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View Full Version : 1850 Dark Angels List

08-01-2013, 09:20 AM
A buddy of mine was a DA player and wants to get back into them but he's buying the internet hype of them being uncompetitive and just a rehashed Space Marines list. I'm trying to build him a decent 1850 pt army that gives him the Terminator armor he loves with some uniquely Dark Angels power behind it. Sadly he loves Terminators but hates deep striking, loves Terminators but hates losing them . . . well, he likes playing a Draigoball and hoping it lands. He's pretty easy to play against.

I've put together the following list:

10x Deathwing, 3 TH/SS, 2 Cyclone MLs

5x Deathwing, TH/SS, Cyclone ML

5x Deathwing, TH/SS, Cyclone ML

Librarian, Mastery 2, Power Field
Command Squad with Bolters, one PF, Apothecary, Standard of Devastation

10x Tactical Marines, Lascannon

10x Tactical Marines, Lascannon

I see the power armor units acting as a salvoing gunline while the Terminators all deep-strike on Turn 1, with the big squad and Belial in the backfield and the smaller units threatening a Turn 2 charge. This seems like a good chance to get a first-turn First Blood while also having 3 units set up for Linebreaker. I recommend playing the Librarian as the Warlord since if the opponent really wants, Belial will die. Then again if the opponent really wants, the librarian will die, but that's shooting that isn't being thrown at the 11 terminators in your backfield.