:33 AM
Compared to fire dragons, wraithguard pay another 11 points for a slightly better gun (don't need to get in 6" and can hurt multiwound creatures more) and +3 toughness. Of course they can also be a scoring unit which makes all the difference.

I think I will use 5 on foot as a good safe place for the farseer and spiritseer (with conceal) and 5 in a serpent.