View Full Version : Footslogging Nurgle CSM?

08-03-2013, 10:47 PM
So, having grown bored with my current Slaaneshi-bent armies, and getting ready to abandon an IG project halfway through, I find myself being drawn towards playing a Nurgle CSM army, if only for the excuse that all the time and effort I put into the models (what little I can spare) won't feel for naught as I have to sweep of several low T units before they barely hit the board.

At the same time, though, I've always detested the typical rhino-rush tactic, and in 6th edition I dislike cheap transports even more so because of their tendency to hand over First Blood without a fight. So I was wondering about the viability of a foot-slogging Nurgle army to take advantage of tough troops getting every boon from the rules?

My current ideas are hovering around fielding 15-man units of Plague marines with 2 plasma guns and a champion with a power fist, and simply marching them up-field to eventually engage the enemy in close combat and claim objectives, making full use of the Relentless provided by Slow and Purposeful. And while we're at it, I was thinking of using units of 3-5 spawn with MoN to screen for the marines and to act as either roadblocks or distractions. Naturally, a Chaos lord with some fixin's would be in one of the units somewhere.

Past that, I'm not too sure what would complement the force well. In keeping with the footslogging idea, I was considering Obliterators with MoN for heavy support, and maybe a unit of cultists in there (possibly with MoN themselves. I've done the mathhammer, and it seems that, while they are just a tiny bit less durable than plague zombies, they are significantly better in combat). There's also the issue of anti-air support, which will probably necessitate allies of some sort, as my fast attack slots will be tied up with spawn in lieu of heldrakes. I'd rather not do IG, since I'm growing a bit bored with them, but that does leave little other AA options.

Does the idea of an all on-foot Nurgle army seem workable? Am I being completely daft, or am I at least onto something?

08-04-2013, 12:18 AM
The Big Issue for any footslogging marine force is being able to be effective once they get there. With the amount of heavy AP3 or better firepower there is, you will be relying heavily on Feel No Pain... which isn't that reliable. The idea of Nurgle marked spawn is great, they work really well and can't be ignored, and they are VERY fast. Also consider a squad of Nurgle bikes, not terribly expensive and very tough.

Nurgle obliterators are great, since those pesky lascannons no longer insta-gib them, and they provide whatever tool you need for whatever job you need. People will ignore the cultists... because the fact of the matter is this: you shoot a few cultists and they probably run away.

Also, you have the rule wrong. Plague Marines are not Slow and Purposeful :) Thousand Sons are :D Although with your squad you can do the same thing, since rapid fire allows you to fire full range while moving (just can't assault afterwards). The Plague Marines ARE however initiative 3.

As far as allies go, Orcs and Necrons are good choices. You can fit alot of scoring bodies for cheap with orcs. A 20 man Boyz squad walking alongside the 15 Plague Marines? Gives your opponent something to thing about. Loota's for anti-air, and the Warboss is one of the best HQ's in the game.

Necron's.... well... Annihlation Barges, Tesla everywhere, Flyers, nuff said.

In summary, to make footslog anything work, you have to flood your opponent with targets, that way you limit the damage to your army as you trudge slowly forward.

08-05-2013, 06:48 AM
An idea I've been considering is to bring along Huron for his master of deception trait, and infiltrate d3 plague marine squads (or outflank, but I do use Rhino's normally).