View Full Version : Smurfs Does Ulthwe

08-03-2013, 01:49 PM
Hi gang!

Eldar were my first army, way back in the mists of 1998. Now that I'm a grown man and can actually paint and stuff, and energised by the kickin' new book, I started the Ulthwe army of my dreams. Unlike my Ultramarines, I'm working to a list, adding things methodically. I'll update this page when I've completed something new.

So far I've 19 Guardians, a converted Autarch on foot, a Wave Serpent, nine Dire Avengers that I'm not really happy with and a Vyper. Among the old stuff I rescued from my childhood collection are Karandras and five Warp Spiders, but those aren't painted yet (and as neither are in the list, that may be a while).

First up, have some witches. These minis are all 15 years old. Eldrad had been... "painted" by my younger self. First step was to strip thick layers of orange and electric blue paint from him. Ahem.


Eventually, when I'm a bit more confident with freehand, I'll do some runes on his scarf.

I'll post up more pictures of what I have soon!

08-03-2013, 05:22 PM
Lookin good.

Nice and crisp work. I hated doing runes on the the robes as well. You could try an .005 precision tip pen/marker.

Those can save you a lot of time and pain.

08-04-2013, 02:56 AM
That's a good shout, thanks Bigred! :)

08-07-2013, 09:57 AM
I, too, have some old Eldar from my youth with some crazy paint jobs. Rangers with Scorpion green cloaks? Stealthy.

I've been stockpiling seers in the hopes that an Ulthwe Supplement brings back the Seer Council. I'm really interested to see what you do with your Wave Serpent and Vyper, as I've been having trouble deciding how to break up the large sections of black armor on the vehicles.

08-07-2013, 10:32 AM
At the moment I've just done them all black with hard edging on the... edges. Looks alright. When I'm feeling a bit more confident I may try out some simple freehand designs on them - maybe mask off an area and give it a couple of bone-coloured chevrons.

I'm almost finished with my Wraithguard - when those are done, I'll put up more pics of them and the other things I've finished.

08-17-2013, 09:01 AM
New Wraithguard completed. Seriously impressed with the sheer scale of these things, and it's a very easy to assemble kit. Should really have taken a picture from a side view to show off all the gems, but there you go.


Next up, Howling Banshees! The army list has been heavily influenced by the Ulthwe background. The core is two big units of Guardian Defenders (15 strong) each with a Warlock to lead them. I'm not going to have too many Aspect Warriors, and those I have are going to be those who have the most sinister aesthetic - primarily, one big unit of Howling Banshees and maybe some Dark Reapers down the line. (I'm relaxing this a little for the Crimson Hunter - but that may actually turn into a Hemlock instead!)

Finally there's a substantial army of the dead contingent - the Wraithguard, two Wraithlords and a Wraithknight.

Will update with more pictures as I have 'em!